Jan. 19 through 21 — ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara! to present Grandeza Mexicana: A Festive Mosaic of Mexico’s Dance Traditions in free concerts

Summary: Los Angeles- based folkloric ballet highlight culture and tradition of Mexican regions including Michoacan, Guerrero, Sinaloa and Jalisco Three opportunities to see them for FREE: Friday, January 19, 7 pm, Isla Vista School, 6875 El Colegio Road, Isla Vista Saturday,…

Through Jan. 28 — De Colores Art Show — Santa Paula Art Museum’s Impressive Latino Art Collection

SANTA PAULA —The Santa Paula Art Museum’s exhibit, De Colores Art Show: Portraits of the Past, continues through Jan. 28, 2018. The interactive exhibit unveils portraits by groundbreaking Latino and Latino American artists, including Carlos Almaraz, Judy Baca, Sergio Hernández, Gilbert “Magú”…

Bilingual report: ACLU of Southern California Santa Barbara Chapter Presents A Fall Community Forum: ‘Immigrant Rights and Citizenship in the Trump Era’ on Nov. 8

SANTA BARBARA — Join the ACLU of Santa Barbara for an evening of community discussion on the significance of the Trump administration’s policy changes to immigration and citizenship.  Our lineup of speakers includes: Mohammad Tajsar, staff Attorney for the Southern California…

Edible worms, Alka-Seltzer rockets and crime scene investigations, all part of CSUCI Science Carnival in Oxnard on Nov. 4

CAMARILLO – Crowd pleasers like the flaming Gummi Bears, the banana piano and the self-carving pumpkin will return for the 2017 CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Science Carnival along with dozens of brand new exhibits including a laser harp and a 3-D scanner that will allow…

Dec. 7 — An Irish Christmas

SANTA BARBARA — Kerry Irish Productions Inc Presents an “An Irish Christmas,” 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7 at the Granada Theatre, 1214 State St., downtown Santa Barbara. As seen on PBS! Take a journey through Ireland at Christmastime with superb…

Dec. 16-17 — Winter Brings Snow and “Arctic Lights” to America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College

America’s Teaching Zoo turns into a Winter Wonderland full of real snow – for you and the animals. Plus hot chocolate, crafts, games, and lights galore! MOORPARK — America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College will host their annual “Arctic Lights” event on December 16th and…