Latino Links: Political trends

While Time Magazine’s latest cover story has received positive reviews for its assertion that Latinos will “Pick the next President,” not everyone is agreeing with the writer who said during a recent news program that Latino vote for the upcoming…

EDC-VC honored for job creation

Center has quickly impacted area’s economic vitality CAMARILLO — The Economic Development Collaborative-Ventura County’s Small Business Development Center was instrumental in creating and retaining nearly 600 jobs in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties last year through its one-on-one business advising…

Latino Links: Health trends

Latinos are among the U.S. ethnic groups hardest hit by air pollution, according to a recent report from the National Latino Coalition on Climate Change (NLCCC), Center for American Progress, National Resources Defense Council and National Wildlife Federation. The report…

Commentary: Lifetime friends

By David Magallanes / Guest contributor Most of us have friends. Some friends rank higher than others in terms of “specialness.” Some friends are transitory; we’re friends because we happen to work in the same office or attend the same…

EDC-VC releases latest ‘Economic 411 Report’

By Bruce Stenslie / Economic Development Collaborative-Ventura County California’s Labor Market Information Division released its December 2011 report … continuing for a fifth month in row improvements across our key indicators. For the details see$pds.pdf There are two key…

Commentary: Who are you?

By Boyd Lemon / Guest contributor Since the new age of introspection starting in the 1960s we are often told, “Know who you are.” Or, as Descartes put it centuries ago, “Know thyself.” Have you ever wondered what that really…

Commentary: Help for Loneliness

By Boyd Lemon / Guest contributor Loneliness is a common complaint of single people, especially those of us who are “older” or more or less retired.  I’m 71 and single. In reality we are all alone inside our heads. Nobody…