Port Leadership Earns Regional Recognition For Latino Job Creation and Opportunity for Women

The Port’s longest serving Commissioner Jess Herrera was named recipient of the 2020 Latino Leadership Award by the Pacific Coast Business Times along with CEO & Port Director Kristin Decas named as a Top Woman in Business.

“It is an honor to receive this recognition. I want to thank Henry Dubroff and the Pacific Coast Business Times. I am grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from my community,” said Commissioner Jess Herrera. “As a lifelong advocate and representative for working families, I understand the urgent need for jobs with family-sustaining wages and benefits. That is why I am so passionate for the life changing opportunities that the Port of Hueneme provides for our local community.”

Bilingual commentary — African Americans and the Reconstruction Era

We live in a great country with a history that is both magnificent and, at times, not so magnificent. Until very recently, we were the light of the world, the “shining city upon a hill,” as our country has been called in flights of oratory throughout modern history. Nonetheless, there have been several ugly periods of time in American history that should have us hanging our heads in shame: the massacres of Native Americans in the nineteenth century; the internment of Japanese Americans in the mid-1940s; the persecution and humiliation of Mexican American youth in Los Angeles by military servicemen and white Angelenos during World War II. Few of us are aware of the Reconstruction era, just after the Civil War when the black slaves were given their freedom. In school, many of us were taught that the slaves were freed and we went on to become a great industrial power.  And we lived happily ever after.  But the truth is otherwise.

Bilingual report — Completed Project for Groundwater Recharge Captures Stormwater amid dry months of January and February

According to the state, this year is the 11thdriest snowpack on record since 1950 and with the State Water Project announcing it will deliver only 20% of requested water supplies in 2020, projects like the Piru Stormwater Capture for Groundwater Recharge Project are critical to Ventura County’s important water supplies. This project will provide a sustainable source for recharge of the Piru Groundwater Basin and improve water quality in Piru Creek.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Not Out of the Woods Yet & Preparation for Fire Season

We continue to see increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in some regions of the County. I urge you not to panic, but to remember that jobs, businesses, and lives depend on continued use of precautions. These include:

Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, or having been in a public place.
Avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick, and staying away from large gatherings and crowds.
Putting distance between yourself and other people (at least 6 feet).
Wearing face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Face coverings may act as additional protection, but are not a substitute for physical distancing, which is the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces daily.

Carnegie Art Cornerstones — Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future

Carnegie Arts Cornerstones had been a major financial contributor to the planning and support of the now defunct Carnegie Art Museum in Oxnard, CA.

So while there is no longer a physical museum to support, the spirit of our mission lives on, and our future is bright. We still believe our mission to promote creativity, learning, and growth in the careers of artists, and to inspire passion and appreciation for the visual arts is still vital to the communities around Oxnard and throughout Southern California.

United Way Achieves Amgen Foundation Challenge Grant to Support Homelessness Efforts

United Way of Ventura County has successfully met the Amgen Foundation $100,000 challenge grant to launch a Landlord Engagement Program thanks to the generosity of six founding local funders. The goal of the program is to increase housing stock and utilize existing housing vouchers and housing subsidies provided by local jurisdictions and community partners to prevent and end homelessness. The challenge grant provided the foundation for a new funding mechanism designed to generate permanent supportive housing for chronic homeless individuals through a streamlined, one-stop funding collaborative comprised of public and private funders dedicated to ending homelessness.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 25 — 4th of July: Gatherings are still not permitted by the State of California.

4th of July: Gatherings are still not permitted by the State of California. Please hold off on BBQs and celebrations with extended friends and family. Community members can only gather with members of their household at this time. Let’s work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 so that we can get back to enjoying these pastimes.

Museum of Ventura County — A Message to the MVC Community

Wednesday, July 1ST
11:00AM – 12:00PM

I’ll be discussing what we have done so far in response to the health crisis, what our current status is, and what our plans are for re-opening. I’d also like to take this opportunity to discuss with you how the Museum of Ventura County can best continue to meet current and future community needs, particularly in light of the global civil unrest and its regional manifestations and impacts.
Elena Brokaw
The Barbara Barnard Smith Executive Director

Grocery Outlet Announces Tenth Annual ‘Independence from Hunger’ Campaign

VENTURA COUNTY — Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, extreme-value grocery retailer, on June 24 launched its tenth consecutive Independence from Hunger Food Drive to combat food insecurity. From June 24 – July 31, 2020, the campaign will collect cash donations and pre-made bags of nonperishable foods in-store at Grocery Outlet’s 350 locations that will be distributed to local food agencies partners. In addition to the local store donations, Grocery Outlet has initiated a “Million Dollar Match,” a pledge to match up to $1 Million of donations made to the stores to multiply Independence from Hunger’s effort to support food agencies across the nation.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 24 — People in California are now required to wear masks when they are in public and unable to keep 6 feet distance from others

Masks: People in California are now required to wear masks when they are in public and unable to keep 6 feet distance from others. Read more at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/CDPH%20Document%20Library/COVID-19/Guidance-for-Face-Coverings_06-18-2020.pdf.

Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara Plans 30 New Affordable Units on Cota Street For Those Experiencing Homelessness

A May 14, 2020 article in the Los Angeles Times reports that “With the coronavirus-induced shock to the economy crippling businesses of all sizes and leaving millions of Americans out of work, homelessness in the United States could grow as much as 45% in a year.” The data trend, which comes from research conducted by Dr. Brendan O’Flaherty, a professor of economics at Columbia University, is mirrored in our community. According to the most recent Point-in-Time count completed in January 2020, the study found 1,897 homeless residents countywide, with 914 (48%) living in the City of Santa Barbara. The chronically homeless in the county rose from 423 to 614, a 45% increase. While the nation continues to grapple with adequately addressing this issue, the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) is moving forward with plans to build new housing specifically to address the needs of homeless individuals.

CSUCI again receives national recognition for sustainability practices

An organization that recognizes excellence in sustainability practices has given CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) one of its highest ratings.

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) commended CSUCI for earning a gold rating in AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS).

“STARS was developed by the campus sustainability community to provide high standards for recognizing campus sustainability efforts,” said AASHE Executive Director Meghan Fay Zahniser. “CSUCI has demonstrated a substantial commitment to sustainability by achieving a STARS gold rating and is to be congratulated for their efforts.”

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) Announce Newest Member to the Board of Governors

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) is pleased to announce a new member to its Board of Governors, Steve Mosko.

Mosko is Chief Executive Officer of Village Roadshow Entertainment Group (VREG), one of the world’s leading global entertainment content companies.  VREG produces content across film, television and digital platforms. 

Simi Valley And Yarrow YMCAs To Reopen July 1

The Simi Valley Family YMCA and Yarrow Family YMCA (in Westlake Village) will reopen Wednesday July 1. The Conejo Valley YMCA remains closed pending implementation of additional social distancing measures. Conejo Y members can use the Simi Valley and Yarrow facilities.

“We understand how important our Y is to the health and wellness of our community,” says Ronnie Stone, President/CEO of the Southeast Ventura County YMCA, which oversees the three local Y branches. “We hope to see our members back at the Y as soon as they feel comfortable.”

State Sen. Jackson Bill to Require Backup Power for Nursing Homes Passes Senate Floor

As California faces another wildfire season and potential public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara)’s Senate Bill 1207 to require California nursing homes to have backup power for at least 96 hours during an emergency passed off the Senate floor yesterday on a 36 to 0 vote. The bill now moves to the Assembly.

Ventura County Public Health Department Awarded National Reaccreditation Status — First in State of California

The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has announced that the Ventura County Public Health Department is among the first 25 local public health departments in the nation and the first in the State of California to be awarded reaccreditation status. The accreditation demonstrates a consistent and continued commitment to collaborative efforts to keep communities throughout Ventura County safe. The rigorous accreditation process requires commitment to quality and performance improvement.

EDC’s Economic 411 Labor Market Report for May 2020

The California Labor Market Information Division released its May 2020 report earlier today, showing that at least as measured by the unemployment rate we’ve turned the corner toward recovery.  Ventura County’s unemployment rate improved from a revised 13.9% in April to 13.5% in May. This parallels the April to May improvement in the national unemployment rate reported earlier this month. While the national improvement wasn’t so much a surprise, as much of the country began to re-open businesses well ahead of California, I’ll admit that we anticipated Ventura County’s rate to go up in May, even by as much as 5 points. It’s a welcome relief that it hasn’t, though recovery remains a long way off. For the May data, go to www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/file/lfmonth/vent$pds.pdf 

CSUCI inducts 16 members from Nursing Class of 2020 into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society

CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) will enter the fall semester with membership in the prestigious Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, which was founded in 1922 at what is now the Indiana University School of Nursing.

Adding CSUCI’s most accomplished nursing students to the 90-country, 135,000-member strong group of professional nurses has been a goal for Professor Emeritus of Nursing Karen Jensen, R.N., Ph.D., ever since the very first students graduated from CSUCI’s Nursing program in 2010.

Independent-Living Seniors Find Affordable Sanctuary at the New Housing Authority of the City of SB ‘The Gardens on Hope’

SANTA BARBARA — As COVID-19 continues to re-shape life in the U.S., one thing for certain is that the record-high increase in unemployment goes hand in hand with a shortage of affordable housing. This is especially hard for senior residents facing homelessness in Santa Barbara, and who live on a reduced income and may rely on part-time work to make ends meet but are in danger of losing their jobs due to lay-offs or closures.

SMJUHSD Parent Input Needed For SMJUHSD Re-Opening School Survey

The Santa Maria Joint Union High School District is asking parents to complete a simple seven-question survey to assist in the planning of school reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Questions focus on student attendance area, in-person instruction options, remote learning options, sports participation, internet availability and a possible delay to the start of school for staff training. The survey was released through the All Call System to parents late Friday.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Complete Count Committee to hold Census Caravan on June 20

The Ventura County Complete Count Committee will lead a Census Caravan on Saturday, June 20. The caravan – which will have 20 vehicles and 20 different representatives from organizations such as Food Share, the Ventura County Library, Líderes Campesinas, the Boys & Girls Clubs, Center for Employment Training (CET), and MICOP – will start its route at 1:00pm in the city of Fillmore in front of City Hall and travel through the cities of Santa Paula, Port Hueneme, and end in Oxnard by 4:00pm.

Ashley Gonzales Installed as Student Trustee of VCCCD Board

Oxnard College student Ashley M. Gonzales has joined the Ventura County Community College District Board of Trustees as the Student Trustee for the 2020-21 academic year. Gonzales was selected through a districtwide student election in April and installed at the June 16 board meeting. She joins the elected board comprised of Chair Bernardo M. Perez, Vice Chair Josh Chancer, and Trustees Dianne McKay, Larry Kennedy and Gabriela Torres.

Bilingual commentary — “White Privilege” and Latinos

Last week I wrote about the obvious impact of white privilege on the African American community.  There has been an uptick in dialogue in this country regarding white privilege. Lynching of blacks in different forms continues to this day.  Last year the college admissions scandal, in which affluent white parents gamed the system to their children’s advantage, came to light.  And then this year, incidents of murderous police aggression against the black community were caught on video and widely circulated on social media.  The good behavior of most police officers is completely eclipsed by these outrageous occurrences.

 Lost in the conversation is the discussion about the repercussions of white privilege in the Latino/Hispanic, Native American and Asian communities as well as a myriad of others.  In this article, I want to focus on the Latino—and specifically Mexican—community, since locally we are very much a majority-minority in some parts of Ventura County. 

Bilingual report — Employees recognized at Ventura County Public Works Agency for outstanding job performance 

Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) awarded longtime personnel, Sean Hanley, Kelly Hahs and Tony Sheppard as the 2020 Employees of the Year. Each year, peers recognize fellow employees for their skills and outstanding job performance in the respective categories of operations & maintenance, office, and management.  

Record Number of Migrant Students Enroll in Summer Program

A record number of migrant students have enrolled in a program that will provided important educational opportunities this summer in Ventura County. A total of 850 students have signed up for at-home summer instruction offered by the Migrant Education Program at the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE). The program provides services to students who frequently change schools as their families move throughout the state to follow work opportunities in the agriculture industry.

KidSTREAM Appoints Three New Directors to its Board — Wendy Acevedo-Solis, Iris Ilao, and Michael Jump

KidSTREAM, Ventura County’s children’s museum, which is committed to providing hands-on exhibits and programs based on science, technology, reading, engineering, arts and math (STREAM), announced the addition of three new members to its board of directors: Wendy Acevedo-Solis, Iris Ilao, and Michael Jump.

“We are incredibly honored to have Wendy, Iris, and Mike join a team that is committed to bringing kidSTREAM to fruition; We are equally thrilled that each new board director brings strength and passion to their commitment to serve all the children of Ventura County” said Michael Shanklin, kidSTREAM’s Executive Director.

SBCC — Plans for Fall semester instruction

Based on recent guidance provided by the state, county and Centers for Disease Control, SBCC will offer a substantial majority of credit courses online for the Fall 2020 semester.
As some courses are difficult to teach online, a limited number of courses will be offered in a face-to-face or hybrid format, maintaining appropriate health and safety protocols.
Read the press release for more details…

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — State-Wide Face Covering Mandate & Some Detail on Recent Covid Cases

Governor Newsom (on June 18) announced that face coverings are required to be worn State-wide in the circumstances outlined in the State guidance. It does not substitute for existing guidance about social distancing and handwashing.

Additionally, our Santa Barbara County Public Health Officer has put a pause on further reopening of personal care services such as nail salons, tattoo parlors, businesses offering facials, electrolysis, and waxing, etc.

Despite these significant acts of warranted precaution, we are seeing that the majority of active cases in Santa Barbara County are regional in nature. During the Public Health Department presentation to the Board of Supervisors this week, we learned more about why so many of our cases have been in North County, versus a much smaller amount of cases in South County (34 cases total).

Ventura County Civil Grand Jury Announces Release of Report on Charter School Implementation of State Mandated Sex Education – AB329

The 2019-2020 Ventura County Civil Grand Jury surveyed eleven charter schools authorized either by a school district located in Ventura County or by the Ventura County Office of Education, concerning policies and procedures for implementation of curriculum on sexual health.

The California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) requires parents/guardians of students in grades 7 through 12 be given written notice that the school will be providing mandated sexual health curriculum. The Grand Jury inquired by written survey:

Food Forward Ramps Up Critical COVID-19 Food Insecurity Emergency Relief Efforts in Ventura County

COVID-19 is having a severe impact on the country’s food supply and demand. At the same time, the unemployment rate is skyrocketing, driving more people to seek first-time food assistance than ever before. Southern California-based produce recovery nonprofit Food Forward is stepping up to meet the need in Ventura County during this crucial time.

Bilingual report — Community Invited to Take Action on Local Transportation System Reform

The Community Environmental Council (CEC), in partnership with Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) and Just Communities, invites the community to participate in online and phone listening sessions as part of their Connected 2050/Conectados 2050 long-range planning effort.

The public is invited to request a listening session by visiting the Connected2050.org (English) or Conectados2050.org (Spanish) website. The public can also sign up to get updates and give input by texting “CONNECT” to (833) 956-0921.

Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley weekly ‘ZOOM CONEJO DEMS COFFEE’ cancelled this Saturday

Link to Zoom Meeting will be sent by bed time on Friday (or very early Saturday morning).
Sign ups taken until 10:30 a.m. day of. Hope you can join us.
Join your fellow Conejo Valley Dems
for some friendly conversation.
Every Saturday (next coffee on 6/27)
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Hosted by Henry Montalvo

RSVP Here (for 6/27)
Fair warning:
Conejo Dem meetings will be strictly monitored.
Attendees may be refused service at the whim of the host or co-host.

Step Forward Entertainment Celebrates the Music of the Legendary Neil Sedaka A Virtual Concert to Benefit The Actors Fund Streaming on June 20th and 21st @ 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT

To help lift spirits during the worldwide lockdown while providing a lively musical event, Step For- ward Entertainment is producing a special virtual concert celebrating the music of the legendary artist, Neil Sedaka to benefit The Actors Fund Covid-19 Relief efforts.

The concert titled, “Steppin Forward Virtually to Celebrate the Music of the Legendary Neil Sedaka” will be streamed on Saturday, June 20th and Sunday, June 21st at 7pm EDT, 4pm PDT and repeated on Thursday, June 25th at 10pm EDT, 7pm PDT, presented by Robert R. Blume/Step Forward Entertainment and Pat Labez, in coop- eration with both Neil Sedaka Music and The Actors Fund. Krystin Goodwin, TV/Film actress and Fox reporter covering Entertainment and Trending News on Sirius XM Radio will serve as host.

Ventura County Public Health Department Issues Guidance for Reopening Additional Sectors

As Ventura County’s hospitalized COVD-19 cases have stabilized, the Ventura County Public Health Officer has issued new guidance permitting the reopening of additional businesses that were previously closed. Sectors that may reopen with modifications, social distancing protocols, and completion of the attestation process include, but are not limited to:

Ventura College Foundation’s Jerry Arellano Veteran Resource Center Library Program To Provide Textbook Stipends To Veteran Students

The Ventura College Foundation’s Jerry Arellano Veteran Resource Center Library Program received $59,000 in new funding to provide textbook stipends to U.S. veteran students attending Ventura College.

Veterans will be given up to $250 per semester for two semesters. To receive the textbook-buying stipend, recipients must donate at least one of their books purchased with the stipend to the Jerry Arellano Veteran Resource Center Library so future students can have access to textbooks at no cost. The library is named after Arellano, a Marine veteran and long-time firefighter including service at Station 32 at Edwards Air Force Base.

June News from Peoples’ Self-Help Housing

Diego Barraza, recent graduate from Santa Barbara High School and participant in the PSHH College Club! Diego has been accepted to UC Davis, where he will be pursuing a major in Environmental Science and Medicine this fall!

To celebrate more of our incredible graduating students, visit pshhc.org/graduation!

United Way of Ventura County’s Stuff The Bus Campaign — Day of Action

Sunday, June 21st is United Way’s Day of Action!

You can participate by joining
United Way of Ventura County’s
2020 Stuff the Bus campaign!

Provide essential school supplies for local students experiencing homelessness or from disadvantaged families. 

You can help pave the path to academic success for a child from a homeless or low-income family. Furthermore, your support not only provides essential school supplies – studies show that it also promotes learning, building self-esteem, and helps ensure that our youth stay in school. 

The Santa Paula Art Museum Is Open!

 The Santa Paula Art Museum is open again! The Museum and gift shop will be open regular hours: Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission is $4.00 for adults, $3.00 for seniors, and free for students and members. For the safety and comfort of museum guests and volunteers, anyone inside the Museum is required to wear a face covering for the duration of their visit (per the California Department of Public Health, this excludes children age 2 years and under, and persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering).

CSUCI Extended University welcomes new director for its online Business degree program

Students pursing an online bachelor’s degree in Business from CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) have a new academic director at the helm, Assistant Professor of Management Maria Ballesteros-Sola.

Ballesteros-Sola, who holds a masters and a doctorate of business administration, is taking the lead for a year while the current director, Assistant Director of Marketing Ekin Pehlivan, Ph.D., is on sabbatical.

Bilingual report — Public Defender’s Office provides services at pop-up site outside of Hall of Justice

The Public Defender’s Office resumed in-person services this week. There is a pop-up site located in the courtyard between the Hall of Administration and the Hall of Justice at the Ventura County Superior Court located at 800 S. Victoria Ave. The pop-up tables will be open weekdays at 8:00 a.m. and will remain open during the morning and afternoon criminal case calendars.

Current clients and new clients that want but cannot afford their own attorney for a criminal matter, are asked to enter the Government Center from Telephone or Hill Roads and park in lots E or F. Then proceed to the courtyard between the Hall of Administration and the Hall of Justice to check in at the Public Defender table.

CSUCI police chief will embrace pledge made with 22 campus police chiefs to change use-of-force policies

Effective immediately, CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) police officers will not use the carotid control hold to restrain a subject, and no officer will receive or participate in trainings that teach this form of control, which involves putting pressure on a person’s neck to control their movement.

The action is part of a pledge by the police chiefs at all 23 CSU campuses to follow the public safety recommendations made by Obama’s President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

EDC Business Alert — SBA reopens EIDL Portal for all eligible applicants

To further meet the needs of U.S. small businesses and non-profits, the U.S. Small Business Administration reopened the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance program portal to all eligible applicants experiencing economic impacts due to COVID-19 today.

SBA’s EIDL program offers long-term, low interest assistance for a small business or non-profit. These loans can provide vital economic support to help alleviate temporary loss of revenue. EIDL assistance can be used to cover payroll and inventory, pay debt or fund other expenses.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 15 — Food Share Pop-up Sites

Food Share Pop-up Sites
6/15 3 pm Ventura County Fairgrounds 1- W. Harbor Blvd
6/16 5 pm El Rio, Rio Mesa High School, 545 Central Ave
6/17 3pm Oxnard, College Park, 3250 South Rose Ave
6/18 3 pm Thousand Oaks, Conejo Creek South, 1300 E. Janns Road
6/19 3 pm, Santa Paula, Harding Park, 1330 E. Harvard Blvd
6/20/20 12:30 pm Moorpark, Ruben Castro Charities, 5700 Condor Drive

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Health Department issues modified health order Allows for reopening of additional sectors

Ventura County Public Health Department has issued a modified health order permitting the reopening of additional businesses that were previously closed. This Order will be effective June 11, 2020 11:59 pm and will continue to be in effect until extended, rescinded, superseded or amended in writing by the Public Health Officer.

Sectors that may reopen on Friday, June 12 with modifications, social distancing protocols, and completion of the attestation process include, but are not limited to:

Guest commentary — Open Letter to Scott Whitney, Chief of the Oxnard Police Department

Hello Scott,

It has been a while since we last talked or met. I think the last time we talked was at the old Social Security building, a few times in the past two years when you announced to us (CORE) and other community organizations and leaders your intentions to revising the two original Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions (OCGI). You law enforcement folks saw the adverse decisions being render by courts up and down California that much of the language of the ill-conceived and hastily drafted Civil Gang Injunctions in California were being challenged, and upon judicial review were not passing judicial muster and where in eminent danger of being struck down and rendered unconstitutional. Under your leadership the OPD, and the Ventura County District Attorney’s Offices, saw the writing on the wall and decided to drastically rewrite and modify significant language of the original OCGI.

Chiques Organizing for Rights and Equality (CORE) has been fighting for the abolishment of both the Colonia and Southside Oxnard Civil Gang Injunctions since their inception in 2003-2004 on the simple grounds that they are racist, profile a specific class of Oxnard residents (Latino men) and are outright unconstitutional, not to mention horrifically written and ambiguous ordinances. ABOLISH THE TWO OCGI NOW!!!!

County of Ventura faces outrage from community over offending COVID-19 Social Distancing posters

County officials issue an apology while critics say it’s ironic this comes during the same time as the heightened awareness of race issues during the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests

VENTURA COUNTY — During the same weekend the County of Ventura issued a media release regarding the death of George Floyd (see Bilingual report — A message from County of Ventura CEO Mike Powers dated June 7) new social distancing posters created by the County drew fire from many for their social insensitivity.

While the English-language signs featured two professional-attired business people separated by skies while the Spanish-language version featured two faceless silhouettes separated by food packing crates.

Some of the nearly 300 facebook comments include:

Bilingual report — A message from County of Ventura CEO Mike Powers

We all watched in horror as Mr. George Floyd was killed by a Minnesota police officer, it is incumbent upon us to recognize the pain and the outrage of this injustice. Each time one of these needless and tragic events happens, it seems we all pledge and hope it will get better. And then this happens again. We have reached a tipping point from which we can never go back. My heart is with the family of Mr. Floyd, with the African American community and with all members of our community who are hurting, feeling hopeless, and afraid. 

It is time we seize this moment and work to stop these events from happening. Together, as a community we can and will do it. We must do more. It starts with having an open and honest dialogue with one another. We value our relationships with our community members and community groups. We are stronger together. We stand in solidarity with those who wish to ensure all have a sense of safety, belonging, justice, equity and peace regardless of race, gender, age, sexuality or other identities.

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 12 — Farmworker Resource Program

Farmworker Resource Program: Special thanks to Oak Park High School and community member Olde Thompson for their generosity in donating to our local Farmworkers! Learn more about the Farmworker Resource Program at https://cdn.ventura.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Flyer_English_web.pdf. Learn about ways to donate at https://vcportal.ventura.org/covid19/docs/Farmworker_Resource_Program_Donation_Flyer_v3.pdf.

Jackson and Stern Bill to Expand Emergency Alerts Passes State Senate Floor

jointly authored by State Senators Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara) and Henry Stern (D-Calabasas), to expand and improve the state’s emergency alert systems and ensure local governments reach their most vulnerable residents passed off the Senate floor yesterday with unanimous support. The bill now moves to the Assembly.

SB 794 would allow cities and universities to automatically enroll residents in their emergency alert systems, while allowing them to opt out of receiving the notifications. The bill expands upon Jackson’s Senate Bill 821, which was signed into law in 2018 to allow counties to automatically enroll residents in emergency notifications, while preserving their ability to opt out.  

Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley weekly ‘ZOOM CONEJO DEMS COFFEE’ on Saturdays

Link to Zoom Meeting will be sent by bed time on Friday (or very early Saturday morning).
Sign ups taken until 10:30 a.m. day of. Hope you can join us. 

Join your fellow Conejo Valley Dems
for some friendly conversation.
Every Saturday
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Hosted by Henry Montalvo

Bilingual commentary — The Pervasiveness of “White Privilege”

At this time, once again, we find ourselves discussing the unfortunate reality of “white privilege” in our unspoken, pernicious societal rules.  “White privilege” is that social construct that makes it easier for whites to work within the grand system, to manipulate it in their favor if they choose to do so, to benefit from the blessings of a social order without even trying, simply by virtue of the color of their skin. Whites often are not even conscious of the privileges extended to them at the expense of non-whites. Whites can almost be forgiven for being unaware—indeed, clueless—of the generational suffering of those who do not participate in the grace that flows from the fountain of privilege.

The Collection at RiverPark welcomes community back just in time for summer

As the stay-at-home orders continue to lift in Ventura County, additional stores, restaurants, businesses and outdoor areas are reopening at The Collection at RiverPark just in time for summer.

Several essential businesses at The Collection continued to serve customers throughout the pandemic. Several others recently reopened, and now, even more are welcoming customers back. Some of the latest businesses to reopen include:

Museum of Ventura County — New MVC Insider + Albinger Archaeological Museum Virtual Tour and more!

While all sites are still closed to the public, MVC is preparing to re-open with limited, members-only hours, in mid-July, expanding to the general public in August.

Thank you to all of you who completed our online survey. Your responses are critical in developing our re-opening plans. Our first priority upon re-opening will be the safety of guests and staff. We will have more information about what to expect when you visit the museum in the next e-blast. 

County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 11 — COVID-19 drive through testing sites

COVID-19 drive through testing sites are located at:
Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Rd., Ventura CA 93003
Moorpark College, 7075 Campus Rd., Moorpark, CA 93021
Ford Dealership, 128 S. Hallock Dr., Santa Paula, CA 93060
NEW LOCATION: Oxnard College, 4000 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033 (Fri-Tue)
No appointment or insurance is needed.
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 10 am to 7 pm.
No cost.
You simply drive up and get tested while seated in your vehicle.

Bilingual report — Food Distribution Events Planned Throughout Ventura County, California & Washington State to Support Essential Frontline Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic

This Saturday, June 13th, the farmworkers’ rights group “Feeding the Frontline: Feeding our Farmworkers” will join with Latino activists and donors throughout California and Washington State to provide food distribution events for farm-working families who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic even while working to feed Americans. These efforts will include events in six agricultural counties throughout California, including Ventura, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Tulare, Fresno, and San Benito counties.

“This pandemic underscores the invaluable contributions farmworkers provide our communities, state, and nation,” shared Roberto Juarez, who heads Clinicas Del Camino Real, an organization helping lead Saturday’s events. “What COVID-19 has done to farm workers is to simply lay bare and even exacerbate the inequities they were already facing – ranging from health care disparities to poor living conditions and low wages that families simply cannot live on. …”

Peoples Self Help Housing — Join us as we build stronger communities, together

Dear Friend,
The past weeks have been difficult for so many reasons. COVID-19 continues to disrupt daily life and the justified civil unrest around our country has left our communities searching for solutions. We are committed to building inclusive neighborhoods where everyone is welcome and everyone thrives, and we stand united with all those promoting peaceful pathways to social justice.

Being part of the NeighborWorks America network, an affiliation of nearly 250 nonprofit organizations across the country, helps us creates opportunities for people to improve lives and strengthen their communities. Each year in June, we take a week to celebrate the achievements of the network and highlight the power of safe and stable housing.

This unprecedented year of 2020 sees us “Building Together’ and asking our community to submit their thoughts on “What Home Means to Me”. You can share and enjoy those inspiring thoughts at pshhc.org/buildingtogether.

Lisa Barron Recognized Nationally as a 2020 Maytag Dependable Leader

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) is pleased to announce that Lisa Barron, Director of the Rocky & Lon Morton Boys & Girls Club in Newbury Park has been recognized nationally as a 2020 Maytag Dependable Leader. 

Through a national partnership, Maytag and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) selected Barron as a recipient of this year’s distinction resulting in a financial grant for BGCGCV. The Maytag Dependable Leader Award recognizes Club officials who are committed to making a difference in the lives of youth and who are dependable and exceptional role models.

CAP Media — Message to CAPS friends and family

Dear CAPS friends and family,  

Citizens all across the nation are letting their voices be heard in peaceful protest, condemning the reprehensible actions of police officers in Minneapolis that resulted in the horrific death of George Floyd.  All of us at CAPS Media were sickened and saddened by what we saw.   

We do not condone racism, discrimination, inequality or violence towards anyone.  We stand in solidarity with our community and support everyone in exercising their first amendment right to assemble and to petition government to redress grievances.   

Bilingual report — Ventura County Fire Department — 8:00 AM Status Updates for Elizabeth & Lime Fires


Size: 450 acres
Containment: 20%
Expected Containment: Unknown
Total Personnel on Fire: 250

Current Situation:
Firefighters continue to build and improve containment lines around the fire,

Acres/Tamaño: 450
Contención: 20%
Fecha esperada de contención total: Desconocido
Personal total: 250

Situación actual: Los bomberos continúan contruyendo y mejorando las líneas de contención alrededor del incendio.

Ventura County Civil Grand Jury Announces Release of Report on Cybersecurity Strategies for Cities in Ventura County

The 2019-2020 Ventura County Civil Grand Jury investigated cybersecurity strategies of the Cities in Ventura County to assess each City’s preparedness to defend against data breaches and ransomware and identify opportunities to implement improvements.

Cyberattacks on local governments increased across the nation during 2019. Half resulted in ransomware demands. As the reports of these attacks on cities unfolded, it became clear that better preparation could have assisted those cities to avoid major and costly data breaches.

Talleres en línea para emprendedores el 12 de junio – Women’s Economic Ventures

Los básicos de Instagram y Facebook para tu negocio

¿Necesitas ayudando estableciendo o manejando tus redes sociales? ¿Sabes cómo conectar con tus clientes ideales por medio de estas redes? En este taller vamos a compartir pasos para establecer tus páginas de negocio en FB y IG. También vamos a compartir estrategias para incrementar tus ventas y conseguir más clientes.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Black Lives Matter

This has been an especially difficult last couple of weeks as we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic while being forced to confront the reality of systemic racism with the murders of several Black lives over the last few months – George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade. This isn’t the first time there have been protests in the streets over the taking of Black lives and a lot of the anger and pain you see is because of the reality for Black Americans knowing this won’t be the last time they have to protest in the streets to get justice and make change – and knowing that the next time the protest might be for them. We must take this time where we are already being forced out of the norm and out of our routine to look within our collective soul as a country and address the pain and discomfort of racism that has existed since the founding of our country. 

Santa Paula Art Museum — Can’t Wait to See You Soon!

All Natural Tie-Dye

We are beyond excited that Ventura County has given museums the green light to reopen! Our staff are busy working to ensure that the Santa Paula Art Museum will continue to be a safe space for all of our visitors and volunteers, and we will announce our official reopening date very soon.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the Museum’s “Art to the Rescue” curated resources and stay-at-home art project ideas over the past 12 weeks. We thought we’d conclude with a few sunny activities to try this summer like all natural tie-dying, which is eco-friendly and very in right now!


County of Ventura COVID-19 update for June 10 — Ventura County Pandemic Rental Assistance Program

The Ventura County Pandemic Rental Assistance (VCPRA) program may provide temporary rental assistance for Ventura County residents with very low incomes who owe past-due rent because of a hardship due to COVID-19. Online applications will be accepted June 17 – July 1, 2020. Learn more at www.vcemergency.com/rent.

United Way of Ventura County — Our diversity, equity, and inclusion values

Dear Friends,

These are challenging times for our community and country. But the challenges we’re facing also provide us with a tremendous opportunity for growth and progress. At United Way of Ventura County, embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion is not only the right thing to do, it is necessary to our success. To learn more about our diversity, equity, and inclusion values and commitments, please read our statement, linked here and available on our website.

Ventura County awarded highest credit ratings despite impacts of COVID-19 Refinancing results in major savings

The nation’s two top credit ratings firms – Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s – have awarded the County with their highest short-term rating and reaffirmed its triple A long-term credit rating – the highest possible rating.  These ratings will enable the County to refinance and borrow funds at lower interest rates to fund critical needs, saving substantial taxpayer resources over time.

The high credit rating allowed for the County to refinance the Ventura County Medical Center Hospital Replacement Wing Bond on June 3 at a lower rate. This will save approximately $2 million annually in debt service payments resulting in $34 million net present value savings.

Un mensaje de los doctores de las salas de emergencias del Centro Médico del Condado de Ventura y el Hospital de Santa Paula

Las comunidades de California continúan enfocándose en detener la propagación de COVID-19 a través del distanciamiento social. Estos esfuerzos son prometedores, pero una consecuencia involuntaria ha sido una brecha cada vez mayor entre las personas con padecimientos y los proveedores de atención médica. El departamento de emergencias del Hospital de Santa Paula ha visto una disminución en el número total de visitas a la sala de emergencias. “Esto es de esperar, cuando las personas no están saliendo fuera de casa”, explica el Dr. Richard Rutherford, médico de emergencias y director de calidad y seguridad de Seaside Emergency Associates. “Pero también nos preocupa que algunos miembros de nuestra comunidad se queden en casa cuando realmente tienen una emergencia médica”. A algunas personas les preocupa ser una carga al hospital durante una pandemia. Otros temen que puedan infectarse con el virus COVID. “Hemos visto pacientes con ataques cardíacos, derrames cerebrales y otras enfermedades críticas que han esperado demasiado para visitar el hospital”, lamenta el Dr. Rutherford. Demorar la atención médica de estos eventos potencialmente mortales puede dificultar que el equipo del departamento de emergencias recupere la salud de los pacientes.

Melissa Livingston named Director of the Ventura County Human Services Agency

By a unanimous vote on June 8, the Board of Supervisors concurred with the recommendation of County Executive Officer Mike Powers to appoint Melissa Livingston as the Director of the Human Services Agency.

“Melissa has been an influential County leader during her 40 years of service,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “She has been a great partner and an integral member of our County leadership team in supporting the mission to provide comprehensive and compassionate services for our diverse communities. Dedicated, bright and compassionate, she has dedicated her life to helping the most vulnerable. She is exceptionally well qualified, and this is critical, especially as our community recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.”

SBCC announces plans for Fall 2020 instruction

Based on recent guidance provided by the state, county and Centers for Disease Control, Santa Barbara City College has decided to offer a substantial majority of credit courses online for the Fall 2020 semester.

Recognizing that some courses are difficult to teach online and that many students find remote learning less than ideal, a limited number of courses will be offered in a face-to-face or hybrid format, maintaining appropriate health and safety protocols. A list of the specific face-to-face courses is available at www.sbcc.edu/classes.

Social Justice Fund for VC on the Challenges of Racism

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County condemns police brutality, the continued police violence against our Black brothers and sisters, the over-policing of communities of color and all systems of oppression that have plagued this nation for far too long. We join in the grief for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the numerous others who have been murdered and victimized by this violence. This outrage cannot only be a moment! This needs to be a time for reflection and a call to action for all of us to actively engage in dismantling and elimination of the institutional, systemic and intentional racism that permeates throughout all levels of our society.

LightGabler’s Kathleen Fellows Named to 2020 Super Lawyers’ Rising Star List

Kathleen M. Fellows, an attorney with the Camarillo-based employment law firm LightGabler, has been named to the 2020 Super Lawyers’ Rising Star list of southern California attorneys. Each year, no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers are selected by the research team at Super Lawyers to receive this honor. This is the second year that Fellows has been selected. She was previously named in 2019.

Guest commentary — The Vexations of History

Oxnard Police Department officers cut short the lives of Meagan Hockaday (d. 3/28/15), Alfonso Limon (d. 10/13/12), Michael Mahoney (d. 8/14/12), Robert Ramirez (d. 6/23/12), and Juan Zavala (d. 6/28/2014).

Consequently, any City of Oxnard official who empathetically condemns the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police must also memorialize their deaths. Especially Robert Ramirez, who like Floyd and Eric Garner in New York, could not breathe as the medical examiner of Ventura County determined his death a police homicide from prone restraint asphyxia—choking.

Only then can we, as a community, have an authentic conversation on police violence elsewhere.

Ventura Botanical Gardens Announces Re-Opening With New Hours

The Ventura Botanical Gardens (VBG) recently announced the COVID reopening date of Saturday, June 6. The Gardens have been closed due to both the pandemic and subsequent new construction including sponsorship sites and entrance development.

With the re-opening, new COVID protocols are in play. The Merewether Welcome Center entrance is now set up for non-contact social distancing. The exit has been moved to the back of the education structure—signs will point the way. There will be a limited entry of 50 visitors in the entirety of the Gardens. These protocols are based on National Public Gardens guidelines and are subject to change.

With Homework Drop-offs, Phone Calls, Texts and Zoom, Preschool Educators Never Stopped Teaching During Pandemic

Friday, March 13 of this year was suddenly the last day of school for the 894 children that attend preschool through the Children’s Services program at Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County (CAC). Immediately after the weekend, beginning March 16, the 250 teachers and staff members for the core program Head Start and CAC’s other educational programs for young children began instruction again – albeit not in the classroom.

County prepares $20 million grant program to assist businesses and renters

In an effort to assist businesses and residents, the County of Ventura’s CEO’s Office is finalizing a $20 million Economic Stabilization and Recovery Program aimed at providing relief to businesses and families by utilizing funding from the Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund. These programs will launch on June 17. Residents and business owners can subscribe for updates at www.vcreopens.com to be informed when applications become available.

Righetti High School FFA members take part in awards distribution celebration

Student achievement was recognized for Righetti High School FFA members at a drive-thru event Monday, June 1, in place of the traditional Awards Banquet forced to be canceled because of social distancing rules of Covid-19.

Recognized were more than 38 State FFA Degree recipients, 20 senior who completed their ag programs, this year’s Star Greenhand, Star Chapter Farmers, outstanding senior, Regional Proficiency Award winners and scholarships awards. Also handed out to seniors were FFA graduation cords and sashes to wear over caps and gowns.

Bilingual commentary — Emerging Into a New World

It’s happened throughout history: a catastrophic event occurs, whether that be war, pestilence, a sudden attack or a pandemic, and then the people who are impacted emerge into a very different world.  Think of a destroyed Europe immediately after World War II, the people of New York City after 9/11, the survivors of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fires that destroyed the city, the surviving dazed and severely injured citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the only atomic bombings in history and the people who had the good fortune of surviving the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1917 – 1918. 

Delta High School had its drive-through graduation/parade on June 4

Delta High School had its drive-through graduation/parade on June 4

DHS – About 300 grads

Johnny Arguijo – Valedictorian

Nancy Elias Lopez – Salutatorian?

Arguijo received the Minerva Scholarship, Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara Scholarship and the Kiwanis Club of Santa Maria Honor Student Award. Lopez earned the Breanna Nicole Rodriguez Scholarship, Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara Scholarship and the Kiwanis Club of Santa Maria Honor Student Award.

Oxnard Performing Arts Center — June up

The PACC’s meeting and banquet rooms are now available to rent for events meeting the County’s health officer order. With five meeting rooms, outdoor areas, and two banquet rooms with a total combined square footage of over 14,611, the PACC has plenty of space to host county-approved gatherings. For more information, or to find out if your event meets these restrictions, feel free to call/ text us at (805) 385-8147 or email us at info@oxnardperformingarts.com. Please note, our office is also reopening by appointment only.

CSUCI student’s letter to Lin-Manuel Miranda will be shared on Apple TV’s “Dear…” series

A letter she wrote to “Hamilton” and “In The Heights” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda landed CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Performing Arts major Melina Ortega a place in Apple TV’s “Dear…,” which premieres Friday, June 5.

Emmy Award-winning filmmaker R.J. Cutler created the 10-part docu-series to tell the stories of some of America’s pop culture icons through the eyes of those inspired by them.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Public Works Agency and Southern California Edison Enhance Safety by Upgrading Streetlights

In an effort to make unincorporated streets safer, Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) and Southern California Edison (SCE) are working together to begin work on May 26 to replace existing high pressure sodium vapor fixtures with energy efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. 

Oxnard-based El Lustrador Foundation update — Hope you are well/Esperando esten bien

We hope you and your families are doing well. Soon we well post photos of our help to our kids families at the Guatemala school. We are helping them with food because the COVID 19. Here we share an article in the main paper in Guatemala.Thank you for all your support.Deseamos que usted y su familia esten bien. Pronto compartiremos fotos de nuestra ayuda a las familias de nuestros niños en la escuela de Guatemala. Estamos ayudando con comida por el COVID 19. Aqui les compartimos un reportaje en uno de los periodicos mas importantes en Guatemala. Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo. …

Ventura County Activists Raise Funds to Support Essential Front-Line Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic

Ventura County Latino and immigrant rights activists are taking action to support the region’s farm working families who continue to provide California residents with safe and healthy food options throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign, known as “Feeding the Frontline: Feeding our Farmworkers,” has launched a GoFundMe campaign to provide groceries, supplies, and even Mariachi music to workers in the fields. The all-volunteer group is seeking community support to raise $15,000, which will help cover the cost of distributing food, supplies, and public health literature to these “frontline” families. The group’s next distribution event will occur this Saturday, June 6, 2020 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Garden Acres Mutual Water Company in Oxnard, California.

SEEAG And Growers Provide Over 4,000 Bags Of Fresh Produce To Local Farm Workers

Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture (SEEAG) organized produce donations from 13 different growers to fill over 4,000 bags of fresh produce for farm workers in need. The produce was distributed weekly in April and May.

Participating growers were Gill’s Onions, Houweling’s Group, San Miguel Produce, Earthtrine Farm, Saticoy Lemon Association, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Petty Ranch, Calavo, Mission Produce, Tamai Family Farms, Fig Tree Farms, Chivas Skin Care and Bennett’s Honey Farm.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Significant Testing Capacity Available & Business Reopening Webinar

Yesterday, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department provided an update to the Board of Supervisors on COVID-19. Despite the reopening of more businesses and people out and about at the beach and downtown, our indicators have remained well within the guidelines set by the State. In fact, we have seen a 27% reduction of active cases. However, we need more people to take advantage of our increased testing capability. Many of you emailed me about procuring a greater amount of testing and now we ask that you please use it! I know many of you were not utilizing our local testing sites because you wanted to make sure they were available for healthcare workers, and other essential workers, but now there seems to be testing capacity for everyone who is interested. Please see more information on testing below:

Online appointment registration: https://lhi.care/covidtesting

SCIART Opens Call for Entries for The NEXT Big Thing

Studio Channel Islands Arts Center (SCIART) invites artists to participate in the call for entries for SCIART’s exhibition, The NEXT Big Thing. The annual exhibition is an exciting showcase of contemporary art created by emerging artists, as well as nationally exhibited and award-winning artists, in all medium including video, film, performance, sound and installation art. This year’s show will be juried by art critic and journalist Leah Ollman. The exhibition will award three cash prizes. The deadline for artists to apply is July 12, 2020.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley (BGCGCV) offers Traditional Summer Camp

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley are gearing up to provide a fun-filled and educational Summer Camp for K-8th graders. 

Camp is offered at five Clubs including the Anderson Club located on the Los Cerritos Middle School Campus in Thousand Oaks, Johnston Club located on the Colina Middle School Campus in Thousand Oaks, Morton Club located on the Sequoia Middle School Campus in Newbury Park, the Notter Club, located on the Redwood Middle School in Thousand Oaks and the Grossman Club located on Chaparral Elementary School Campus.  Camp hours run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Righetti’s Annual Student Art Show and Film Festival join forces for a virtual art show

The power of art and film at Righetti High School has beaten these uncertain times with online assistance.

Righetti’s Annual Student Art Show and Film Festival have joined forces for a virtual art show at https://righettivisualarts.org/.

Student artists created art in various programs throughout the year, including drawings in colored pencil, graphite, and ink; paintings using tempera, watercolor, acrylic, and gouche; 3-dimensional art in paper mache, ceramics, and multi-media; as well as film and video, digital and film photography, and digital illustration. Because of the challenges of these times to students, the exhibited work represents a small sampling of the 500 students in these classes.

In an Unsettled World, the Ventura County Class of 2020 is Ready to Lead

It’s safe to say there has never been a senior year quite like this one. In March, the coronavirus crisis abruptly forced students from their schools and into a strange new world of distance learning. Then at the end of May, the death of George Floyd and resulting protests threw important and difficult issues of racism and equity into the spotlight in a way most students have never experienced.

This is the time of year when graduating seniors are usually celebrating with friends, attending proms and receiving their hard-earned diplomas in front of crowds of beaming family and friends. Instead, they are participating in car caravans, watching virtual graduations and contemplating an unsettled world where our economy, our social fabric, even our basic health and safety seem far from secure.

Against this backdrop, I am proud to introduce you to some remarkable Ventura County graduates who aren’t letting the difficulties of our current moment extinguish their spirit or stop them from pursuing their dreams. Among them are students who have personally felt the sting of social inequity and found the inner strength to rise above.

Museum of Ventura County — With your support …

COVID-19…. Nearly every aspect of our daily lives is impacted. None of us is immune. We are living through unprecedented, historic times.

How will we remember the details of this life-altering experience? What will future residents learn about how Ventura County reacted to the crisis? Who will tell our grandkids the stories of our experience? The answer to those questions and the key to the historical records will be in the archives and the collection of the Museum of Ventura County. Such is the case with all of our county’s history.

Ventura County Community Development Corp. — Check out our FREE Workshops and Updates! ?

Do you have a will or a trust? If the answer is no, you are leaving your loved ones and your assets at risk if something were to happen to you. Regardless of your age or your income, estate planning is an important part of planning for the future for anyone! Join us to learn how you can prepare and protect yourself and your loved ones! Guest speaker: Attorney, Rennee R. Dehesa.