Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Winter Storm Warning, Big Strides to Fight Climate Change

Winter Storm Warning

Winter weather conditions are forecast for Santa Barbara County starting 2/21/23 through the weekend. The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Warning for coastal areas from Point Conception to the San Marcos Pass, effective from 2/21/23 at 6 p.m. to 6 am on 2/22/23. A Winter Storm Warning was also issued by the National Weather Service for the county’s interior mountains and is in effect from 2/22/23 at 4 am to 4 pm on 2/25/23.

Extreme cold temperatures, continued wind, and rain are possible through the weekend. Snow levels are forecast for lower elevations and may impact transportation routes including potentially Highway 154 and Highway 166 (Cuyama area). The lowest snow levels in the county are forecast to be roughly 1,500 feet for interior mountains and the Cuyama Valley. Countywide the snow level is forecast to be 2,000 feet-2,500 feet. This weather system will also bring very cold temperatures throughout the county. Gale force winds are also expected at sea. More weather forecast information is available at:


Precautions and tips to stay safe:

  • Be careful when driving through wet and potentially snowy road conditions. Roads may be slippery. Drive slowly and be careful. When possible avoid routes that may be impacted by winter weather.
  • Strong winds can cause power outages. Charge important electronic devices and be prepared in case an unannounced power outage occurs.
  • Secure belongings that could get impacted by strong winds such as outdoor furniture.
  • Take care of those who might not be aware of the cold weather hazard or be able to react accordingly – especially the elderly, young children, and pets.
  • Avoid areas and roadways that appear to be flooding.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and travel routes. Leave the area if you don’t feel safe and conditions permit safe travel.


County Adopts Zero Emission Vehicle Policy

Last week, the County Board of Supervisors took a huge step forward toward meeting regional Climate goals, by adopting the Zero Emission Vehicle Policy. That means we expect that over the next 5 years as 150-200 County fleet vehicles reach their end of life, they will be replaced by clean, battery-powered electric vehicles. Many of you know that gasoline-powered vehicle usage is the single largest contributor to climate change in our County — more than oil and gas or other heavy industry. To accompany this new policy, there are plans underway to double the number of electric vehicle chargers at County facilities.

In Support of Ukraine

It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the tragic 1-year anniversary of Putin’s war of agression against Ukraine. It was at this time last year that Russain tanks began their march to Kyiv and brave Ukrainian freedom fighters made their heroic stand to defend the city. It is important now more than ever that we come together and show the Ukrainian people that we still have their backs. Join me and Ukrainians of Santa Barbara this Saturday at 12pm at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse to commemorate 365 Days of Defending Freedom.

Honor The Victims Of Gun Violence

The shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay impacted AAPI communities in unimaginable ways during a time meant for gathering with loved ones and celebrating joy, hope, and new beginnings. Tragically, these shootings only scratch the surface of the gun violence plaguing communities around the country every single day.

By early February, more people are killed with guns in the United States than are killed with guns in any other high-income country in an entire year. Tragically, our gun death rate is 13 times that of our peer countries.

Join me, CenCal Chief Customer Experience Officer Dr. Van Do-Reynoso, and other AAPI leaders this Sunday, February 26th at 1 pm at the corner of State and Anapamu to honor the lives of those who were senselessly taken from us.

Meet The Newest Member of My Team

I am excited to introduce the newest member of my staff, Spencer Brandt. Spencer has a background in public policy, currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Isla Vista Community Services District. Prior to joining my office, Spencer was Organizing Director with the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party, leading local volunteer outreach efforts. Spencer will handle scheduling, constituent services, as well as policy analysis on issues relating to housing, mental and behavioral health, and more. You can reach Spencer at or at (805) 568-2155.

Thank You For Joining My Ceremony As Chair

Earlier this month, we had our delayed celebration of my installation as Chair of the Board of Supervisors and celebrating our newly elected, and re-elected, County officials. We were honored to have California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday as our keynote speaker. His guidance and encouragement to strengthen the bonds between neighbors as a means of preparing for more climate-induced emergencies could not have been more timely. Thank you Chief Service Officer Fryday for all your work to empower regular people to safeguard our climate. Special thanks to Kelsey Klein for performing a moving musical performance, Dr. Aazam Feiz for an uplifting tribute to Iranian women’s rights, and Rabbi Daniel Brenner for a thoughtful invocation.
Watch the Ceremony