Guest commentary — Businesses Can Provide Mandated Harassment Prevention Training Even As Employees Work Remotely

Jonathan Fraser Light. Courtesy photo.

CENTRAL COAST — A California law requires that companies with five or more employees provide two hours of supervisory training and one hour of staff training every two years on harassment, discrimination, bullying and retaliation. With employees now working remotely, arranging in-person training in the workplace is not feasible. Employment law firm LightGabler offers an online training video course as an alternative solution that meets California harassment and bullying training requirements.

“In-person training is difficult if not impossible for many companies because COVID-19-related restrictions. Online training is a viable option,” says Jonathan Fraser Light, employment attorney at LightGabler and training instructor.

Employees take a quiz to test their understanding after watching the training course. If they pass the quiz, a certificate of completion is issued for the employees’ personnel files. To comply with interactive training requirements, trainees are given the opportunity to email questions to LightGabler for further clarification.

Once purchased, businesses have unlimited use of the video for current employees and future hires. The firm recently updated its training module so companies can immediately track who views the video. Prior purchasers will automatically receive the updated platform at no charge.

The deadline for companies with five or more employees to complete mandatory training is December 31, 2020.

For more information and to order, go to

LightGabler is an employment law firm representing employers and their management. With attorneys in Camarillo and San Luis Obispo, the firm provides legal services throughout the state of California in employment counsel, employment litigation on behalf of management, intellectual property and unfair competition. The firm is focused on keeping businesses working, growing and prospering. 805-248-7208,