Through March 23 — La Hija de Jardineros / The Gardeners’ Daughter Alexandra “Lexx” Valdez at the UCSB Multicultural Center

Opening reception on Jan. 16 SANTA BARBARA — La Hija de Jardineros / The Gardeners’ Daughter Alexandra “Lexx” Valdez exhibit will be presented through March 23 at the UCSB Multicultural Center, MCC Lounge. The opening reception will be held at 6 p.m.…

Through March 25 — Explore New Trails, Meet New Friends with SBCC School of Extended Learning Tuition-Free Class “Nature and Self-Healing for Older Adults”

SANTA BARBARA — SBCC School of Extended Learning’s free upcoming class, Nature and Self-Healing For Older Adults, will give students the chance to make new friends while walking a new trail each week and learning about nature’s healing process. Taught…

Through March 25 — Channel Islands Maritime Museum in the Channel Islands Harbor presents ‘Water Works’

OXNARD — The Channel Islands Maritime Museum in the Channel Islands Harbor presents “Water Works” by expedition artist Danielle Eubank, through March 25th, 2018. An opening reception is planned for Thursday, January 11th, 2018, 6-8PM. Events are FREE with Membership or Museum…

Island Packers continues shuttle service daily from Ventura, Santa Barbara harbors

CENTRAL COAST — Island Packers continues shuttle service daily from Ventura, Santa Barbara harbors. Contact: Island Packers – 805-642-1393 or book online special trips Advance reservations recommended What: Boat transportation aboard high-speed 64’catamarans between Ventura Harbor and Santa Barbara Harbor continues…

El Consulado de Mexico en Oxnard brinda asistencia las 24 horas a los mexicanos afectados por los deslaves en el condado de Santa Barbara

SANTA BARBARA — El Consulado de Mexico en Oxnard brinda asistencia las 24 horas a los mexicanos afectados por los deslaves en el condado de Santa Barbara. Número de Emergencias — 805.889.0241 Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos (CIAM): 1.855-4636.395

Jackson, Muratsuchi to reintroduce legislation to halt new federal offshore oil drilling

SACRAMENTO – In response to the Trump Administration announcement today to expand offshore oil and gas drilling in federal waters,  State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) andAssemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) are reintroducing legislation to ensure that pipelines and other infrastructure cannot be built in California…

Feb. 3 — Santa Barbara Museum of Art to present ‘Reading and Conversation: Maggie Nelson’

SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Museum of Art will present “Reading and Conversation: Maggie Nelson — Parallel Stories Lecture Series” at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 3 Maggie Nelson is a writer forging a new mode of nonfiction. Her writing resists categorization—her books span…

Feb. 8 — The League of Women Voters joins in the presentation of ‘Equal Means Equal’

VENTURA — The League of Women Voters of Ventura County (LWVVC), a nonpartisan political organization, in collaboration with The Acorn Project, Ventura College, Ventura County Women’s Political Council, Ventura County Women’s Forum Collaborative, Ventura County Reproductive Rights Network, Justice for All,…

Bilingual report — Feb. 8 — Oxnard School District to present ‘Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten Parent information Night’

OXNARD —  Oxnard School District to present “Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten Parent information Night”  from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 at Cesar Chavez School, 301 N. Marquita St., Oxnard. Click on flyers for more information.        …

Jan. 12 — Paso Pacifico Executive Director Dr. Sarah Otterstrom to Star in IMPROVology at the Santa Barbara Zoo

SANTA BARBARA — Biodiversity conservation and comedy don’t typically fit in the same event, but Paso Pacifico and the Santa Barbara Zoo are making an exception at IMPROVology this weekend. IMPROVology is a live, family-friendly mashup of science and comedy…

Jan. 13 — Be inspired by the work of Manual Álvarez Bravo at the next FREE Studio Sunday at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Sunday, January 13, 1:30 – 4:30 pm Studio Sunday Visitors of all ages are welcome to participate in this hands-on workshop with SBMA Teaching Artists in the Museum’s Family Resource Center. Each month explore a different medium, including clay, metal,…

Jan. 13 — Santa Barbara Museum of Art to present Redrawing the Boundaries: Rachel Cusk. See other upcoming lectures here

Sunday, January 13, 2:30 pm Redrawing the Boundaries: Rachel Cusk Parallel Stories Lecture Series Rachel Cusk has been said to have redrawn the boundaries of fiction with the Outline Trilogy, three “literary masterpieces” (The Washington Post) whose narrator, Faye, perceives…