There are 405 new cases of COVID-19.
There have been 5 additional deaths: 59 year old female, 79 year old male, 86 year old male, 76 year old male, and a 107 year old male. These are our community members, these are moms, dads, grandparents, friends, husbands, wives, neighbors. Our thoughts are with their loved ones and the medical staff that cared for them. Please help save lives by following the public health guidance. Please protect your loved ones and your neighbors.
4,355 new tests performed.
Current doubling time is 44.1 days. What is doubling? Simply put, it’s how many days it takes for the number of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations or deaths to double. The shorter the time frame, the steeper the curve and the faster the growth.
Current hospitalizations: 375 and current ICU: 70. 0.8% Adult ICU Bed Availability in Ventura County.
Tag: County of Ventura
Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Testing Information
Moorpark College, 7075 Campus Rd, 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Freedom Park, Camarillo, 515 Eubanks St., 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Oxnard College, 4000 S. Rose Ave, 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Santa Paula E. Main and N. Ojai 10-7 (no pre-registration at this location)
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 993 New Cases
There are 993 new cases of COVID-19
There are 11 additional deaths 86 year old female, 96 year old female, 81 year old male, 70 year old male, 84 year old male, 83 year old female, 64 year old male, 87 year old female, 100 year old male, 68 year old female, and a 57 year old male, all with comorbidities. We ask that you wear masks, social distance and not gather so that lives can be saved. Please help protect vulnerable community members. Our thoughts are with the loved ones of those who have passed during this time.
9,455 new tests performed
Current doubling time is 38.2 days.
Current hospitalizations: 363 and current ICU: 66.
Ventura County Adult ICU Bed Availability 0.1%
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Testing for Dec. 29
Moorpark College, 7075 Campus Rd, 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Freedom Park, Camarillo, 515 Eubanks St., 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Oxnard College, 4000 S. Rose Ave, 10-7 this location requires pre-registration at
Ventura County Fairgrounds, Enter on Shoreline Drive 9-6 (walk up location) (*A private company is also offering testing at the fairgrounds for a fee. It’s not the same entrance as the County’s walk up. The County’s tests are free.)
Santa Paula E. Main and N. Ojai 10-7
Westminster Free Clinic, 1800 S “C” Street Oxnard, 10-4
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 3,178 New Cases
There are 3,178 new cases of COVID-19 (Includes Fri, Sat, Sun)
11 additional deaths: 96 year old female, 82 year old female, 68 year old female, 54 year old female, 92 year old female, 82 year old female, 53 year old male, 89 year old male, 87 year old male, all with comorbidities, in addition to a 96 year old female, and a 81 year old female, with no co-morbidities. Our thoughts are with their loved ones during this time.
23,511 new tests performed
Current doubling time is 21.72 days.
Current hospitalizations: 372 and current ICU: 69.
Ventura Adult ICU Bed Availability 1.5%
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 751 New Cases
There are 751 new cases of COVID-19
There have been 8 additional deaths: 64 year old male, 65 year old male, 87 year old female, 89 year old female, 65 year old male, 84 year old female, 43 year old male all with comorbidities, and a 50 year old male with no comorbidities. Our thoughts are with their loved ones during this time.
8,148 new tests performed
Current doubling time is 28.9 days.
Current hospitalizations: 327 and current ICU: 67.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 737 New Cases
There are 737 new cases of COVID-19
There have been 6 additional deaths: 68 year old female, 96 year old female, 63 year old female, 86 year old male, 96 year old female and 95 year old female. Those that passed away had comorbidities. Our thoughts are with their loved ones during this time.
4,317 new tests performed
Current doubling time is 28.6 days.
Current hospitalizations: 326 and current ICU: 67.
Please help bring down the numbers during this critical time.
Bilingual report — County of Ventura Providing 91% of CARES Funding to Community
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe economic and health impacts in our community. Local revenues have dropped while, at the same time, there has been an increased need for health, social and business services. Over the past ten months of response the County of Ventura has been committed to providing local assistance directly to the community. $120 million has been provided in local assistance. This support will continue into the new year.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 2,049 New Cases
Ventura County we need your help. Our hospitals are filling up with COVID-19 patients. The cases continue to rise. During other emergencies like recent fires you could see the smoke. You could see the devastation. This emergency is like a fire but the people impacted are often not seen. Please help us respond to the emergency by following the public health guidance. We must bring down the numbers.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 731 New Cases
Ventura County,
There are 731 new cases of COVID-19.
There have been 3 additional deaths (93 year old male, 85 year old female and 68 year old female, all with comorbidities). Our thoughts are with the loved ones of those who have passed away.
Current doubling time is 37.5 days.
Current hospitalizations: 249 and current ICU: 55.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Testing Schedule Dec. 17
The following COVID-19 testing locations are open today:
Santa Paula Main/Ojai St 10-7
Moorpark College, 7075 Campus Dr 10-7
Oxnard College, 4000 Rose Ave 10-7
Ventura County Fairgrounds 9-6 Shoreline Dr
Constitution Park Camarillo 601 Carmen Dr 9-3:30 pm
Fillmore Middle School 543 A St 10-4 pm
Testing is free. No appointment. It is offered for Ventura County residents or those that work in our County. Testing is for those what are symptomatic or have been exposed.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Testing Schedule for Dec. 16
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 2,651 New Cases
Ventura County, Our community needs your help! COVID-19 numbers continue to rise in our County as hospitals fill with very sick people. Please help bring the numbers down. Your actions can help move us forward saving lives and businesses or your actions could hold us back costing more lives and the loss of more businesses. Simple steps of wearing a mask, social distancing, not gathering and washing hands frequently go a long way in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
There are 2,651 new cases (from Friday, Saturday and Sunday) (1,263 (47.6%) of which have a lab collection from 12/7 or earlier) 8,422 additional people tested and 1 additional death (59 year old female with comorbidities). Current doubling time is 27.0 days. Current hospitalizations are 204 and current ICU is 49.
Learn more about the State’s Stay Home Order by clicking here.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 10 — View the Vaccine update from Doctor Levin at this week’s Board Meeting at the link below
Good Afternoon, There are 254 new cases for today (29 (11.4%) of which have a lab collection from 12/3 or earlier) 1,891 additional people tested and 0. Current doubling time is 35.7. Current hospitalizations are 151 and current ICU is 42.
The State’s Stay Home Order is in effect. Learn more about the order by clicking here.
View this week’s update at the link below:
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 9
Good Evening, There are 170 new cases for today (35 (20.6%) of which have a lab collection from 12/2 or earlier) 1,638 additional people tested and 2 additional deaths (85 and 86 year old males with comorbidities). Current doubling time is 43.6. Current hospitalizations are 147 and current ICU is 42.
The State’s Stay Home Order is in effect. Learn more about the order by clicking here.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 8
Good Evening, There are 308 new cases for today (7 (2.3%) of which have a lab collection from 12/1 or earlier) 1,936 additional people tested and 6 additional deaths (5 males and 1 female between the ages of 51-93, all but one with comorbidities). Current doubling time is 47.9. Current hospitalizations are 142 and current ICU is 40.
The State’s Stay Home Order is in effect. Learn more about the order by clicking here.
Please continue to wear a mask, social distance, wash hands frequently and avoid gatherings to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
A press conference will take place on 12/9/20 at 1pm. It will be streamed at and Facebook @CountyofVentura.
A testing location update will be sent to update on any closures for tomorrow. Today, there were closures due to adverse weather.
Bilingual report — Matt LaVere Appointed Supervisor for the 1st District of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors
Governor Newsom on Dec. 7 appointed Matt LaVere as the Supervisor for the 1st District of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. LaVere was elected in March for the term to begin in January 2021. The 1st District Supervisor Steve Bennett was elected for State Assembly and sworn in as Assemblymember for the 37th Assembly District today. LaVere was appointed to begin service a month early with the departure of Steve Bennett to the Assembly.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update — The State’s Stay Home Order is in effect
The State’s Stay Home Order is in effect. Learn more about the order by clicking here.
Please continue to wear a mask, social distance, wash hands frequently and avoid gatherings to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
An update will be provided to the Board of Supervisors on 12/8/20. View the meeting beginning at 8:30 am by clicking here.
Counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Seek to Exit State’s Large Southern California Region Under the Stay Home Order to Create Smaller Central Coast Region
The County of Ventura, Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County will be seeking State approval to separate from the large Southern California Region under the State’s Stay Home Order to create a smaller tri-county Central Coast Region. The Counties will be submitting a unified request for the smaller regional approach if the tri-county ICU capacity exceeds 15% in the next three weeks. At that time the Counties will request to be assessed based on the tri-county ICU capacity and not the Southern California Regional ICU capacity.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update – Stay Home Order Issued
The State of California’s Stay Home Order will go into effect on Sunday, December 6 at midnight in Ventura County and in all Counties in Southern California, after the Southern California Region’s hospital ICU capacity dropped below 15%. The order closes many businesses and activities and urges people to stay at home whenever possible.
The California Department of Public Health reported on Friday evening that Southern California’s ICU capacity dropped to 13.1%, triggering the Stay Home Order.
State’s Stay Home Order Triggered in Southern California Region, Effective December 6, Midnight
The State of California’s Stay Home Order will go into effect on Sunday, December 6 at midnight in Ventura County and in all Counties in Southern California, after the Southern California Region’s hospital ICU capacity dropped below 15%. The order closes many businesses and activities and urges people to stay at home whenever possible.
The California Department of Public Health reported on Friday evening that Southern California’s ICU capacity dropped to 13.1%, triggering the Stay Home Order.
¿Que hace la Orden Regional de Permanecer en Casa?
La Orden Regional de Permanecer en Casa permanecerá en efecto por 3 semanas después de que sea activada y se les de instrucciones a los Californianos de permanecer en casa lo más que sea posible para limitar la mezcla de otros hogares que puede llevar a la propagación del COVID-19. Permite el acceso a (y viajar a) servicios críticos y permite las actividades al aire libre para preservar la salud física y mental de los californianos. Este cierre limitado ayudará a que se detenga el aumento y prevenga sobrecargar la capacidad regional de unidades de cuidados intensivos.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 3 — Regional Stay Home Order
Today the Governor announced a Regional Stay Home Order, it will go into effect within 48 hours in regions with less than 15% ICU availability. It prohibits private gatherings of any size, closes sector operations except for critical infrastructure and retail, and requires 100% masking and physical distancing in all others.
The order will remain in effect for at least 3 weeks and, after that period, will be lifted when a region’s projected ICU capacity meets or exceeds 15%. This will be assessed on a weekly basis after the initial 3-week period. Learn more about this order.
The State projects the Southern California Region, including Ventura County, to fall below 15% capacity as soon as tomorrow, and likely within a week.
When a region is placed under an order, these sectors will be closed:
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 2
Good Afternoon, There are 794 new cases today, 3,650 additional people have been tested and there have been 0 additional deaths. Current doubling time is 50.9 days. There are 102 people in the hospital and 33 in the ICU.
Due to an expected wind event tomorrow the Moorpark College Testing location will be closed. It will reopen Friday and have new hours: 7 days a week from 10-7 pm.
Please stay up to date on testing locations, hours and wait times at
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Dec. 1
Good Evening, There are 127 new cases today, 2,111 additional people have been tested and there have been 2 additional deaths (98 year old male and 85 year old female). Our thoughts are with the families of those who have passed away. Current doubling time is 48.4 days. There are 103 people in the hospital and 29 in the ICU.
County of Ventura’s First Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Announced
After a nationwide recruitment that garnered over 150 applicants, the County of Ventura has selected Phin Xaypangna (pronounced Pin) as the County of Ventura’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer.
“Phin is a dynamic and results-driven leader with more than twenty years of experience in diversity, equity and inclusion,” said County CEO Mike Powers. “Her extensive experience will serve our County well. We are deeply committed to ensuring that all employees and those we serve have a sense of safety, belonging, justice and equity and this position will help lead us forward in improving our efforts.”
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update — Wishing our community a safe Holiday! Please wear a mask, social distance and only gather with members of your household
Wishing our community a safe Holiday! Please wear a mask, social distance and only gather with members of your household. Your actions are saving lives and keeping businesses open.
Today, volunteers helped deliver special Holiday meals for the most vulnerable populations in Ventura County. More than 150 volunteers from across the community and from County agencies helped with this effort.
Nearly 1,000 deliveries and a total of 3,000 meals were provided. Along with the meals each recipient received a homemade holiday greeting card. The cards were received as part of the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging Holiday Greetings Campaign. Nearly 1,000 cards were received from children and adults alike from throughout the County.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 24
Good Evening , There are 140 new cases today, 1,971 additional people tested and 0 additional deaths. Current doubling time is 68.2 days. There are 82 people in the hospital and 17 in the ICU. Thank you Ventura County for following the public health guidance of wearing a mask, social distancing and not gathering. You also answered the call to action with increased testing. More than 40k people have been tested over the last two weeks! Increased testing has allowed for a rate adjustment from the state and has also helped to slow the spread of COVID-19. Once someone tests positive they isolate which prevents further spread. We appreciate your efforts in helping to save lives and keep businesses open.
View today’s special press conference message:
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 23
Good Evening , There are 610 new cases today (includes information from Friday, Saturday and Sunday), 6,715 additional people tested and 1 additional death of a 66 year old man with comorbidities. Current doubling time is 62 days. There are 75 people in the hospital and 18 in the ICU.
Tune in at 10 am (Tuesday, Nov. 24) for the weekly press conference update. View the press conference at
State issues Limited Stay At Home Order
The State has issued a limited Stay at Home Order generally requiring that non-essential work, movement and gatherings stop between 10 pm and 5 am in counties in the Purple Tier per the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The order will take effect at 10 p.m. Saturday, November 21 and remain in effect until 5 a.m., December 21, although it may be extended or revised as needed by the State.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 20
Bilingual report — Beware COVID-19 spreads at gatherings
This is a special update from the County of Ventura. We will send you today’s stats when they become available. This message is an urgent message to let you know that COVID-19 spreads at gatherings. Please do not host large gatherings for the Thanksgiving holiday. Keep it virtual or keep it small with three households or less. Keep it outside, socially distanced with a mask on. These simple steps can help to keep the numbers down, save lives and keep businesses open.
Today, you can get tested at the following locations:
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 19 — State of California has issued a limited Stay At Home Order effective 11/21 to 12/21
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 18 — Celebrate safer
Don’t forget the most important ingredients this Thanksgiving. While it’s safest not to gather, if you do, keep safety and good times in mind. Keep it short, outdoors, and small, with no more than two other households. Wear masks, stay at least six feet apart, and wash your hands. Help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 17 — View Testing Locations Here
Ventura County Moved Back to Purple Tier on Nov. 17
(On Nov. 16), the State of California announced new COVID-19 Tier assignments for counties. Due to increasing case rates, Ventura County and 40 other counties in the State will move back to the more restrictive Tier 1 Purple. Businesses that are impacted by this are asked to make their operational modifications by midnight November 17, 2020.
County of Ventura announces new Mobile Testing Trailer
The County of Ventura’s new Mobile COVID-19 Testing Trailer can be requested at the following link:
Mobile Testing Team Onsite Testing Requirements
Business or organization must have at least 100 people that would like to get tested for the COVID-19 virus.
Outdoor location must include 100′ x 50′ open space suitable for parking a truck and 28′ trailer for our testing team.
Host location must provide access to restroom facilities within 200′ walking distance of the testing location.
Set up begins one hour before opening for testing.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 16
Good Evening, There are 433 new cases (35 (8.1%) of which have a lab collection from November 9 or earlier), 5,429 additional people tested, and 1 additional death of a 90 year old female with comorbidities. There are currently 49 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 11 of those patients are receiving care in the ICU.
Our current data published as of November 16th is 13.3 (purple tier) for the case rate, 4.5%% (orange tier) for the positivity rate and 6% for the health equity positivity (red tier) for the measurement period ending.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 13
Good Evening, There are 265 new cases (20 (7.5%) of which have a lab collection from November 6th or earlier), 1,665 additional people tested, and 1 additional death of a 36 year old female with comorbidities. There are currently 36 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 10 of those patients are receiving care in the ICU.
Our current data published as of November 10th is 7.2 (purple tier) for the case rate and 3.0% (orange tier) for the positivity rate and 4.8% for the health equity positivity (orange tier) for the measurement period ending October 31st.
We are all working diligently to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community by wearing masks, social distancing, and taking other necessary precautions. Thank you for your hard work! Another way to help is with COVID testing. It is easy, free, and nearby at a variety of convenient sites in the County. Because case rates have recently increased in Ventura County and other nearby counties, and the holidays are approaching, we are encouraging all Ventura County residents to get tested frequently starting now and throughout the holiday season. As you know, testing and tracing are key tools in stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Bilingual report — Board of Supervisors approves $3.65 million for Farmworker Household Assistance Program
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 12
Good Evening, There are 305 new cases (16 (5.2%) of which have a lab collection from November 5th or earlier), 3,718 additional people tested, and 0 additional deaths. There are currently 36 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 5 of those patients are receiving care in the ICU.
Our current data published as of November 10th is 7.2 (purple tier) for the case rate and 3.0% (orange tier) for the positivity rate and 4.8% for the health equity positivity (orange tier) for the measurement period ending October 31st.
Bilingual report — Racism Declared a Public Health Crisis by County of Ventura Board of Supervisors
The County of Ventura Board of Supervisors has approved a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis. “The resolution is a pledge from the Board and the County to promote equity, inclusion, and diversity in housing, employment, economic development, health care, and public safety,” said Mike Powers, County Executive Officer. “The resolution also pledges that the County will work to become a more racial equity and justice-oriented organization in service to the community. It is our goal for this to become part of our culture to best serve our community.”
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 10
Good evening, There are 72 new cases today (17 (23.6%) of which have a lab collection from November 3rd or earlier), 1,577 additional people tested, and 0 additional deaths. Currently, there are 35 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 5 of those patients are receiving care in the ICU.
Our current data published as of November 10th is 7.2 (purple tier) for the case rate, 3.0% (orange tier) for the positivity rate and 4.8% (orange tier) for the health equity positivity rate for the measurement period ending October 31st.
Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update for Nov. 9 — COMMUNITY ALERT: COVID-19 cases are increasing
COMMUNITY ALERT: COVID-19 cases are increasing. If the cases continue to increase we will be moved to the more restrictive purple tier by the State. We need your help. We need to increase testing numbers. The State gives credit for more testing and testing also helps slow the spread. We also need your help in slowing the spread by not gathering. Gatherings increase the virus’ spread. Let’s work together so we can all move forward and protect the most vulnerable in our community.
COVID-19 Cases Increasing in County of Ventura
The County of Ventura Public Health Department is reporting concerning increases in COVID-19 cases. The community is urged to use caution. The best protection against COVID-19 continues to be to wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, self-isolate if you are sick, practice physical distancing, and wear a clean face covering when in contact with others from outside your household.
12 Acts of Kindness
In memory of those taken on November 7, 2018, and in honor of those that survived, this campaign is designed to encourage the community to perform 12 Acts of Kindness. An act of kindness can be simple and performed on behalf of those closest to you, a stranger, an organization, or for some, an act of kindness for themselves.
The campaign is mix of printable items and social media imagery for use across all platforms. The concept is to encourage everyone to participate in the way that is best for them. Participating in 12 Acts of Kindness does not require anyone to spend money, which is a critical aspect. Raising awareness around how many simple Acts of Kindness are possible and helping the healing process for the community is the goal of this campaign.