County of Ventura — Interim Halloween Guidance

VENTURA COUNTY — As fall approaches families start to plan for the upcoming holiday season beginning with Halloween. Since some of the traditional ways in which this holiday is celebrated does not allow you to minimize contact with non-household members, it is important to plan early and identify safer alternatives. The Ventura County Department of Public Health would like to share information on how to take part in this holiday in a manner that reduces the risk of spreading COVID-19. Since some of the traditional ways in which this holiday is celebrated are not permitted this year, consider some safer alternatives that are listed below.


The State of California is also expected to come out with guidance on this topic.


Halloween Activities

Not Permitted (gatherings and events are not currently allowed under the State Health Order)

  • Halloween gatherings, events or parties with non-household members are not permitted even if they are conducted outdoors.
  • Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions are not allowed.


Not Recommended

  • Door to door trick or treating is not recommended because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure that everyone answering or coming to the door is appropriately masked to prevent disease spread, and because sharing food is risky.
  • “Trunk or treating” where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats is also not recommended, particularly when part of Halloween events, since it is difficult to avoid crowding and sharing food.


Permitted and Recommended

  • Online parties/contests (e.g. costume or pumpkin carving)
  • Car parades that comply with public health guidance for vehicle-based parades including:
  1. Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate their vehicles and drive by

“judges” that are appropriately physically distanced.

  1. Drive through events where individuals remain in their vehicles and drive through an area

with Halloween displays.

  1. Drive in events where individuals can receive a treat bag (limited to commercially packaged

non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in

their vehicle.

  • Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters (must comply with the public health drive in movie theater guidance).
  • Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants (must comply with the restaurant protocol).
  • Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum (must comply with the public health museum guidance.)
  • Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed decorations.


Personal Protection Measures

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate Halloween it is important to keep the following in mind:

  1. Correctly wear a cloth face covering to prevent disease spread1 when outside your home and around others that are not part of your household
  2. Avoid confined spaces – Actively stay away from indoor spaces that don’t allow for easy distancing of at least 6ft between you and others
  3. Avoid close contact – Stay at least 6 feet away (3 or more adult steps) from all other people who are not part of your own household, especially while talking, eating, drinking, and singing.
  4. Wash or sanitize your hands often.
  5. Clean frequently touched items regularly.
  6. If you are sick, or you have been in contact with someone who is sick with COVID-19 or has

symptoms of COVID-19 stay home, and away from others.


Know where to get reliable information. Beware of scams, false news and hoaxes surrounding novel coronavirus. Accurate information, including announcements of new cases in Ventura County, will always be distributed by Public Health through press releases, social media, and our website. The website has more information on COVID-19 including FAQs, infographics and a guide to coping with stress, as well as tips on handwashing.



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Other reliable sources of information about novel coronavirus are:

Questions? Please call 2-1-1 24/7 or the Public Information Line: 805-654-2640


Other Public Health resources include the following sites:

California Department of Public Health (CDPH, State) –

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, National)