Firefighters to conduct live fire training on Thursday, June 4 at the Water Recycling Plant in Fillmore

The Ventura County Fire Department, in cooperation with Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) and the California Department of Forestry (CAL FIRE) is proceeding with a live fire training burn in Fillmore on Thursday, June 04, 2020, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Fillmore residents may notice smoke and helicopter traffic in the area. 

Conejo Democratic Club Meeting on Monday, June 8

Monday, June 8, 2020
6:30 pm – Arrival & Mingling
7:00pm – Meeting Starts
Register Here 

Guest Speakers include…
Tim Allison
CSUCI Political Science Adjunct Professor 
Educating Activists:  The 5 things everyone should know to understand CA politics
Speaker(s) – TBD
Social Justice Update & Actions 
around George Floyd

Meadowlark Service League Annual Giving to award grants

Meadowlark Service League Annual Giving will award grants to 24 local Ventura County charities and 25 college scholarships this June.  The annual celebration luncheon was cancelled due to Covid-19, but the grants will still be awarded to the recipient charities and students.  Meadowlarks raised $180,000 to support our community this year.  This small group of less than 20 active members, plus it’s generous supporting members, planned and executed 3 major fundraisers for the 2019/2020 Giving.  A full list of the grant recipients is provided below. 

June Newsletter & Special Thanks! ~ Friendship Center

Here at Friendship Center, we foster and encourage strong partnerships with our family caregivers to assist our members in getting connected online, so that they can continue participating with their friends in virtual social settings – we call this our virtual community. We are ready to help make this possible, so please contact us and let’s embrace something new together!

Increased Financial Help Arrives for Thousands of Vulnerable Individuals and Families in Santa Barbara County through COVID-19 Joint Response Effort

United Way of Santa Barbara County announced on June 1 that thanks to their generous supporters, the COVID-19 Joint Response Effort for Santa Barbara County, has secured more than $1.2 million to provide ongoing support for individuals and families in need through Individual Assistance Grants. To date, more than 800 households (representing 2,600 individuals) have received much-needed relief funds. Hundreds more households will receive support in the coming weeks. Paying rent and covering basic needs remain the top concerns for the thousands of residents who have lost employment. In addition, 94 local nonprofit organizations have received grants totaling more than $1.3 million to also help them meet immediate and near-term community needs.

Guest contribution: Love in the Time of COVID-19 Calls for “Minimony” Weddings by Santa Barbara’s Weddings by the Sea

Planning a wedding is a big deal, no matter the size of the event, the location or budget. After all, it’s one of the most important days in the lives of couples everywhere. A great deal of time, care and thought goes into creating a memorable event months ahead of tying the knot. Right now, millions of couples are reeling from the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on their “Big Day.” Imagine the frustration of realizing that your celebration is frozen in suspended animation due to travel and social distancing restrictions, hotel, event venue and honeymoon destination closures, lost deposits, and worst of all, not knowing if the date you set will actually be the official day you’ll share your marriage ceremony with loved ones. Catherine Forester, an officiant and owner of Weddings by the Sea in Santa Barbara, understands the emotional turmoil couples are suffering. She has developed a practical solution to stop coronavirus from defeating happiness.

EDC Business Alert- SBA Loan Denials, How to Inquire about SBA Loan Status and More!

EDC has been proud to walk alongside nearly 5,000 businesses in Ventura and Santa Barbara County who have been navigating every possible resource to move forward and thrive. Your courage and perseverance has been inspiring and we know that many of you have faced tremendous obstacles.

In response to questions around SBA loan denials, unknown loan status, unemployment benefit concerns and much more, we offer the following guidance.

Ventura County Public Health Issues Visitation Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities

The Ventura County Public Health Officer has issued visitation guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF). For more than two months residents of the facilities have not been able to have visits from friends and family members to protect these seniors from COVID-19 infection. These residents have missed special visits with their loved ones and the following guidance will allow for facilities to maintain and enhance the quality of life for these residents.

State Sen. Jackson Teleconference Town Hall with EDD this Wednesday, June 3

Join State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara), Assemblymember Monique Limón, and Congressman Salud Carbajal as well as a representative from California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) for a teleconference town hall this Wednesday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m.

Please note that the EDD presenter will not have access to benefit claim information and cannot respond to specific claim inquiries.

Ventura County Public Works Agency and Southern California Edison Enhance Safety by Upgrading Streetlights

In an effort to make unincorporated streets safer, Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) and Southern California Edison (SCE) are working together to begin work on May 26 to replace existing high pressure sodium vapor fixtures with energy efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. 

GUSD: Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School Drive-Thru Promotion on June 2

Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School eighth graders will join a drive-thru parade when they are promoted to high school on June 2.

The social-distancing celebration is scheduled from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the school parking lot with teachers and staff cheering them on. Student arrival times will be by last name. One vehicle per graduate with persons from the same household. Vehicles can be decorated as much as safely possible.

Bilingual report — STAY WELL VC Order – Safely Reopening Ventura County Effective May 29

This Order issued by the Ventura County Health Officer shall become effective at 11:59 p.m. on May 29, 2020. At that time, all current Orders of the Ventura County Health Officer shall expire and no longer be of any force or effect, except any and all prior violations of the previous orders remain prosecutable, criminally or civilly. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 120295 et seq., violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.

Make Your Mark: Check in and Protect Older Adults

For the past 57 years, our nation has designated May as Older Americans Month to celebrate the countless contributions that older adults make in their communities. This year’s theme is Make Your Mark, and California is celebrating by highlighting how older adults are making their mark during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep our communities safe and healthy.

Ventura College Foundation Weekend Marketplace Reopens May 30 and 31

The Ventura College Foundation’s Weekend Marketplace will reopen May 30 and 31 and will continue to be open every weekend. The Marketplace has been closed since March 14 when social distancing restrictions took effect because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Marketplace will initially have 39 vendor booths and will safely limit customer attendance. Prior to the shutdown, the Marketplace drew about 2,000 shoppers each weekend with 300 to 400 vendors.

Bilingual report — Local charities step up and provide a network of support for older transitional foster youth in need and in crisis now

 As the county adjusts to the new normal, it is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of one of our most vulnerable populations – older youth in care. Homes with Heart VC believes it is essential to provide a network of support for older youth transitioning out of foster care.

Recently, an even more crucial emphasis has been placed on older youth without support such as those currently transitioning to self-sufficiency.  According to a recent article from the Chronicle of Social Change, Governor Newsom stated that approximately 200 young adults age out of foster care at age 21 every month in the state of California. The agency’s Independent Living Program (ILP) provides support to foster youth between the ages of 16 to 21 with the goal of helping them on their transition to a successful future, but due to the current circumstances, older youth, often without families, need additional community support now more than ever before.

Mercado de la Fundación del Colegio de Ventura reabre sus puertas el 30 y 31 de mayo

El mercado de la Fundación del Colegio de Ventura volverá a abrir el dia 30 y 31 de mayo y seguirá abierto todos los fines de semana. El mercado ha estado cerrado desde el 14 de marzo cuando las restricciones de distanciamiento social entraron en vigencia debido a la pandemia de COVID-19.

El Mercado inicialmente tendrá 39 puestos de proveedores y limitará de forma segura la asistencia de los clientes. Antes del cierre, el Mercado atraía a 2,000 compradores cada fin de semana con 300 a 400 vendedores.

Museum of Ventura County — NEW FEATURES! MVC Insider + Stories From COVID-19

The Museum is very pleased to be able to share with you one of our newest programs – MVC Insider (see below). This series of weekly videos will offer viewers a unique, in-depth glimpse behind the scenes at the Museum.

This week, The Smith-Hobson Family Collections Manager Renee Tallent takes us into the Object Collections Department to learn about mining in Ventura County. Renee comes to MVC from the Galveston Historical Foundation in Galveston, Texas where she served as Collections Manager, managing the art and artifacts for over five historic sites and museums.

‘Cultivating Resilience In Loss and Grief’ Part of Hospice of Santa Barbara’s ‘Coping with COVID-19’ Information Series

In response to the growing need for emotional and practical support related to COVID-19 in the Greater Santa Barbara area, HSB now offers a comprehensive resource page called “Coping With COVID-19.” It includes videos and articles by our Community Education staff of dedicated experts, therapists and clergy. Topics include relevant issues we are all facing during the global pandemic. The Coping with COVID-19 Series is comprised of fresh original content. It addresses the many emotional and practical day-to-day challenges coronavirus is having on all of us including schedules, finances, the lives of our children and family, our plans our control over situations.

SMHS Business Economics students know more than a thing or two when it comes to the Stock Market

SMHS Business Economics students know more than a thing or two when it comes to the Stock Market.

Three Saint Teams placed in the top one percent out of 931 teams in the Los Angeles Region’s 10-week simulation entitled the “Stock Market Game”. The teams of two each received a “virtual” $100,000 to invest in the stock market. Teams strategized and researched companies before they selected their investments and real time trades were made.

A quest speaker from the Bill Gates Foundation Zoomed into the hearts and minds of about two-dozen Righetti High School History buffs this month

A quest speaker from the Bill Gates Foundation Zoomed into the hearts and minds of about two-dozen Righetti High School History buffs this month.

Students from Mr. Curt Greeley’s Modern World History class participated in the foundation’s “Big History Project”. Afterward, the guest speaker, Bob Regan, donated a $50 gift certificate from Giovanni’s Pizza to each student.

Several members of the Pioneer Valley High School GSA Club recently shared messages about identity, family, peer pressure, healthy relationships and other issues on a weekly CAPSLO podcast called Teen Monologues

Several members of the Pioneer Valley High School GSA Club recently shared messages about identity, family, peer pressure, healthy relationships and other issues on a weekly CAPSLO podcast called Teen Monologues.

Teen performers write the show. New trailers will be released each Friday. It is available at

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — State Action on Salons, Religious Services, and Graduations – With Restrictions

Yesterday, in response to Governor Newsom’s announcement, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department issued a revised Health Officer Order which provides updated guidance for places of worship and providers of religious services and cultural ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, hair salons, and barbershops.The Order states that:

New Car Graduation Protocol Issued by Ventura County Public Health

Ventura County Public Health (VCPH) today released a revised protocol regarding vehicle celebrations for graduations and other special observances. The protocol has been modified to allow graduates to briefly exit their vehicles on a timed schedule to receive their diplomas. Diplomas may be distributed using a no-contact pick-up method, maintaining physical distancing of six feet or greater. The protocol allows school personnel to take photos of graduates outside of their vehicles. Family members will be permitted to take photos from inside their vehicles.  

Military Stoles presented during SMJUHSD Drive-Thru Event on May 26

Approximately 60 SMJUHSD seniors are answering the call of military service and will join the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines after graduation.

Recruiters and staff will honor them in a special drive-thru ceremony from 6 to 7 p.m. tonight at Righetti High School’s bus loading zone. They will receive stoles from their recruiters to wear over their gowns. Social distancing will be the top mission.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 27

Residents who visit Ventura County Harbor Department-managed beaches and parks will have improved recreational opportunities and be able sit and lounge while practicing social distancing guidelines.

Harbor Department Director Mark Sandoval said the County is pleased to ease some of the soft closure restrictions –limiting beach and park access to physical activity – put in place in April 2020. The soft closure restrictions will be removed at Kiddie, Silver Strand, and Hollywood beaches and at the Harbor parks, including Peninsula and Harbor View.

CSUCI dance faculty asked to share virtual dance instruction techniques as part of prestigious UC Riverside lecture series on May 29

The list of dance scholars asked to speak as part of the Christena Lindborg Schlundt Lecture Series in Dance Studies reads like a Who’s Who in American Dance Research.

Now taking the lecture stage (virtually) on May 29 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. are CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Assistant Professor of Performing Arts/Dance Heather Castillo and Dance Lecturer MiRi Park.

“We were shocked and honored,” Castillo said. “Once a year they invite a guest lecturer, and this year, MiRi and I will be discussing our virtual experiences with dance education.”

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 26


COVID-19 Testing: Information is attached and included at
Senior Services:
Unemployment assistance:
Business resources:
Coping with stress:
Support resources:
Frequently asked questions about the Stay Well VC Order:

Section 8 Voucher Program Provides Ray of Hope in Bleak Time

As America battles COVID-19, low-income individuals, families, seniors and those with special needs – people considered our most vulnerable citizens – are bearing the brunt of the ensuing economic fallout. The trickle-down effect of unemployment, standing at more than 14.7 % or 36.5 million workers applying for unemployment benefits over the last two months, directly impacts tenants who can’t pay full rent and landlords, many of which have mortgages on their rental properties. This negative trend is hitting home right now in Santa Barbara and elsewhere.

Hair Salons and Barbershops Permitted to Reopen

The Governor announced today that hair salons and barbershops in most California counties can reopen as the state moves forward on the path to reopening. The County of Ventura was approved for a state variance last week allowing the County to move faster through California’s reopening phases. This allows for local hair salons and barbershops to reopen.

CSUCI Nursing program’s virtual labs awarded $10,000 Minigrant

When CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) went virtual in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nursing program had one of the biggest challenges on campus. The faculty needed to create virtual clinical labs for its students.

“Nursing programs require a certain number of hours of clinical experience in order to meet state requirements,” said Associate Professor of Nursing Jaime Hannans, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E. “We have clinical courses in which students engage in patient-to-student experiences at a hospital, or other healthcare facility. We had to rethink how to deliver hand-on educational experiences virtually.”

Kai Karamitsos awarded Northern Santa Barbara County Athletic Round Table Male Scholar Athlete of the Year Scholarship

Righetti High School’s Kai Karamitsos has been awarded the Northern Santa Barbara County Athletic Round Table Male Scholar Athlete of the Year Scholarship.

Karamitsos, who was on the swim team and played water polo, will receive the $1,000 scholarship at Supervisor Steve Lavagnino’s office on May 26. Karamitsos has a 4.71 GPA and will major in environmental science at US Santa Barbara next year. His class rank is 2/512.

Pierre Clayessens Veterans Foundation To Honor Our Fallen Veterans With Memorial Day Special Broadcast on KEYT at 4 p.m. Monday, May 25

As we wage war against COVID-19, which is causing us to make major changes to our way of life, it is important to continue time honored traditions that give us purpose along with a sense of normalcy during these challenging times. While we’ve temporarily given up certain freedoms in order to protect our health and that of others, we mustn’t forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives during times our country was engaged in war on foreign soil. This year, as in years past, Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation (PCVF) is pleased to present the 2020 Memorial Day community event. What’s special about this year’s program is that residents in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties have an opportunity to gather together remotely to view a televised broadcast in the safety and comfort of their homes. Thanks to KEYT, our local ABC affiliate, the program will air at 4 PM on Monday, May 25th. You can also watch the program after the broadcast, once it’s posted to the Foundation’s website, by going to

Guest commentary — A tribute to a fallen veteran

“We were stationed off the coast of Vietnam. When we got the command from up top we would bomb the mainland” those are precisely the only two sentences that my late brother Sergio ever spoke to me about his protracted stint in the Navy during the deadly Viet Nam war years of circa 1968-1971 where he was stationed secretly out there somewhere in the vast Pacific Ocean. I never pushed my older brother for more details. I could tell from that one short abrupt conversation that I had with him shortly after he was honorable discharged from his military service that it was a history that that he would discuss with no one. He made good on his word! Just this past week my dear brother past away and with him his memories, secrets, nightmares and ruminations about the war in Viet Nam that he participated in are gone with him forever!

700,000 Masks Being Distributed to Agricultural Community in Ventura County

 The Ventura County Office of Emergency Services, and the California Departments of Food and Agriculture, and Pesticide Regulations together have provided over 700,000 facemasks to help provide protection to farmworkers and other agricultural operations. The Agricultural Commissioner’s Office has been reaching out to growers, farm labor contractors, packer/shippers and pest control businesses to make arrangement to distribute masks from the Commissioner’s offices in Camarillo and Santa Paula.

Amid COVID19 Budget Deficit, Jackson Bill to Bring Sunshine and Accountability to Corporate and Other Tax Breaks Advances

As California lawmakers consider difficult cuts to address the $54 billion budget deficit resulting from the coronavirus, Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara)’s Senate Bill 956 to bring oversight and accountability to billions of dollars in certain corporate and other tax breaks passed the Senate Governance and Finance Committee today on a 4 to 2 vote.

COVID-19 Case Rate and California’s Diversity — Patterns in Coronavirus Exposure

Every case of COVID-19 is the result of someone having been exposed to the coronavirus. Here in California, as elsewhere, different people experience different exposures to the virus. Some individuals and families—those with work that can be done remotely, robust health insurance, and relatively easy access to a physician—have been able to reduce their coronavirus exposure by sheltering at home for the past eight weeks.

Guest commentary — Businesses Can Provide Mandated Harassment Prevention Training Even As Employees Work Remotely

A California law requires that companies with five or more employees provide two hours of supervisory training and one hour of staff training every two years on harassment, discrimination, bullying and retaliation. With employees now working remotely, arranging in-person training in the workplace is not feasible. Employment law firm LightGabler offers an online training video course as an alternative solution that meets California harassment and bullying training requirements.

Pioneer Valley High School Senior Awards Night (virtual) to be held May 26

The Pioneer Valley High School Senior Awards Night will be a virtual experience on the school website at 6 p.m. May 26.

Panther staff, club advisors, counselors, and school administrators inside the Performing Arts Center recorded the event. A digital copy of the awards program is also available for downloading as a keepsake memory, according to Assistant Principal Greg Dickinson.

Board of the Northern Santa Barbara County Athletic Round-table will award scholarships to two Pioneer Valley High School athletes

The Board of the Northern Santa Barbara County Athletic Round-table will award scholarships to two Pioneer Valley High School athletes at Supervisor Steve Lavagnino’s office on May 26.

Lauren Carandang earned the Female Athlete of the Year Scholarship ($1,000) and Christian Morin nailed down the Joni Gray “Heart and Soul” Scholarship ($1,500). Carandang ran track and X-country. Morin played football, basketball and baseball.

Bilingual commentary — Don’t Be a Towhee!

We are summoned to “fly with the eagles” or “watch like a hawk,” but few of us have ever heard of a “towhee” (pronounced “toe-hee”), although the California variety is prevalent throughout the west coast, from the very northern part of California to the southern tip of Baja California, Mexico.  We’ll never hear anyone urge us to “be a towhee,” nor to act like one. 

Guadalupe Union School District — Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School Promotion

About 150 Kermit McKenzie Intermediate School students will take their GUSD educational careers to the next level after they are promoted to high school on Tuesday, June 2.

There will be no physical graduation. Instead, a graduation video will include pictures of students and activities as well as encouraging words from current and former teachers. This video will be shared via email, ParentSquare, Social Media, and the school website.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Late Stage 2 Businesses Can Now Open; State Just Approved Our County Attestation

I am very pleased to announce the State Department of Public Health approved Santa Barbara County’s attestation to move further into Stage 2, which allows in-dining restaurants and retail stores to open as long as they follow safety guidance provided by the state and complete a self-certification of safe practices. The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department issued this Health Officer Order, which provides local guidance.

Two Santa Maria public high schools will celebrate academic excellence during separate drive-thru events

Two Santa Maria public high schools will celebrate academic excellence during separate drive-thru events today (Thursday, May 21).

Righetti High School’s senior awards are scheduled to be given out from 10 a.m. to noon in the bus-loading zone. About 190 students are involved, according to Daniel Solis, College and Career Specialist.

Fifteen global shipping companies slowed cargo ships for 99,000 nautical miles in 2019 program off California coast to protect blue whales and blue skies

The partners in an initiative to cut air pollution and protect endangered whales announced results from the 2019 program and recognized the 15 shipping companies that participated, reducing speeds to 10 knots or less in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Santa Barbara Channel region. The voluntary incentive program ran May 15, 2019 through November 15, 2019. Partners hope to further recognize the companies at a ceremony at the Port of Hueneme later this year, depending on public health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

EDC NEWS- New Funding Opportunity for Laid Off or Furloughed Workers

In partnership with America’s Jobs Center, the Human Services Agency is offering supportive services funds for individuals up to $800 if your hours have been reduced or eliminated due to the economic impact of covid-19. Additional eligibility requirements apply. Priority will be given to English language learners, low income individuals and those with barriers to employment. 

Please see flyer below for more detail or call 805.204.5186 for more information. Due to a high volume of calls, please allow up to 48 hours for staff to contact you.

United Way of Ventura County Rapid Response Kits

We have 12 more days for the Rapid Response Homeless Care Kits drive!

We need 250 more care kits to reach our goal!

Join United Way of Ventura County in honoring the homeless veterans in Ventura County this Memorial Day by joining our COVID-19 Rapid Response Homeless Care Kits campaign, which aims to provide essential hygiene supplies for our unsheltered veterans and individuals. These vital kits will be distributed by our county’s Healthcare for the Homeless Backpack Medicine team.

Oxnard Performing Arts Center’s Graduation Photo Package Registration Deadline Extended!

The PACC has been home to graduations of all kinds – Middle and High schools, Fire and Police Departments, and more – since we opened in 1968. We understand how difficult this year is for all the hardworking graduates who are missing out on their formal ceremonies. We’re here for you!

Come capture your special moment in the spotlight at The PACC and get a chance to win the ultimate GRADUATION PARTY for you and 100 of your friends. We’re able to host this contest thanks to our new partnership with Party Starz who will provide all the decor, food, and DJ, while we provide the venue!

Port of Hueneme — Local Innovation Center Vaults to National Stage

Harnessing the power of partnership, Department of Navy’s workforce “super-connector” NavalX announced an expansion of its Tech Bridge initiative to Ventura County. Joining five other new Tech Bridge locations around the nation, the Ventura location will be housed at the Port of Hueneme.

“I applaud our Federal partners for joining with us and the innovative ecosystem taking shape here in Ventura County,” said Oxnard Harbor District Board President Jess Ramirez. “This new designation will bolster the abilities of our community to develop cutting-edge technology right here at the Port.”

EDC BUSINESS ALERT-Preparing for and Reopening Ventura County Businesses

Ventura County has moved into Phase 2 of California’s reopening plan. Businesses that have been identified as eligible to reopen, must meet county and state health and safety compliance protocols.

At this time, we encourage all retail and restaurants that are interested in moving towards in store shopping and dine in service to read the safety protocols and compliance measures necessary to do so. Be prepared to reopen.

SBCC selected for a partnership to provide immigration legal services to students

Santa Barbara City College has been selected to participate in a pilot project through a partnership with the California Department of Social Services, the Foundation for California Community Colleges and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to provide free immigration legal services. Through this partnership, The United Farm Workers (UFW) Foundation was selected to provide immigration legal services at SBCC starting May 2020. Over the course of the next year and a half the Community College Immigration Legal Services Project will provide free immigration legal services, including education and outreach services, to students, staff and faculty on California community college campuses statewide.

Somis Union School District Selects Dr. Jesus Vaca as District Superintendent/Principal

After an extensive search, the Somis Union School District Board of Trustees has selected Dr. Jesus Vaca as their new district Superintendent/Principal. 

Dr. Vaca has 29 years of experience in education. He has served as a teacher, assistant principal, principal at the Elementary, Middle and High School levels, and as an administrator in multicultural and bilingual programs. Most recently, Dr. Vaca served as the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, for the Oxnard School District. As a leader, Dr. Vaca has focused on increasing academic performance, student engagement and attendance. 

Pioneer Valley High School NAMI Club makes short mental health film

Several Pioneer Valley High School students used to a short film to show the joy of having healthy friendships can help combat loneliness and personal isolation.

The school’s NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Club, which focuses on helping students by raising mental health awareness, spent a few days completing the project recently.

Ventura County Public Works Agency’s Biggest Educational Event of the Year Goes Virtual

While Ventura County Public Works Agency’s (VCPWA) most exciting and educational event of the year, Public Works Day, is no longer able to conduct in-person tours, students and the community can look forward to an interactive virtual tour and activities right at their fingertips. 

VCPWA will be providing a virtual tour of its favorite experiences, demonstrations, and materials to be utilized as an educational or social connection piece for students to learn more about the latest innovations in technology, careers, and science at VCPWA while also making it available to the whole community.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Expedited Reopening for Certain Businesses Coming Soon

Yesterday, Governor Newsom announced changes to his criteria for counties to be able to move more quickly through Stage 2 of his reopening plan (although no counties can move past Stage 2 into Stage 3 until the Governor authorizes that action) and today, our Public Health Director is sending in our attestation that Santa Barbara County meets the criteria.

The new criteria is as follows:

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 19 — COVID-19 Response Information: Testing

Testing:  The County of Ventura has expanded testing throughout the county for residents who have the slightest suspicion of having COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with it. You will not be charged for the test, and you don’t need to have health insurance. You may be asked for insurance information if you have it. Three new drive up testing sites will be open Wednesday. 1) Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road in Ventura 2) Moorpark College, 7075 Campus Rd. Moorpark 3) Ford Dealership 128 S. Hallock Drive, Santa Paula. More information about the state testing sites and county clinics can be found in the attached pdf and at

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley Announce 2020 Youth of the Year Winners

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) are pleased to announce the Youth of the Year winners for 2020.

Liam Hall, a resident of Thousand Oaks won the 13 and under category and Renique (Nicki) McNeil, also of Thousand Oaks was awarded the 14 and up category. In addition, McNeil advanced and won the California Coastal Area Council Youth of the Year.

“Santa Paula Sojourn” Online Premiere June 3

For the past two years, painter Shannon Celia has made it her mission to capture the unique “nooks and crannies” of the small, Southern California city of Santa Paula. Her journey will culminate in a solo exhibition entitled “Santa Paula Sojourn,” premiering June 3, 2020, at the Santa Paula Art Museum (in the event that the Museum remains closed to the public on June 3, the exhibit will be available to enjoy online at All of the artworks in the exhibit will be for sale.

COVID-19 Notice — Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office Open by Appointment Only

The Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office is committed to public service and even during this challenging time, for complicated cases, we want to offer taxpayers the opportunity to speak directly to our staff while our office is closed.

Beginning Tuesday, May 19th, 2020, our office will be available by appointment only for cases requiring in-person assistance. In order to keep both the public and our staff safe during this COVID-19 Pandemic, we are able to provide appointments under the following requirements:

Santa Paula Art Museum — We Miss You, Plein and Simple

This week we received a lovely surprise from artist and Santa Paula native Andrea Vargas. Vargas has worked closely with the Santa Paula Art Museum as both an artist and guest curator. She now lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Andrea recently created a free, virtual mini-course on plein air drawing and painting for ARTsmart New Mexico, and she wants to share it with you too!

In addition to watching how Andrea creates small studies for her stunning landscape paintings, you can explore landscape art using the projects and resources below.


CSUCI prepares for pandemic’s disproportionate impact on Latinx community

Lessons from the Great Recession suggest that as we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, the rules of the marketplace will have changed, and the impact will fall disproportionately on the Latinx community.

Circumstances many Latinx students faced when the pandemic hit may discourage them from staying in school when in fact, getting that college degree has never been more important.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — More Testing and a Guide for Reopening

Despite a large increase in the amount of testing, COVID-19 infections continue to be modest. During Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors hearing, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Director presented the above graph, which indicates that new cases have continued to decline if you exclude the cases from the Lompoc Federal Correctional Institution. At the Board of Supervisors meeting this coming Tuesday, the Board will receive a presentation on the Reopening In Safe Environment (RISE) Guide, which builds off of the guidance from the Governor’s Resilience Roadmap but also provides local guidance and best practices for industry sectors as developed by an expert panel.

Southeast Ventura County YMCA Taking Summer Child Care Sign-Ups At Its 3 Branches

The Southeast Ventura County YMCA’s three branches are now taking sign-ups for summer child care. Child care will take place at each branch from June 1 through August 14 with strict health and safety guidelines in place.

The three Southeast Ventura County YMCA branches are Yarrow Family YMCA (serving Agoura Hills, Westlake Village and Oak Park) Conejo Valley YMCA (serving Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Moorpark and the Santa Rosa Valley) and Simi Valley Family YMCA (serving Simi Valley). The Simi Valley YMCA camp runs through August 7.

Ventura County Public Health Dental Guidance

Dental health care personnel (DHCP) are in the “very high-risk category” for exposure to SARS- CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The CDC recommends postponing elective procedures, surgeries, and non-urgent dental visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) put out guidance on May 7, 2020 for resuming selected dental services. This guidance relies on low community transmission rates and ample supplies of PPE at the county level.

Bilingual report — NO Cost breakfast and lunch meals provided for Santa Maria Valley Children 18 & Under — May 18-26

NO Cost breakfast and lunch meals provided for Santa Maria Valley Children 18 & Under

MAY 18 – MAY 26, 2020


11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Monday / Wednesday / Friday **

Meals for Tuesday will be given on Monday & Meals for Thursday will be given on Wednesday

Ernest Righetti High – 941 E. Foster Rd

Pioneer Valley High – 675 Panther Dr.

Santa Maria High – Parking lot on Thornburg

VCCCD Celebrates Class of 2020 Graduates

With the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, this year’s graduates of Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges have had to adjust to the fact that in-person graduation ceremonies have been canceled. Recognizing the impact of this change for students who have worked hard to achieve their goals, the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) leadership collaborated with its three colleges to celebrate the 5,146 students in the class of 2020 who have earned their degrees or certificates.

Hospice of Santa Barbara Takes Part in Delivering 120 Lunches to Local Seniors

As a way to give back to our community in this time of need, Shalhoob’s and Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) delivered 120 meals from Shalhoob’s to the senior living complex Village Santa Fe Apartments, a Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara property. Hospice of Santa Barbara provided 12 volunteers who helped pack and deliver the meals donated by Shalhoob’s. 

Stores begin reopening at The Collection at RiverPark

In accordance with recent updates to the stay-at-home orders for Ventura County and the state of California, several businesses at The Collection at RiverPark are reopening to offer curbside service and/or online order pickup.

In addition to the essential businesses that have continued to serve customers throughout the pandemic, the following stores have now reopened:

Afters Ice Cream
The Container Store
White House Black Market

Bilingual report — SMJUHSD Distance Learning Survey (English, Spanish and Mixteco)

Parents and students will receive a survey tomorrow from Panorama via email.

We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. SMJUHSD values input from our community – and we need to hear from your student.  Students are important partners as we work to improve our communication, academic program, and overall experience for everyone.

Ventura County Library launches new free online tutoring program

Ventura County Library has launched Brainfuse – on demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning for all ages and levels. Brainfuse HelpNow offers a personalized homework help in core subjects (math, reading, writing, science and social studies). Brainfuse will be made available to all library patrons from the public computers at their local library or from any computer with internet connection starting immediately seven days a week from 1pm to 10pm.

Ventura County Civic Alliance — Livable Communities Newsletter – May 15, 2020

What we define as “livable” has now changed, of necessity, but what does this hold for the future?  In our first article, Kerry Roscoe takes a moment to think about the positives and negatives ahead of us.

Our next article takes a new look at the Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) movement.  Each of us may have our own definition of what we think a NIMBY is or is not, but I would bet that few, if any, would define a NYMBY as Alan Durning has in his February 2020 article entitled KNOW THINE NIMBY.  Because the negative impact of NIMBY entrenchment is so strong, housing advocates need to better understand who we are addressing during debates regarding new housing. 

Bilingual commentary — Inviting the Enemy

As we go about our communities stifled by the coronavirus, we see people who are behaving as if nothing different is happening in the world.  No masks, no social distancing, and anyone who doesn’t like it—too bad.  They demand a certain degree of “normalcy” in their lives, which under ordinary circumstances would have some psychological benefit. 

Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation To Honor Our Fallen Soldiers With Memorial Day Special Broadcast on KEYT Monday, May 25, 2020 at 4 PM

As we wage war against COVID-19, which is causing us to make major changes to our way of life, it is important to continue time honored traditions that give us purpose along with a sense of normalcy during these challenging times. While we’ve temporarily given up certain freedoms in order to protect our health and that of others, we mustn’t forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives during times our country was engaged in war on foreign soil.

Coronavirus Pandemic Hits Hard at Oxnard’s Tourism Industry Following Strong 2019

The coronavirus pandemic has hit hard at Oxnard’s tourism industry, which, according to Visit California’s latest economic impact report, was thriving in 2019.

The “California Travel Impacts” report, prepared for Visit California by Dean Runyan Associates, shows visitor spending reached $1.8 billion, a $33.8 million boost from 2018, and supported 17,050 jobs in Ventura County. Continued growth highlights how important tourism is to the region and California’s economy.

Back to the Future Part III to celebrate 30th anniversary – Here’s what scenes shot in Oxnard look like today.

Back to the Future Part III hit theaters May 25, 1990, which means it’s been 30 years since Oxnard’s Doris Avenue and Oxford Drive hit the silver screen as planned neighborhood Hilldale in the iconic film. Railroad tracks at South Ventura Road and Shoreview Drive in neighboring city Port Hueneme also appeared in the film as the scene of the DeLorean’s destruction. Fans of the franchise continue to visit the modern-day film locations to pay homage to these movie history landmarks.

Museum of Ventura County — Courage and Contribution, Patterns on the Land, and more!

There are over 5,500 maps in the Library collection that include historical plat maps, boundary maps, topographic and hydrological maps (USGS), irrigation/ditch maps, right-of way maps (railroad and highway), and land case maps (court case exhibits). Discover a few of these jewels in this week’s virtual exhibit.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 13 — No cost covid-19 testing is offered for all community members at two state locations

Good Evening, Here is your COVID-19 update from the County of Ventura.

25 new cases

725 total cases

477 recovered cases

23 hospitalized

12 in the ICU

24 deaths (2 ages 25-44, 5 ages 45-64, 17 ages 65+) all patients had comorbidities

14,384 people tested

More Business Permitted to Reopen in County of Ventura

The County of Ventura announces that more businesses are permitted to reopen on the State’s Roadmap to reopening. Governor Newsom announced modifications to the State-wide stay-at-home order today. The State has added more businesses to Early Stage 2. The Governor announced that Counties, under the guidance of the Public Health Officer, can move forward in reopening office-based businesses, car washes, pet groomers, outdoor museums and other public spaces.

Jackson Bill to Require Backup Power for Nursing Homes Passes Health Committee

As California faces another wildfire season and potential public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) amid the COVID-19 pandemic, State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara)’s Senate Bill 1207 to require California nursing homes to have backup power for at least 96 hours during an emergency passed unanimously out of Senate Health Committee today on a 7 to 0 vote.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Works Agency’s Biggest Educational Event of the Year Goes Virtual

 While Ventura County Public Works Agency’s (VCPWA) most exciting and educational event of the year, Public Works Day, is no longer able to conduct in-person tours, students and the community can look forward to an interactive virtual tour and activities right at their fingertips.

May News from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing

This past Saturday was going to be the end of our special online event “Building Together”. I say ‘was’, because due to its heartwarming success, and overwhelming requests to keep it up and running, we have decided to continue accepting submissions! If you have not yet had a chance to see what “home means” to people across our nation, and in some cases around the globe, you will not want to miss it, so check out the Building Together pages and even consider a submission yourself, if you haven’t already!

How your United Way of Ventura County is responding to COVID-19

Over the past few months, COVID-19 has reshaped our lives and priorities in powerful ways. Here at your United Way, we’ve been collaborating with our community partners and adapting how we provide services so that we can better respond to the needs of our most vulnerable citizens.

In this moment of unprecedented uncertainty, we are incredibly thankful for our community partners, donors, and volunteers. They’ve stepped up to provide vital resources for our neighbors and friends who need it the most right now.

To learn more about how your local United Way is responding during this global pandemic, please take a moment to view my recent interview with OVTV.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 12 — Register your business to reopen at

Good Evening, Here’s your COVID-19 Update from the County of Ventura.

22 new cases
700 total cases
Recovered cases
25 hospitalized
13 in the ICU
204 under quarantine
21 deaths
Tune in at 1 pm on 5/13/20 at for a video update.

Register your business to reopen at

CLU School of Management — Design Thinking — Pre- and Post- COVID-19

Learn how RKS Design, a globally recognized design and innovation consulting firm whose mission is to move people through design, is working through the COVID-19 crisis. Our guest speaker is Ravi Sawhney, founder and CEO of RKS Design and member of the Dean’s Executive Council at California Lutheran University’s School of Management. Mr. Sawhney will discuss personal and organizational strategies that have been employed, due to the crisis, at RKS Design. This short 45-minute webinar will include both a presentation by Mr. Sawhney and a Q&A session with our virtual audience, moderated by Dean Gerhard Apfelthaler.

Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Board of Education approves Steve Campbell as principal of Santa Maria High School

 The Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Board of Education on Tuesday night approved Steve Campbell as the principal of Santa Maria High School.

Superintendent Antonio Garcia made the announcement during the regular board meeting. Campbell has served as interim principal since April 2018 when former principal Joe Domingues retired.