Julie Birkett, YMCA’s ‘Find My Genius’ Teacher/Site Director, Named BellXcel’s “Educator of the Year”

Julie Birkett, fourth grade teacher at Sumac Elementary School in Agoura Hills and teacher/Site Director at the Southeast Ventura County YMCA’s “Find My Genius” summer learning program, was named “Educator of the Year” by BellXcel. BellXcel partners with school districts and community-based organizations to help close the education gap for students who are not performing at grade level. Birkett was selected out of over 1,000 teachers nationwide.

Birkett’s award was announced at a Zoom YMCA board meeting on Tuesday, March 16.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Shuttered Venue Operators Grant

he Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG), administered by the SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance, offers grants for live venue operators, performing arts organizations, motion picture theater operators, cultural institutions and other eligible applicants. SVOG funding does not need to be repaid and can be used for specific expenses, such as payroll, rent, utilities and other costs. 

Southern California Gas Company Sets Bold Net Zero Emissions Pledge

Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), the largest gas utility in the U.S., today announced the company’s bold commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its operations and delivery of energy by 2045.

This commitment makes SoCalGas the largest gas distribution utility in North America to set a net zero target including scopes 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, which would eliminate not only its own direct emissions, but also those generated by customers’ energy delivered by SoCalGas’ energy infrastructure.1  

News from The Foundation at Hearst Castle

We recognize that this is a truly unique and challenging time and we want to send our utmost gratitude to everyone who has supported The Foundation at Hearst Castle — in every small and large way — especially over the past year.

Hearst Castle remains closed, but our nonprofit organization remains quite busy. Enjoy this update and please continue to support vital efforts to conserve this magnificent monument and to empower future generations.

We hope to see you back on the Hearst Castle hilltop soon enough

Local PODS® Moving & Storage and KHAY Radio Jump into Spring for the Ultimate Spring Clean Package Giveaway

According to Healthline, whether you’re temporarily stuck indoors, working from home, or are having a tough time getting to sleep, your mental health can benefit from keeping your space tidy. Local PODS® Moving & Storage wants to help one lucky resident get ready for Spring by teaming up with local radio station KHAY 100.7 to help with the ultimate spring-cleaning giveaway.

Beginning March 8th, listeners can go to KHAY.com and enter for their chance to win 6 months of free storage as well as a $500 home improvement card to get their spring cleaning off to a great start.

“One of the number one priorities for Local PODS is that we support and assist our community in any way we can,” said Steve Yapp, owner of Local PODS Moving & Storage. “We are thrilled to extend an opportunity of our storage services to a lucky winner.”

Ventura County Team Wins State Mock Trial Competition

California Mock Trial Finals. Trinity Pacific Christian School in Thousand Oaks won the top spot in the statewide competition a few weeks after taking both first and second place in the Ventura County Mock Trial. Another Ventura County high school has reason to celebrate after the state finals. Jessica Zhou of Newbury Park High School took first place in the courtroom journalist portion of the competition.

The Trinity Pacific team (pictured) will now advance to the national mock trial competition to be held from May 13 – 15. The last Ventura County team to win at the state level was La Reina High School in 2013. La Reina went on to place second in the national contest.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 22, 2021

COVID-19 Update Data From 3/19 to 3/21

There are 62 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 11,638 new tests performed.

There have been 7 additional deaths: 92 year old male, 70 year old male, 56 year old male, 89 year old male, 79 year old male, 70 year old male, and a 89 year old female.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.

The current R-effective (average number of people each infected person will pass the virus onto and represents the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading) is .66 which means that spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing; R-effective for CA is .81 right now. 

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

Round 4- Nonprofit Arts & Cultural Program
Application Window Extended to March 26!

PLEASE NOTE: Eligible nonprofit arts and cultural institutions interested in being considered in this new program MUST complete a NEW APPLICATION at https://careliefgrant.com/arts-and-culture/ even if they have previously applied to the CA Relief Grant Program during Rounds 1 or 2. Waitlisted applications from Round 1 or 2 do not automatically roll over to Round 4.

Statement by Pacifica Graduate Institute (PGI) and Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) regarding the mass shooting in Atlanta on March 17, 2021″

Earlier this week we witnessed a horrific targeted shooting in which eight people, six of whom were Asian American women, were murdered. We are heartbroken by this event, and we vehemently condemn the hate crimes, violence, and murder being perpetrated against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in the United States.  

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the friends and families of those who were senselessly murdered as a result of this shooting and pledge our solidarity and support to our Asian brothers and sisters during this painful and difficult time” –Indhushree Rajan, 2013 PhD Clinical 

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) Weekly Webinar Schedule

The Economic Development Collaborative encourages you to sign up for our no-cost webinars. Space is limited. Register today!


23 de marzo de 2021 a las 6:00 pm

¿Es Usted Un Proveedor De Servicios De Cuidado Infantil En El Condado De Ventura? Únase a nosotros el martes 23 de marzo de 2021 a las 6:00 PM ¡Conozca el Segundo Programa de Subvenciones de Ayuda a Empresas del Condado de Ventura por el COVID-19! En el nuevo segundo programa, las empresas, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, iglesias y otras instituciones religiosas son elegibles para aplicar utilizando múltiples formas de verificación. En este seminario web vespertino se revisará el programa, los requisitos de elegibilidad, la solicitud en línea y se responderá a sus preguntas en directo.

Bilingual report — Dr. Irene Pinkard named Assembly District 44 Woman of the Year

Every year, the California Legislative Women’s Caucus sponsors the annual “Woman of the Year” celebration as part of Women’s History Month. This year, Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) named long-time Oxnard resident, Dr. Irene Pinkard, as her 2021 Woman of the Year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s celebration was held virtually.

The Santa Paula Art Museum Will Reopen Wednesday, March 24

We’re getting ready to reopen the doors to the Museum on Wednesday, March 24! Meet us at the Museum to enjoy our three outstanding current exhibitions, and the debut of our new, outdoor Art Park. Scroll down to see some of the Museum’s additional offerings as we head into spring.

*In accordance with public health directives, all museum guests will be required to wear a face mask for the duration of their visit, to sanitize their hands upon entry, and to sign a waiver upon entry.

UCSB Arts & Lectures presents House Calls Spring 2021, a new suite of virtual events just added for April and May featuring intimate, interactive online performances, conversations and Q&As with world renowned thought leaders; environmental and health advocates; best-selling novelists; dance innovators and filmmakers

Events include: Conservationist and UN Messenger of Peace Jane Goodall; health psychologist Dr. Kelly McGonigal; critically-acclaimed novelist Mohsin Hamid; urban dance innovator Ephrat Asherie performing Odeon and featuring the movement workshop Shake-a-Leg with Archie & Ephrat; classical music treasures Yo-Yo Ma, cello and Kathryn Stott, piano; novelist and former president of the American Enterprise Institute Arthur C. Brooks; and acclaimed producer and filmmaker Mira Nair

Simi Valley and Yarrow Family YMCA Indoor Fitness Centers Reopen March 29

The YMCAs in Simi Valley and Westlake Village will reopen their indoor fitness centers Monday, March 29.

Both Ys’ indoor facilities have been closed since last summer. Sanitation and social distancing procedures have been put in place following county guidelines. Masks will be required while inside and outside YMCA buildings.

“We’ve spaced our workout equipment at least six feet apart. Our staff will disinfect surfaces and provide a thorough cleaning of the facility throughout the day,” says Ronnie Stone, President and CEO of the Southeast Ventura County YMCA. “We look forward to welcoming everyone back. We’re confident we can provide our members with a great, safe experience.”

Social Justice Fund for Ventura County Supports AAPI Community

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County promotes fairness, equity, and human rights. We condemn and denounce the ongoing violence against the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, which recently resulted in the murder of eight people, six of whom were women of Asian descent. We stand in solidarity with our Asian-American and Pacific Islander brothers and sisters who are suffering from trauma, as they are the targets of hate, xenophobia, and violence. We acknowledge that language has power and that racist rhetoric fuels the fire of hate and white supremacy.

Bilingual report — Safety Alert: US Food and Drug Administration warns of investigation of acute non-viral hepatitis illness linked to “Real Water” brand alkaline water – Do not drink, cook, sell or serve “Real Water”

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Southern Nevada Health District is investigating a number of reports of acute non-viral hepatitis in the state of Nevada.

The consumption of “Real Water” brand alkaline water is the only common link identified among all of these cases to date. This brand of alkaline water is owned by Real Water Inc., headquartered in Mesa, Arizona. …

The 5-gallon containers are delivered to homes in the following areas, according to the firm’s website:

Ventura and Santa Barbara, CA through Real Water Gold Coast

Bilingual report ‚ County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 19, 2021

There are 62 new COVID-19 cases. There have been 5,291 new tests performed.

There have been 3 additional deaths: 72 year old female, 91 year old female and 70 year old female.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have passed away.

The current R-effective (average number of people each infected person will pass the virus onto and represents the rate at which COVID-19 is spreading) is .6 which means that spread of COVID-19 is likely decreasing; R-effective for CA is .81 right now. 

Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation Celebrates 40 Year Anniversary

The Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation (Cabrillo EDC) is the largest developer of affordable homes in Ventura County. With 24 properties, 1,159 homes and future projects in development, the organization is celebrating 40 years of home.

Founded in 1981, Cabrillo EDC’s early roots were in response to a farmworker community’s demand for secure housing. Rooted in community-building and ongoing support, their mission aims to provide comprehensive affordable housing services and community economic development activities to residents most lacking in opportunity.

Bilingual commentary — White Supremacy in…Mathematics?

Last week I saw an article in Yahoo News condemning a more liberal approach to teaching mathematics in Oregon, that bastion of liberal thinking (rivaling that of neighboring California!). Don’t get me wrong. I’m a political moderate with strong leftist leanings. But the way “liberal mathematics” was described in the article left me gobsmacked—not to mention incredulous. The article’s characterization of modern mathematics education was outrageous. But then I considered the news source and understood why the facts were being distorted.

The state of Oregon was encouraging teachers to receive training in “ethnomathematics.” This branch of mathematics, which never appeared in my college catalog back in the 1970s when I was a student, explores relationships between mathematics and culture. Fair enough. Understanding how Native Americans and the ancient Chinese, for example, viewed and used mathematics can be fascinating and enlightening.

Bilingual report — Statement from County Executive Officer Mike Powers Regarding Horrific Shootings in Atlanta, Georgia

We are grieving with the Asian American community and all of the victims of the horrific shootings in Atlanta Tuesday night that took eight lives, six of whom were women of Asian descent. This is the latest in a series of heinous attacks against Asian Americans across this nation, and sadly, these are not isolated events. Since the start of the pandemic, we have seen a disturbing rise in inflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric, harassment, and violence against Asian American communities.

We will continue to ensure that our county is a place where all people are welcome and our diversity is celebrated. We stand in solidarity with members of the Asian American community and those facing discrimination, hate incidents, fear, and intimidation. We must do everything in our power to make their safety a priority and to stand against all forms of injustice.

Ventura Land Trust announces new board leadership

The Board of Trustees of Ventura Land Trust elected a new leadership slate to start 2021. Retired Ventura city manager Mark Watkins will serve as Board President, backed by Vice President Jill Shaffer. Sylvia Schnopp steps into the role of treasurer and John Hankins continues as secretary.

Mark Watkins, a registered California Civil Engineer, has enjoyed a long career of public service working for the County of Kern as the Public Works Director, for the City of Thousand Oaks, and most recently as City Manager for the City of Ventura. Mark retired from the City of Ventura in 2017.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 18, 2021 — Vaccine Information 

Keeping it local: COVID-19 Vaccine appointments are for those that live or work in Ventura County. Those who do not live or work in Ventura County will be turned away at their vaccine appointment. The State’s My Turn platform allows anyone from anywhere to make an appointment. Please share with any out of County friends or family that a person must show proof of living or working in our County to get vaccinated at one of our sites.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program

If you’re an income eligible renter who has experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19 and have past due rent, or you’re a landlord who has experienced a loss in income because of unpaid rent, you may be eligible to get financial assistance now through the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program.

The program is not first come first served, rather priority will be given to those households with the greatest risk of being evicted.

Who Can Apply?:

VCFD Honors Lifesavers, Outstanding Employees, Volunteer with 25th Annual Awards

The Ventura County Fire Department honored five people for their lifesaving actions, a volunteer of the year and the outstanding achievements of employees with its 25th Annual Awards, announced today.

Each year, the department recognizes firefighters, dispatchers and members of the public who go above and beyond in the service of others. This year’s awards ceremony is being held virtually to maintain safety measures during the coronavirus pandemic. A video of the event is available on our YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/itSkWxrHE0o. Additionally, it will be broadcast on CAPS Channel 6, starting March 28 at 8 p.m.

The Pioneer Valley High School FFA recently hosted all six of the California State FFA Officer Team

The Pioneer Valley High School FFA recently hosted all six of the California State FFA Officer Team

This team was made up Dean Hill, State President from Templeton FFA, Emma Thorpe, State Vice President from Lakeside-El Capitan FFA, Mia Arisman, State Secretary from Galt FFA, Reese Golsalves, State Treasurer from Modesto FFA, Taylor Sollecito, State Reporter from Salinas FFA, and Maico Ortiz, State Sentinel from Galt FFA.

Terry Theobald Selected to Lead County of Ventura Information Technology Services

County Executive Officer Mike Powers has appointed Terry Theobald as the County’s new Chief Information Officer (CIO). “It is an honor and privilege to be appointed to the role of CIO.  I am deeply committed to improving the lives of Ventura County residents and workers through technology.  I’m looking forward to working with the IT Services organization, County agencies and all of IT’s customers to implement critical projects and continue the efforts to bring innovative solutions forward in our County,” said Terry Theobald.

UCSB Arts & Lectures announces Race to Justice Spring 2021 events highlighting leading activists, musical artists, authors and inspired thinkers confronting racism in America and guiding us towards racial equality

Race to Justice Spring 2021 virtual events include: Olympian Allyson Felix; Gullah musicians Ranky Tanky; Father of the Environmental Justice Movement Dr. Robert Bullard; Urban Planner, Artist and Activist Theaster Gates; Author of the bestselling memoir Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson; Advocate and Public Policy Expert Heather McGhee; and UCSB Reads Author Patrisse Cullors

The Collection celebrates numerous reopenings

Throughout Ventura County, businesses and individuals are celebrating our community’s transition into the red tier. For those eager to join in the excitement, The Collection at RiverPark is now offering both indoor and outdoor dining, several newly reopened businesses, and the comfort of socially distanced experiences at an open-air shopping center.

24 Hour Fitness Super Sport welcomes guests back indoors while continuing to keep their outdoor gym open for members to enjoy while taking a GX Studio class such as body pump or Zumba. In addition, on Friday, March 19, Century RiverPark 16 & XD will reopen to the community to show exciting new releases and classic movies. Private Watch Parties will also be available for up to 20 guests. Please visit http://www.thecollectionrp.com for ticket purchase options.

Pioneer Valley FFA Section students moving onto Regional Speaking Finals

Nine representatives of the Pioneer Valley FFA will move on to the Regional Speaking Finals later this month to compete and qualify for the State Finals competition after a strong and successful showing at the Sectional Public Speaking Virtual Competition.

Sophomore Jasmin Olivera was named 4th high in the speaking competition labeled Impromptu. Only four individuals get to move on and Pioneer Valley FFA will have one of them from our school district. Jasmin was able to take an unknown question, quotation, and agriculture related word and instantly give a two-minute speech on its importance and application to agriculture and her life.

Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara — DJ Javier x MCASB Limited Edition Launch!

We are thrilled to release our limited edition collaboration with Santa Barbara-based artist and designer, DJ Javier.

This limited edition was created to communicate a sense of diversity and inclusion within the surf community. The design features a group of characters with varying skin tones, genders, and styles, all of whom carry surfboards, as they walk together in the same direction.

Welcome the arrival of springtime, with summer soon to follow, by purchasing your own DJ Javier x MCASB beach towel before they’re gone! Visit our web store to get yours today!

Board of Supervisors Dismisses 5 COVID Lawsuits Against Non-Compliant Businesses

The Board of Supervisors has unanimously voted to dismiss 5 remaining COVID-19 lawsuits against non-compliant businesses.

In a joint statement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, Chair Linda Parks stated, “The lawsuits were never meant to be punitive but rather to gain compliance with Public Health Orders. This act of good will is in concert with the loosening of indoor restrictions accompanying the county’s move into the red tier. We extend our deep appreciation and thanks to all businesses that have worked so hard and continue to work hard to keep their employees and customers safe from COVID by following public health guidelines. It’s crucial that all businesses follow the state issued guidance so that we can all continue to move forward. We want to make sure we all work together to protect lives and to continue reopening our County.”

March News from People’s Self-Help Housing

As we turn a seasonal corner, and start to shed the pandemic gloom, spring fever is in the air throughout all the communities we serve along the Central Coast. Spirits are lifting, economic relief is hitting mail boxes, and nature is blossoming all around.

This past week was dominated by the American Rescue Plan Act – there is much good news there, and multiple benefits will accrue to many of our residents. Direct stimulus checks will help make up for reduced incomes, lost jobs, and to assist those raising families. An upside of living through this past year has been seeing our existing, and new stakeholders, all stepping up their support to meet these increased needs. What a testament to people helping people!

County of Ventura moves forward to the Red Tier 12:01 am March 17

The County of Ventura will move to the State’s Red Tier beginning 12:01 am Wednesday, March 17, 2021.“This is great news for our community and an opportunity to work together to support our local businesses as we move forward in reopening our economy,” said County Executive Officer, Michael Powers.

In alignment with the state’s reopening framework,  masking, distancing and infection control practices remain in place.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 16, 2021

The County of Ventura will move to the State’s Red Tier beginning 12:01 am Wednesday, March 17, 2021.“This is great news for our community and an opportunity to work together to support our local businesses as we move forward in reopening our economy,” said County Executive Officer, Michael Powers.

In alignment with the state’s reopening framework, masking, distancing and infection control practices remain in place.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Santa Barbara County Moves to Red Tier

At (March 16)’s Board of Supervisors hearing, we received a COVID-19 update from the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department. Some very positive news was shared, which is cause for celebration. However, while the winter surge we experienced is now over, we have to stay vigilant collectively as a county so we can continue to see a decline in cases and other metrics, especially with spring break on the horizon.

Our adjusted case rate is 7.7 and positivity rate is 3.3. Effective at 8:00 am tomorrow, Wednesday, 3/17, Santa Barbara County is now in the Red Tier. As a reminder, the following sector changes apply in the Red Tier according to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The state has reached its first health equity vaccine goal of vaccinating 2 million persons in the hardest hit communities in our state and our cases fall between 4-10 cases per 100,000 population.

More Schools to Reopen as Ventura County Moves to Red Tier

More public schools will be reopening to in-person instruction now that Ventura County is moving to the less restrictive red tier in the State’s coronavirus monitoring system. The move from the purple to the red tier will take effect this Wednesday as COVID-19 rates decline in Ventura County and after the State eased the threshold to switch tiers because of increasing vaccination levels.

The change opens the door for schools that had not reopened the last time the County was in the red tier to do so at all grade levels, including middle and high school. Most schools that open to in-person instruction use hybrid schedules that include some time on distance learning. This is necessary because social distancing requirements prevent many schools from bringing all students back to class in-person full time.

Four decades after founding top law firm, veteran family law attorney Rick Montgomery strikes out on his own

For more than 40 years, attorney Frederick “Rick” Montgomery has been a fixture in Santa Barbara legal circles. As co-founder in January of 1977 of one of the city’s most esteemed law firms, Fell, Marking, Abkin, Montgomery, Granet & Raney, LLP, he has helped generations of Santa Barbara families and businesses work through their legal challenges.

This month, the preeminent local attorney launched a new chapter in his career. On March 1, he opened a new practice in downtown Santa Barbara across the street from his old firm.

VCCDC Community Matters Newsletter – March 2021

VCCDC is celebrating the success of its first From Here Forward program recipient! Last month, Mia Martinez, a long-time Ventura County resident, closed on her first home with the help of $100,000 in down payment assistance from VCCDC. The From Here Forward Program is made possible with CalHome home buying assistance funds from the State of California and it provides gap funding for homebuyers who were physically or economically displaced by the Thomas or Woolsey Fires in Ventura County. Like many Ventura County residents, after the Thomas and Woolsey Fires, Mia’s rent went through the roof with 10% increases every year as housing supply shortages were exacerbated in Ventura County and landlords raised rents. With over 50% of her income going towards her rent, she had no other choice but to move in with family into a 10×10 bedroom for her and her granddaughter. Read more about Mia’s story and watch an orientation about the From Here Forward Program to learn how this program can help you buy a home!

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — American Rescue Plan & Small Business Relief

Congress has approved a new $1.9 trillion federal relief package, more commonly known as the American Rescue Plan. The stimulus legislation, the largest of its kind, includes several measures to help stabilize small businesses and the economy.

The details of these programs are still being determined. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

United Way of Santa Barbara County’s Fun in the Sun Program Returns June 21 through July 30

United Way of Santa Barbara County’s (UWSBC) annual Fun in the Sun (FITS) summer learning program returns June 21st through July 30th and is now accepting applications for staff and local students to participate. The free six week program will address summer learning loss and COVID-19 learning loss through academic and social emotional programming.  

UWSBC is anticipating an in-person program at all six sites depending on COVID-19 mandates. Students will engage in academic rotations focused on literacy and STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts and math) as well as participate in social, emotional and mental wellness activities. Should COVID-19 conditions worsen, UWSBC will provide a virtual program. 

Quality of Life Financial Assistance is a lifeline for Low Income COVID-19 Positive individuals and Families in Quarantine 

Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) has been providing financial support to over 100 COVID-19 positive lower income patients and their families in a special partnership with Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics.   

It has been particularly difficult for these families as they experience the multi-pronged impacts of a life-threatening virus including losing work and income while quarantining to protect the rest of us by remaining home. Imagine complying with CDC guidelines by staying at home while, at the same time, being unable to pay for groceries and other essentials for your family. These are families that have been hardest hit by the pandemic and they’re trying their best to be safe under difficult conditions that none of us could have predicted. 

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

Round 4- Nonprofit Arts & Cultural Program
Application Window Now Open!

PLEASE NOTE: Eligible nonprofit arts and cultural institutions interested in being considered in this new program MUST complete a NEW APPLICATION at https://careliefgrant.com/arts-and-culture/ even if they have previously applied to the CA Relief Grant Program during Rounds 1 or 2. Waitlisted applications from Round 1 or 2 do not automatically roll over to Round 4.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 15, 2021 — Vaccination Update

NEW VACCINE PHASE OPENED TODAY: Individuals aged 16-64 who are deemed to be at the very highest risk to get very sick from COVID-19 because they have the following severe health conditions are now eligible:

Cancer, current with weakened immune system
Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 or above
Chronic pulmonary disease, oxygen dependent
Down syndrome
Solid organ transplant, leading to a weakened immune system
Sickle cell disease
Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies (but not hypertension)
Severe obesity (Body Mass Index ? 40 kg/m2)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hemoglobin A1c level greater than 7.5%

Cold Again Refrigeration Services recently launched in Oxnard to target local companies with commercial refrigeration equipment

A new company, Cold Again Refrigeration Services, a Commercial Refrigeration Services Company, launched March 2021 in response to demand for more specialized services from the commercial refrigeration equipment services sector.

Cold Again Refrigeration Services will help customers to feel at ease about the continued performance of their vital refrigeration equipment. Cold Again knows that their customers want functional, reliable and long-lasting equipment and already works with markets, restaurants and hotels, to name just a few.

The Foundation of VCCU provides $31,000 in grants to local nonprofits

The Foundation of VCCU, a philanthropic nonprofit organization established by Ventura County Credit Union (VCCU), gave a total of $31,000 in grants to eight local nonprofit organizations.

The grant recipients included the Boys & Girls Club of Camarillo, El Concilio Family Services, People’s Self-Help Housing, Project Bicycle Love, Ventura College Foundation, Ventura County Area Agency on Aging and Westminster Free Clinic. The nonprofits will use the grant money to support a wide variety of programs and services that benefit the Ventura County community.

Volunteers in Ventura County Help Those with Low-Moderate Incomes File for Available Tax Credits Through VITA Programs

Tax season is upon us and low- to moderate-income Ventura County residents are encouraged to take advantage of ways to put more money back in their pocket with the help of United Way of Ventura County’s (UWVC) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).

Through April 30, 2021, trained VITA volunteer tax preparers will help working families and individuals file their state and federal tax return and access the tax credits to which they are eligible. Households earning up to $57,000 in 2020 are eligible to use the free services.

Bilingual report — Ventura County Board of Supervisors Appoints Tiffany N. North as County Counsel

The County Board of Supervisors has unanimously appointed Tiffany N. North as the new County Counsel after a nationwide recruitment.

“Tiffany is a strong generalist legal professional with excellent communication skills who is well-versed in public law with experience in advising a large public agency,” said Board Chair Linda Parks. “Her proven track record providing practical legal advice on a range of topics will serve our County well. We look forward to continuing the collaboration and teamwork with our County Counsel’s office that have been key factors in providing the best public service to our community.”

EDC’s Economic 411 Labor Market Report for January 2021

The California Labor Market Information Division (LMID) released its January 2021 report early (March 12), delayed by about a month from the usual release date, accommodating the annual recalibration, helping to assure the monthly data aligns with continuing changes in the economy and labor markets.

The report shows no change from December in the unemployment rate, still at 7.4%, though a steep loss in payroll jobs month-over-month, down a total of 7,900.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 12 — Two Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Delivered to California’s Hardest-Hit Communities, Prompting Update of State’s Reopening Plan

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced that 2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to Californians in some of the state’s hardest-hit communities, increasing immunity where the state’s transmission rates and disease burden have been the highest during the pandemic. With this equity metric met, and because vaccines slow the spread of disease and serious illness, the previously announced update to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to account for progress with vaccine administration goes into effect.

Ballet Hispánico Partners with ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Bárbara! for a Virtual Residency and Community Performances

Ballet Hispánico, the nation’s renowned Latinx dance organization recognized as one of America’s Cultural Treasures, is partnering with ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Bárbara!, an Arts & Lectures community arts program for a two-month virtual residency. From January 26 through March 18, Ballet Hispánico will teach 40 virtual workshops at three Santa Barbara County schools, serving more than 130 elementary to high school students as they explore cultural identity through the lens of Con Brazos Abiertos.

The workshops will culminate in a live virtual event sharing the process of the residencies with the school communities of Isla Vista Elementary, Kermit McKenzie, and Santa Barbara High School. 

The Surge of Summer through Winter, 2020-2021: COVID-19 Burned Through California’s Latino Population

While all population groups were affected by the COVID-19 surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021, California’s Latino population was among the hardest hit. Looking at increases in age-specific death rates, we can appreciate how many more Latinos than non-Hispanic whites (NHW) in every age group were killed by COVID-19. …

The surge from the summer through the winter of 2020?2021 affected all racial/ethnic groups, but it hit California’s Latinos particularly hard. In every age group, the disparity between Latino and non-Hispanic white death rates remained roughly the same throughout this period, ranging from two times to seven times as high, depending on age.

Bilingual commentary — Career Education at Our Community Colleges

Some of us Ventura County residents may be in high school or recently graduated, trying to find a path forward as we wrestle with a daunting number of higher education and career choices. Some of us may be middle-aged and “drifting,” or restless in our current careers.

Then there are those of us who are retired and looking for something new to challenge us. Perhaps we have a new interest—and the time to pursue it. Retirees may even be seeking a career that is either an extension of their life’s work, or possibly something quite different from what they had done for decades.

Bilingual report — Oxnard Fire Department Hosts Virtual Head Shaving Event to Raise Funds for Childhood Cancer Research on March 23-25

On March 23-25, 2021, more than 30 Oxnard firefighters will shave their heads to promote and raise funds for childhood cancer research through the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

“Firefighters often become heroes to people whose lives they save in emergencies. By shaving our heads bald, we hope to raise awareness of the heroic children battling cancer,” said Chief Hamilton. “It’s a unique way to stand in solidarity with these children while also literally creating a buzz for an honorable cause.”

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Vaccine, Testing & More

If you had asked me five years ago if it were possible to have a Board of Supervisors hearing about redistricting, the long-term planning work program, or marijuana without having a knock-down-drag-out fight, I would have told you no way. This week, we discussed all three civilly and though there were disagreements, there was a confluence of purpose and principle. When the rest of the nation has become more partisan and angry, I hope it is reassuring to you to have a Board that works together to get things done.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 11, 2021 — When will Ventura County be in the Red Tier?

The state has announced that once 2 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are administered in the most vulnerable communities in the state that the state will modify the case rate requirements. The case rate requirements are tied into the different colored tiers. If the case rate requirement is adjusted and Ventura County meets the metric we will move to the Red Tier next Wednesday the 17th.

Looking forward. Here’s what can be open (following the state issued guidance for each sector) once the County is in the Red Tier:

Ridley-Tree Cancer Center Sponsors Hospice of Santa Barbara’s illuminate Speaker Series

Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) is proud to announce that Ridley-Tree Cancer Center is a sponsor of the illuminate Speaker Series, a virtual series that brings world-renowned speakers every month to discuss how COVID-19 is impacting us all.  

As local nonprofits in Santa Barbara adapt to find new ways to serve their clients and causes, HSB is adjusting to the new realities that come with COVID-19 through theirilluminate Speaker Series, which provides helpful resources to our community and beyond as we cope with our new reality. 

CEO Appoints Barry Zimmerman as the Director of the Ventura County Health Care Agency

Barry Zimmerman has been selected as the Director of the Ventura County Health Care Agency after a nationwide recruitment. The appointment was made by County Executive Officer Mike Powers.

“Barry is an excellent leader and the right person at the right time for this vital role. He will guide the Health Care Agency’s outstanding leadership team as they usher in a new era of health care,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “The speed and scope of the pandemic has posed extraordinary challenges and Barry has been a proven leader during this complex and unprecedented time taking the lead on the COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Taskforce. His service to our community and to our County, especially during this time, has been crucial.”

Santa Paula Art Museum — This One Is for the Ladies

California. Considering how much the Santa Paula Art Museum has learned and benefited from women creatives, we think the two celebrations coincide perfectly. Thank you to all of the amazing women who support the Museum; that includes our women artists, docents, donors, teachers, board members, and our all female staff.

Scroll down to see all of the ways that we are honoring women artists this month and in the year ahead. We are also looking forward to announcing the Museum’s reopening date in the coming weeks!*

*The Santa Paula Art Museum remains temporarily closed to the general public in accordance with COVID restrictions. Please call or email the Museum to make a private viewing appointment.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

On February 23rd, Governor Newsom signed into law a comprehensive package providing urgent relief for the small businesses of CA. Part of the package is allocated to a new program solely for certain eligible nonprofit cultural institutions.

This is a new program and will have a separate application process from previous rounds of the California Relief Grant.

Ventura College Foundation’s Gerry Pantoja Elected Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties Chapter 2021 President

Gerry Pantoja, director of major and planned giving at the Ventura College Foundation, has been elected the 2021 president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties Chapter (APFSBVC).

At the Ventura College Foundation, Pantoja is responsible for securing funding to further the foundation’s mission to provide innovative and vital resources and financial support to the students and programs at Ventura College. With over 12 years working in the nonprofit sector, he has fundraised for a variety of nonprofit organizations including eight years fundraising in Washington, D.C.

Allan Hancock College Sponsors SEEAG Santa Barbara County Child Wellness Initiative

Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria is sponsoring Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture’s (SEEAG) “Santa Barbara County Child Wellness Initiative” at its highest $10,000 “Rain Maker” level.

The program educates, inspires and empowers children to eat healthy by adding locally grown Santa Barbara fruits and vegetables to their diet to help ward off childhood obesity that could lead to diabetes.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — New Digital Marketing Course

In partnership with the Economic Vitality Corporation, SLO Partners and the Morgan Family Foundation, the Economic Development Collaborative is happy to announce a new 10-week digital marketing course that provides a unique hands-on learning experience to enhance your marketing skills in the new digital era. This course has been subsidized by the partners to help promote access and remove obstacles for those looking to improve their marketing skills in an affordable digital classroom setting. Learn topical skills that are fundamental to today’s online world to improve your job marketability, increase your chances at promotions and support your own journey of personal development.

SBCC welcomes Christina Llerena as new EOPS/CARE and CalWORKS director

Santa Barbara City College is pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees recently approved Christina Llerena, MSW, as the new EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs Director.

EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) is a state-funded, educational support program for financially and academically disadvantaged students enrolled full-time at SBCC. The CARE program (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) provides additional services for low-income, single parent students.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 10, 2021 — Shout out to the wonderful team of Nurses and Disaster Service Workers

Shout out to the wonderful team of Nurses and Disaster Service Workers who are serving at COVID-19 vaccine sites throughout our County! Thank you Ventura County for the many kind emails and letters about your positive experiences receiving the vaccine. The site staff appreciates the messages!

‘Shellebrate’ 2021 March Mermaid Month At Ventura Harbor village & All Things Mermaid With A Salute To Sirens of The Sea

Channel your inner mermaid and take in all things Mermaid during Ventura Harbor Village’s 6th Annual March Mermaid Month, a mer-mazing salute that honors the mystical aquatic creatures of the sea.

With Spring right around the corner, now is the ideal time to visit, as the Ventura Harbor Village kicks off this annual promotion with a month-long myriad of re-imagined activities. Mermaids and merman of all ages can enjoy special seaside offerings including themed mermaid/man merchandise, original artwork, eats and treats, fresh seafood and savory fish offerings from Ventura Harbor Villages top seafood restaurants, and a host of month-long specials from locally owned retailers and attractions.

Channel Islands Maritime Museum Hosts Mini “Eco-Boat” Contest for the Month of April

The Channel Islands Maritime Museum (CIMM) is happy to announce its April event/contest as part of its continuing 30th anniversary year celebration and Earth Day.

The Museum is calling for mini “eco-boat” contest entries which are boats that utilize recyclable or compostable materials. Entries should be no larger than 24” in length. Winning entries will be chosen based on the most creative use of materials. Wood, paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and plant fibers (including cotton fabric, canvas, hemp, non-nylon rope, etc.) are all acceptable materials. Plastics and foams may not be used in the construction of boats. Prizes will be awarded in four age categories: Adults (18 years and older), Young Adults (13-17 years of age), Kids (7-12 years of age), and Kids (6 years and under).

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 9, 2021 — COVID-19 Update

The VC Mobile Library distributes Face Mask Kits to children and families thanks to a partnership with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging. Kits contain face masks, hand sanitizer, COVID-19 safety and good hygiene information, a resource guide for coping with COVID and where to find help. Brothers, Luis and Sebastian recently enjoyed selecting new books from the Mobile Library. They are smiling behind those masks! Learn more about the Ventura County Library at the following link: www.vencolibrary.org/.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura launches Second $20 million COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program

The County of Ventura’s second COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program for businesses and nonprofit organizations opens for pre-registration March 24-March 30 and applications will be accepted March 31 at 8 am to April 6 at 6 pm. The $20 million assistance program offers $5,000-dollar grants for Ventura County based businesses and nonprofits who did not receive the first round of grants.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe economic and health impacts in our community. The County with the support of the Board of Supervisors, hopes this funding can help provide some relief to businesses and nonprofits who have been seriously impacted,” said Mike Powers, County Executive Officer. “We also encourage our community members to shop local and support local businesses as much as possible as we move forward.”

Port of Hueneme — Community Survey/Encuesta Comunitaria

Do you want to help steer the ship for the next 10 years? The Port of Hueneme is seeking input on its 2030 Strategic Plan! Your voice is important, and your Port wants to hear it! Fill out the survey and let us know which way to go! www.portofh.org/survey

Te gustaría ayudar a manejar el barco por los siguientes 10 años? ¡El Puerto de Hueneme busca tu opinión para su Plan Estratégico del 2030! ¡Tu voz es importante y tu Puerto quiere oír tu opinión! ¡Llena la encuesta y ayúdanos a tomar dirección! www.portofh.org/survey

MVC Insider Returns + New Meme Contest + More!

After a four-month hiatus, Season 2 of “MVC Insider” resumed this past Friday, February 26, 2021. The Smith-Hobson Family Collections Manager Renee Tallent took us back a full century to talk about the 1920s hairstyle technique “Marcelling.” Renee explored the different variations of curling irons available on the market sold to achieve the perfect natural wave. 

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 12, 2021 at 10am? and tune-in on Facebook Live for another episode of “MVC Insider” with Chief Curator of Exhibits & Collections Anna Bermudez! Anna will take viewers through the exhibit Hulega! Photographs from the Frontlines at the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula. Set a reminder on Facebook or YouTube.

California Strong Distributes Third Round of Grant Money to Woolsey Fire Victims

Nearly 2 1/2 years after the Woolsey Fire destroyed hundreds of homes in Southern California, many families are still impacted by the fire. On March 2, over $330,000 in gift cards was distributed to 88 families as they continue to recover from the fire. The funds were granted to the Southeast Ventura County YMCA by the Ventura County Community Foundation and distributed by California Strong, a program of the Y that provides financial support to victims after disasters. The grant money was distributed at the Yarrow Family YMCA in Westlake Village.

“It was our hope to reconnect with our California Strong family who survived the Woolsey Fire in 2018 and to be supportive of their continued recovery,” says California Strong Director Mollie Vehling. “Hosting the drive-thru distribution was an incredible opportunity to not only share resources, but to share smiles, listening ears, positive energy and love. Their struggle over the past 2 years and 3 months has been hard, but this was a happy day.”

YMCA And Senior Concerns Seek Nonperishable Donations March 8-19 For Low-Income Seniors

The Southeast Ventura County YMCA and Senior Concerns are partnering to collect nonperishable grocery items to distribute to low-income seniors who are self-isolating because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Items will be collected through March 19 at the Yarrow Family YMCA in Westlake Village.

“We know many of our community’s seniors don’t want to go grocery shopping for fear of contracting COVID-19 and they don’t have family or friends who can do the shopping for them,” says Ronnie Stone, President and CEO of the Y.

LaunchPoint’s Pioneering Electric Aircraft Design Tool, MAAP™, Makes Commercial Debut

As transportation and aerospace companies ramp up development of flying vehicles to meet the mobility demands of the future, they face significant up-front costs and modeling uncertainties that slow down the design process.

LaunchPoint Electric Propulsion Solutions, Inc., a Santa Barbara-area aerospace propulsion innovator known for its patented electric motors, hybrid-electric propulsion systems, and control software for drones and flying cars announced today it has released a pioneering tool to help companies fast-track aircraft propulsion systems designs.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021 — COVID19 update on March 9 at Board of Supervisors

A COVID-19 update will be provided at the Board of Supervisors meeting 3/9/21. The presentation will be live streamed on County of Ventura Facebook @CountyofVentura and at the following link beginning at 8:30 am: www.ventura.org/board-of-supervisors/agendas-documents-and-broadcasts/.

VCCCD Opts-In For California Community College Athletic Association Spring II Season

After opting out of Spring I season sports due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) will “opt-in” for the upcoming California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) Spring II season. The decision is based on CCCAA COVID-19 guidelines and input from the athletic directors, coaches and athletic staff of Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges. The Spring II season includes men’s and women’s competitive sports and begins April 10. The length of the season varies by sport.

CSUCI’s inaugural 2021 Plot-A-Thon Data Visualization Festival equips students to join data gold rush 

Don’t just show numbers—tell a story. That was the idea behind CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI)’s 2021 Plot-a-thon Data Visualization Festival, which was held last Friday.  

The virtual day-long event immersed students in the world of data visualization—the process of taking a mountain of raw data and compressing it into a colorful pie chart, bar chart, a word cloud, cartoons or an interactive map that appears to move and breathe as the data rolls in. 

Ventura County Teacher of the Year Applications Being Accepted

The Ventura County Office of Education is now accepting applications for the 2021 Ventura County Teacher of the Year. The competition is open to all TK-12th grade teachers at Ventura County public, charter and private schools. Nominees are selected by schools and professional organizations, but members of the public can suggest a teacher for consideration by contacting their principal.

CSUCI webinars on March 9, 30 will detail plans for higher education in a post-pandemic world

CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Interim President Richard Yao, Ph.D. will be first speaker in a series of webinars designed to familiarize the public with CSUCI’s plans for a post-pandemic campus. Yao will present his “Vision of the Next Chapter” from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, March 9. 

 “We want people to see how the University is taking on its mission and preparing for a world that will never be the same,” said Vice President for University Advancement Nichole Ipach. “The purpose of the webinar series is to share with the community all of the incredible undertakings happening at Cal State Channel Islands as we work to reimagine higher education for a new generation in a post-pandemic world.” 

SBCC computer science team takes first place at Southern California programming competition

At the Southern California International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held online on Feb. 27 this year, Santa Barbara City College won the top honor for two-year colleges.

The ICPC is an extra-curricular, competitive programming competition which provides college and university students opportunities to interact, demonstrate and improve their teamwork, programming and problem-solving process. In addition to hosting regional contests, the ICPC is a global platform that allows academia and industry to shine the spotlight on — and raise the aspirations of — the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.

United Way of Ventura County — United for International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In honor of this day, we’d like to honor the matriarch of United Way, Frances Wisebart Jacobs.

In 1887, Jacobs and other Denver faith-based community leaders put together an idea that became the nation’s first united campaign, benefitting 10 local health and welfare agencies. These leaders created an organization to collect the funds for local charities, to coordinate relief services, to counsel and refer clients to cooperating agencies, and to make emergency assistance grants for cases that could not be referred. That year, Denver raised $21,700 for this greater good and created a movement that would become United Way. 

Clinicas Del Camino Real Inc. COVID-19 to hold Patient Vaccination Event in Oxnard  

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc. will be expanding vaccination efforts to their Maravilla Health Center, located at 450 Clara St. Oxnard CA 93033, in South Oxnard this weekend. A total of 1,000 vaccines will be administered to Clinicas’ patients Saturday March 6, and Sunday March 7, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Walk-ups will not be accepted at this particular event as all availabilities have been electronically reserved by eligible patients. 

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 6, 2021 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/.

Appointments open each week on Mondays at 7 am online am on the phone line for those with limited internet access: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/

Santa Maria High School Ag Teacher and FFA Advisor Luis Guerra recently selected as the South Coast Regional Golden Owl Award winner

SMHS Agricultural Teacher and FFA Advisor Luis Guerra was recently selected as the South Coast Regional Golden Owl Award winner, making him one of six finalists in the state for the Ag Educator of the Year.

Nationwide Insurance’s Golden Owl Award sheds light on the selfless contributions agricultural teachers play in the communities they serve and the countless hours they spend preparing future generations for successful careers.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service awards more than $27 million to help coastal wetland ecosystems

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has awarded more than $27 million to support projects across the country to protect, restore or enhance almost 28,000 acres of coastal wetlands and adjacent upland habitats under the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.

The California State Coastal Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy and other partners will receive $1 million to begin restoring the 650-acre Ormond Beach wetlands in Oxnard, California, to improve water quality, resiliency to sea-level rise and reverse degradation of a portion of the wetlands.

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Testing & Vaccine Update, Youth Sports, & Electric Vehicle Webinar

In order to return to the things we enjoyed pre COVID-19, such as gatherings, travel, live entertainment, in-person education and indoor dining, it is critical that we increase the amount of COVID-19 testing in our County, as well as mask up, physical distance and vaccinate when it is our turn. 

Right now, it is as important as ever to get tested for the COVID-19 virus because frequent testing is the best way (short of getting vaccinated once available) to make sure positive cases are identified quickly and get isolated in order to stop further spread.

Bilingual report — CEC Webinar Series: Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic – How to Qualify for a Free or Low-Cost EV

The Community Environmental Council is hosting an Affordable Electric Vehicle Clinic on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. as part of CEC’s Climate Action Webinar Series. This free webinar will be presented in English with Spanish translation.

Join CEC’s Energy and Climate Programs Director Michael Chiacos and CEC’s Energy and Climate Associate Jen Hernández – both EV owners and industry experts – to learn which 100+ mpge electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid might be best for you. Michael will share his experience driving on sunshine since 2012. Jen, who recently leased an EV for $20/month, will share why the decision to drive electric was an easy choice for her family.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 4, 2021 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/.

Appointments open each week on Mondays at 7 am online am on the phone line for those with limited internet access: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/

?If you have limited internet access you can also call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.

CSUCI Nursing students volunteer at vaccination clinics in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties

For CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Nursing student Rebecca Warden, helping vaccinate people during a global pandemic gives her exactly the kind of rewarding experience she was hoping for when she becomes a nurse.

“It feels huge — it does! It doesn’t seem like it in the moment and then you take a look back and it’s like, we’re doing so much for everyone,” Warden said. “I’m excited. Everyone’s excited.”

Warden is among about 250 CSUCI nursing students and faculty members who are helping out in Ventura, Santa Barbara and soon, Los Angeles County in any way they can during the massive COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Santa Paula Art Museum Announces Summer/Fall Exhibition Lineup

With eyes toward reopening in the coming weeks, the Santa Paula Art Museum has four stellar exhibitions lined up for the summer and fall months, which will showcase artists and locales that stretch the length of the California coast. All of the exhibits will be available to view online at www.santapaulaartmuseum.org during their respective run dates, as well as open to the public when allowed by local public health directives.

“Erin Hanson: Colors of California” will mark Hanson’s most comprehensive collection of California’s multitudinous landscapes. Combining the emotional resonance of the 19th century Impressionists with the lavish color palette of Expressionism, Erin Hanson’s unique style of oil painting has come to be known as “Open Impressionism.” Hanson’s exhibit at the Santa Paula Art Museum will include an expansive collection of landscapes inspired by Ventura County, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles, Monterey County, Mendocino, and other scenic locales. The exhibit will be on view May 1, 2021 to July 25, 2021. Visit Erin’s website at www.erinhanson.com.

Santa Barbara County Food Action Network Announces New Chair to the Executive Committee

The Santa Barbara County Food Action Network (SBCFAN) is pleased to announce Kiah Jordan as Chair to its Executive Committee. SBCFAN’s Executive Committee is comprised of a broad spectrum of community leaders who drive the work of the organization and act as ambassadors to advocate and network on behalf of SBCFAN.
Jordan is the founder of Impact Family Office, a multi-family office serving clients as guides, advisors, and trustees. Before starting Impact Family Office, he worked for Santa Barbara Capital, a real estate investment firm, and with clients in the wine industry, tech sectors, and international manufacturing. Jordan graduated from Westmont College with degrees in Economics/Business and Spanish, and received a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship from USC’s Marshall School of Business. He is a National Certified Guardian by the Center for Guardianship Certification and a licensed Professional Fiduciary by the California Professional Fiduciaries Bureau.

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for March 3, 2021 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

COVID-19 Vaccines are available for adults age 65 and older, healthcare, food and agriculture, education and childcare, emergency services and qualifying regional center family caregivers. More information at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/.

More appointments are available at this time. Register at www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/

Consulado de Mexico en Oxnard — Invitación a Negocios Latinos: Sobreviviendo y Recuperándose en tiempos de COVID

Por considerarlo de su interés les compartimos la siguiente invitación por parte de SCORE Hispano.

Talleres completamente en español, que dieron inicio el 17 de febrero y que continuarán todos los miércoles a las 5:30 pm terminando con el 10 de marzo.. 

Próxima sesión, miércoles 3 de marzo.   

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

On February 23rd, Governor Newsom signed into law a comprehensive package providing urgent relief for the small businesses of CA. The package provides an additional $2 billion – a four-fold increase over the $500 million currently being distributed – for grants up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the pandemic, and allocates $50 million of this total for non-profit cultural institutions.

Lendistry with the CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program will be opening 4 additional rounds of applications. Please review the information below about Round 3 and Round 4.

VCCDC — Up to $100,000 in home buying assistance now available!

Ventura County Community Development Corporation (VCCDC) is celebrating the success of its first “From Here Forward” program recipient. Last month, Mia Martinez, a long-time Ventura County resident, closed on her first home with the help of $100,000 in down payment assistance from VCCDC. With available funding for more families, VCCDC is inviting residents to apply for this special program.

CSUCI is part of Excelencia in Education’s new research on Hispanic-Serving Institutions over the past 25 Years

CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) is one of the Hispanic-Serving Institutions across the nation that invested in “25 Years of Hispanic-Serving Institutions,” a research project conducted by Washington D.C.-based Excelencia in Education.

Excelencia—an institution dedicated to the advancement of Latinx students in higher education across the nation—is co-hosting a virtual event, “California Briefing on 25 Years of HSIs in Accelerating Latinx Student Success,” on Tuesday, March 2, at 10:30 a.m. In addition to CSU Channel Islands, partnering institutions include CSU Northridge, CSU Monterey Bay, CSU San Bernardino, Fresno State, the California State University system, California Community Colleges, and the University of California Merced.

The public is invited to register for the free presentation at:  https://www.csun.edu/node/11001/california-briefing-25-years-hsis.

Port of Hueneme Distributes Food and Grocery Carts

In the nearly one year since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, the people most directly affected in South Oxnard have been farmworkers and their families – food access is critical for those whose jobs and health have been impacted. Many efforts have sprouted to help provide food and COVID-19 resources and relief, and Oxnard’s Southwinds Neighborhood Council has been holding weekly food distributions. Saturday’s Southwinds event, in collaboration with the Port of Hueneme, its customers and other partners, marked the Port’s 45th food distribution event, as they continue to be committed to community.

CSUCI’s Ekhobot, ‘Learning Online 101’ and Student Affairs Division win national recognition

CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) has earned national recognition for innovative programs in the Division of Academic Affairs’ Teaching & Learning Innovations area, as well as the Division of Student Affairs.  

CSUCI is one of 10 universities across the nation to garner one of the inaugural Virtual Innovation Awards: Excellence in Delivering Virtual Student Services, a newly created award program funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and presented Feb. 23 through the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. It carries a prize of $15,000.  

Trinity Pacific Wins Top Two Spots in 2021 Ventura County Mock Trial

Trinity Pacific Christian School in Thousand Oaks is the first and second place winner of the 2021 Ventura County Mock Trial with Santa Susana High School in Simi Valley taking third place.

The winning teams were announced this evening after seven days of competition that were held entirely online for the first time ever due the COVID-19 pandemic. Twenty-six teams from 22 high schools throughout Ventura County participated in this year’s competition, which is coordinated by the Ventura County Office of Education. Here is how the top eight teams placed:

Ventura City Council Appoints District 4 Councilmember Jeannette Sanchez-Palacio

During its special City Council meeting on February 20, 2021, the Ventura City Council approved the appointment of Jeannette Sanchez-Palacios, who took an oath of office, to fill the District 4 vacancy after interviewing 14 candidates.

Under Section 705(c) of the City of Ventura’s Charter, the City Council approved an appointment process to fill the District 4 vacancy on February 1, 2021. The vacancy was created after City Councilmember Erik Nasarenko was appointed as the new District Attorney for Ventura County on January 26, 2021.

Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — EDC Focus on Equity and Inclusion

I started my career in human resources and eventually found myself working as a corporate recruiter. As a young and albeit naïve professional, focusing on diversity in the recruiting process was not in my immediate field of vision because, at the time, the topic of “inclusion and diversity” was not necessarily at the top of the national dialogue.

Fortunately, the experience of observing and participating in the recruiting process of hundreds of candidates began to shape my understanding of the importance of diversity.

Ventura College Receives Two Awards for Excellence

We are pleased to announce that Ventura College has been presented with two awards of excellence this year, from the California Colleges Board of Governors and the Ventura County Economic Development Association.

“We are so proud of our faculty, staff and administrators for their tireless work to help improve the college experience for our students. These awards are a nod to their remarkable efforts,” said Ventura College President Dr. Kimberly Hoffmans. “Our

Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — The Latest on Vaccines

Beginning this week, the state has begun to use a 70/30 formula in allocating vaccine doses. 70% of our vaccine doses will go to those who are 65 and over while 30% will be going to those residents who fall under Vaccine Tier 1B: education/child care workers, food and agriculture workers, and emergency services workers.

Vaccine appointments will be made available for Emergency Services Workers, Grocery Workers, and Phase 1A Health Care workers beginning March 1st at 9am on the County’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment website.

Island Packers Cruises Now Offering Trips to Scorpion Anchorage In Channel Islands National Park – The Galapagos of North America

Island Packer Cruises, established in 1968, has recently begun to operate daily scheduled trips for day visitors and campers from Ventura Harbor Village to Scorpion Anchorage in Channel Islands National Park – The Galapagos of North America.

The new pier at Scorpion Anchorage now allows Island Packers, the official park concessionaire, to offers safe and accessible access at Scorpion Anchorage.

Guest commentary — HR 1 For the People’s Act – Making Democracy Work

On January 4, 2021, H.R. 1 For the People’s Act was introduced and is currently being reviewed by Congressional committees.  The bill provides an opportunity to expand and protect voting rights, get big money out of politics, hold elected officials accountable and assure our democracy is representative of all Americans’ voices and values.

The vast majority of Americans support this bill, including 56% of Republicans.  Special interests spent $14 billion to influence the 2020 election, the most amount of money spent on an election in the history of the U.S.  

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 update for Feb. 28 — More Vaccine Appointments to Open March 1

More COVID-19 Vaccine appointments will open on Monday morning. The online appointment portal will be available beginning at 7 am at the following link: www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/.

The registration phone line will also have appointments available beginning at 8 am. The phone line is for those with limited access to the internet. The phone number is 805-477-7161. 

Learn more about the eligible sectors at the following link https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/

Bilingual report — SBCC School of Extended Learning launches ‘Back-to-Work,’ rapid career training for unemployed amid COVID-19

SBCC School of Extended Learning is proud to announce the free ‘Back-to-Work’ program. The program was created as a rapid solution to help unemployed Santa Barbara County community members secure employment. Back-to-Work participants will receive training, grant funding, job search support and more. The application deadline for the first three Back-to-Work career tracks is March 9.

“The pandemic’s toll on local service jobs is pushing already vulnerable families into crisis,” said Joyce Coleman, Vice President of SBCC School of Extended Learning. “Our Back-to-Work program focuses on local job markets that, in part due to the pandemic, have immediate high-demand for trained workers.”

Oxnard College — Que Sucede Interview on Oxnard College TRIO programs

Listen to this Spanish-language interview with Katie Pena, director of TRIO programs at Oxnard College, and Luis Garcia, student services assistant, as they talk about TRIO programs, which provide services for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The interview aired on 102.1 FM y 910 AM La Mexicana (KOXR), 96.7 FM La Mejor (KLJR), and 102.9 FM Radio Lazer (KXLM). 

Bilingual report — County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 25 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

It was announced yesterday that education and childcare, food and agriculture and emergency response sectors are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Information about appointments can be found at the following link.
www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/. Appointments open Monday mornings beginning at 7 am online and 8 am on the phone line.

If you have limited internet access you can call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

SBCC’s Jim Clark receives prestigious information technology award

Jim Clark, Santa Barbara City College’s Director of Information Technology Infrastructure and Security, was recently notified by the Chief Information Systems Officers Association of the California Community Colleges (CISOA) that he is the recipient of the CISOA Technology Planning Award for 2021. The award is bestowed upon someone who has played a prominent role in evaluating information technology variables and developing a strategic plan of action that advances the college mission.

County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for Feb. 25 — COVID-19 Vaccine Information

It was announced (Feb. 24) that education and childcare, food and agriculture and emergency response sectors are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Information about appointments can be found at the following link.
www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/portal/. Appointments open Monday mornings beginning at 7 am online and 8 am on the phone line.

If you have limited internet access you can call the registration hotline at 805-477-7161. The phone line is staffed M-F 8-5. Appointments are set aside for both online registration and the phone line.

The Area Agency on Aging provides transportation services for older adults that are in need of transportation to a vaccine appointment or for COVID-19 testing. This includes people that need lift assist as well as gurney transportation. The driver will take the individual, wait for them, help them at the site and take them home. To schedule a ride call 805-477-7300. Please note, you must have a vaccine appointment before you schedule a ride to a vaccine site.