Guest contribution — Can you support Friendship Center?


We’re 80% of the way to reaching our Spring Campaign goal of $25,000! We just need a few more donors to push us to (or past) our goal; will you help us close the gap and continue providing low-cost, high quality to our beloved senior friends?

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This year’s Spring Campaign, Joy Grows, funds our financial assistance program to enable low-income seniors to attend our program at little cost to them and their families. Recipients of this assistance, which we call giving someone a Lifetime Achievement Award, include teachers, nurses, farmers, cricket players, Sinatra fans, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas and so many more beloved family members and friends.

In recognition of your generosity, supporters of our Spring Campaign are invited to an exclusive Spring Soirée on June 11th.

Please consider a gift to Friendship Center this spring:

  • Make a gift online in honor of a Friendship Center member or supporting our programs


  • Contribute to Friendship Center by sending a check to 89 Eucalyptus Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Joy Grows at Friendship Center because of YOU! On behalf of our families, friends, Board of Directors and staff, we thank you, Frank, for your generous partnership and support.

Together, let us sow the seeds of compassion and understanding, ensuring that no one is deprived of the opportunity to flourish in their golden years!

Joyfully yours,

Kathryn Westland, Executive Director

P.S. Your generosity will help us meet our goal of raising $25,000 from caring supporters like you by June 11th. Your tax-deductible donation today provides joyful and meaningful activities to all of our members.

Support Friendship Center’s Spring Campaign

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