Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — Clean Energy for the Central Coast & Get Ready for Wildfire Season

Clean Energy for the Central Coast
(March 1) we took a significant step forward towards avoiding the worst effects of climate change, opening the new Strauss Wind Project. These 27 wind turbines will generate enough power for 36,000 homes – helping us move towards a more clean and reliable electric grid.

What’s most important isn’t just the impact of this one project, but what it means for the potential of clean energy in other parts of coastal California. 21 years in the making, this project was able to navigate the process and get the permits and approvals it needed to open.

But we can’t stop here. In order for our State to keep up with renewable energy goals, we need to permit and open the equivalent of 70 more Straus Wind Projects over the next decade. As the Chair of Central Coast Community Energy, we have set a goal of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030, and are taking steps to make that happen, recently signing an agreement to fund the largest renewable energy project in U.S. history.

Preparing for Wildfire Season
We are about a month out from the beginning of wildfire season. While we have been seeing wetter-than-normal conditions at the beginning of this year, CAL Fire is reporting these conditions present a mixed scenario. The moisture from these storms could lead to an influx of growth in wildfire fuel. What that means is that we all must continue to stay vigilant and prepared.

Montecito Fire is beginning the annual Neighborhood Chipping Program on March 4, 2024. This residential, curbside chipping program supports property owners as they create defensible space and reduce vegetation within 100 feet of their homes. Residents may stack cut vegetation on their curb to be chipped and hauled to a recycling center by our designated contractor, Eco Tree Works. We encourage and will offer guidance to residents on how best to trim back vegetation along driveways and roadways to create safer evacuation routes for the community and better access for first responders. Montecito Fire has an Interactive Neighborhood Chipping Map on that allows community members to type in their address to learn the start date of chipping in their neighborhood.

The Santa Barbara Fire Safe Council can help provide the guidance and resources to help you make potentially lifesaving property improvements.

Keep embers out

Installing 1/16 to 1/8-inch noncombustible, corrosion-resistant metal mesh screens over attic vents can keep wind-blown embers out of your house.

Clear the first 5 feet

Removing greenery and replacing wood chips with stone or decomposed granite 5 feet around your home prevents fire from getting a foot in the door

Become a Firewise community

With Firewise USA, communities as small as 8 dwelling units or as big as 2,500 can create an action plan and start being safer together. Firewise USA is a nationally recognized program with proven results, sponsored by the National Fire Prevention Association.

Learn More
Freedom Warming Centers Opening Friday and Saturday
With rain in the forecast this weekend, Freedom Warming Centers are officially activating for those in need of sanctuary from the weather, Friday 3/1, and Saturday 3/2.

Hours: 6:00 pm to 6:00 am

Please Be Respectful Of Our Host Sites Other Activities

And Plan To Arrive No Earlier Than 6:00 pm


First United Methodist Church – 305 East Anapamu Street


Carpinteria Community Church – 1111 Vallecito Road

Warming Center Hotline: 805-324-2372

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Understanding Long Covid
The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department in collaboration with nonprofit organization The Chesley Initiative will be hosting a distinguished dinner lecture on the intricate facets of Long COVID. This enlightening event, featuring County Supervisor Das Williams, Dr. Susan Lawton of Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, Dr. Lynn Fitzgibbons of Cottage Hospital, and Marina Owen of CenCal Health is titled Long COVID: Demystifying Diagnosis, Pathobiology, and Treatment, and will be held at Mar Monte Hotel in Santa Barbara on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, from 5 pm to 8 pm.
Das Around Town

Adopting a Resolution in Support of the Struggle of the Amhara People of Ethiopia

Das speaking at Canalino Elementary School Career Day

Projected Board of Supervisors Calendar
The items below are projected to be placed on a Board of Supervisors agenda next month and are subject to change. Therefore, these are draft and remain so until the final agenda is created and posted on the Thursday preceding a Board of Supervisors’ meeting.

For information on a particular anticipated item, please contact the department noted. For any other questions regarding the Board of Supervisors’ agendas, please contact the Clerk of the Board Office at (805)568-2240.

  • Appeal of a New Small Cell Wireless Facility on an Existing Utility Pole Located Within the Public Right-of-Way of Camino Majorca
  • Commission for Women District Service Awards
  • Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Second Quarter Cannabis Update
  • Cannabis Tax Measure Options
  • Farmworker Resource Center Project Update
  • Key Site H Development Agreement
  • Pavement Impact Studies and Options for Pavement Impact Mitigation
  • Tajiguas Landfill Capacity Increase Project
  • Parklet Ordinance
  • Housing Element Rezones – Developer Presentation Workshop

Contact Us: (805) 568-2186

Das Williams, 1st District Supervisor

Darcel Elliott, Chief of Staff

Kadie McShirley, District Representative

Spencer Brandt, District Representative & Scheduler