Santa Barbara County First District Supervisor Das Williams — A New Connection for Cuyama

Opening the Foothill Bridge in Cuyama

Last week I had the honor of cutting the ribbon on one of the County’s largest bridge projects in 40 years. Cuyama deals with a lot more extreme weather than the rest of us in Santa Barbara County, and this bridge creates an important connection for emergency access during storms. This area also has a higher poverty rate than the rest of the County, and Cuyamans have been at the mercy of two multi-national corporations over access to water. That one of the most significant bridge projects in County Public Works history was completed in Cuyama shows that we’re here for them.
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Santa Claus Lane Bikeway Opening

Wednesday, November 8

10:30 am

Near the Southbound Highway 101

off-ramp at Carpinteria Ave.

Please join me at a celebration of the completion of the Santa Claus Lane Bikeway!

If you would like to bike to the event, please feel free to join any of the following bike rides from Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. Please see details below.

Carpinteria Ride – Led by Chris Sobell, MOVE Santa Barbara County Community Advisory Council (CAC) from Carpinteria. Ride departing from City of Carpinteria City Hall at 9:45 am. Ride will continue through the new bikeway to Summerland and back to where the ribbon-cutting event will be held at the Carpinteria Avenue end of the new bikeway.

Santa Barbara Ride – Led by Jack Bailey, MOVE Santa Barbara County Board Member and SB/Goleta Valley Cyclists Meet-up Organizer – Riders will meet at the Dolphin Fountain around 9:15 am.

Ventura Ride – Led by Diane Stein, President the Channel Island Bicycle Club. Meet at Downtown Ventura, Museum of Ventura County; 100 E. Main St.. Parking lot departure at 8:30 am.

Give your input on unmet public Transit needs

Wednesday, December 6

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Virtually via Zoom

The Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) is hosting an unmet transit needs listening session. The public is encouraged to stop by anytime during the two-hour virtual listening session to share comments or concerns about bus systems, dial-a-ride and paratransit services in Santa Barbara County, or express needs for new or expanded services in the county. Spanish language interpretation services will be available during the listening session. If you aren’t able to make the listening session, you can give your feedback via an online survey here in English or here in Spanish.

Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Community Meeting

Wednesday, November 8

5:30-7:00 p.m.

Palm Park Beach House

236 East Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA

The City of Santa Barbara will hold a public meeting on November 8 regarding the Cabrillo-Los Patos Roundabout Project (Project). This Project is the first phase of a larger project on East Cabrillo Boulevard between Los Patos Way and the Cabrillo Interchange that includes the construction of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of East Cabrillo Boulevard and Los Patos Way.


Flood Control Master Plan

Wednesday, November 29

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Cold Spring School Auditorium

2243 Sycamore Canyon Rd., Montecito, CA

The County is developing a Flood Control Master Plan to guide the design, planning, and construction of improvements that will prevent flooding. What the last five years have taught us is that there is a lot we must do to increase the safety of our watershed. I am pleased to invite you to this open house, which is a great opportunity to learn more about the effort and relay your feedback and experiences. You can sign up to receive updates regarding the Montecito Flood Control Master Plan here.

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Funding Available for EV Charging Stations

The second Communities in Charge Funding Wave opened today, November 7, 2023, and closes December 22, 2023.


The total amount of incentives available for light-duty, Level 2 EV chargers across the Central Coast region is $12 million. Base incentives are up to $3,500, or 75% of eligible costs, per eligible connector, with at least 4 connectors required per project site.

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Das Around Town

Passing out school supplies at Girls Inc. Carpinteria’s Trunk-Or-Treat

Speaking about gun safety measures at the Alcazar Theatre’s Enough! play and panel discussion. Photo credit: Ingrid Bostrom

Supporting CALM to recognize their vital work to prevent childhood trauma and heal children.

Contact Us: (805) 568-2186

Das Williams, 1st District Supervisor

Darcel Elliott, Chief of Staff

Kadie McShirley, District Representative

Spencer Brandt, District Representative & Scheduler