Casa De Vida’s Year-End Update

Year End Update from Casa De Vida Inc.
Greetings and blessings,
As you all know, this year has been a year like no other, and it has been no exception for Casa De Vida. Yet, the Casa De Vida Board, Staff and myself have been left in awe as we have seen how God has continued to keep His hand upon this ministry.
This year marks our 15th anniversary, and we are truly grateful for God’s keeping power and the support and love from all our friends, families and business associates who have supported Casa De Vida in one way or another.
With Covid-19 we have had to make adjustments to the home’s daily schedule for precautionary measures. Family visits have been altered to shorter time periods and confined to one area of the house for the safety of everyone’s health. Church attendance, inside and outside AA/NA meetings turned into Zoom meetings. The zoom meetings have been great for the men because it has allowed them to interact with others throughout the United States who also struggle with addiction.
These unprecedented times have also opened the doors for Casa De Vida to increase its involvement in community service projects such as Food Share and community cleanup. The men have been volunteering with Food Share, assisting with food distribution on a weekly basis and helping at Food Share’s Senior Garden. There they have learned how to prepare soil for planting, composting and harvesting fruits and vegetables that are used for Food Share’s program.
This year we embarked on a Back to Work Training program for the men in partnership with Tyrone Heritage Foundation and Two Trees Community Church. Through this program the men volunteer their time as they are mentored and trained in construction skills by Kenn Threloff, eventually leading to job opportunities as they graduate.
So far in 2020, 5 men successfully completed our 6-month program. We are very pleased to see these men embrace their sober way of living journey. All these graduates are successfully employed and have moved into sober living homes or have reunited with their families. Thankfully, you have invested in the lives of these men in one way or another. We cannot express our gratitude enough because these wonderful men simply needed, first of all, to give themselves a chance and then to have a safe haven such as Casa De Vida where they could be restored to believing that there’s a God and people who truly care for them.
We are truly grateful for our community’s continuous support in making Casa De Vida a success. With this in mind, we are humbly reaching out to our community for monetary donations to help Casa De Vida’s efforts and mission to bring out the best in these young men and restore them to living happy, healthy, substance-free lives.
Once again, we thank you and praying that you and your loved ones stay safe and well. We wish you a very blessed Holiday Season.
Julie Moreno
Casa De Vida Inc.
(805) 394-0274 Fax: (805) 285-5776
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 665 Port Hueneme, CA 93044