CAP Media — Message to CAPS friends and family

Dear CAPS friends and family,
Citizens all across the nation are letting their voices be heard in peaceful protest, condemning the reprehensible actions of police officers in Minneapolis that resulted in the horrific death of George Floyd.  All of us at CAPS Media were sickened and saddened by what we saw.
We do not condone racism, discrimination, inequality or violence towards anyone.  We stand in solidarity with our community and support everyone in exercising their first amendment right to assemble and to petition government to redress grievances.
CAPS Media is a Community Public Access Center that offers everyone in our community a  a place to share your voice and be heard on television, radio and online.  CAPS Board and staff member are committed to encouraging and ensuring every one’s opinion can be expressed freely and openly to the public. We respect and thank those who have stood up for justice and knelt in solidarity during peaceful demonstrations.  We stand and kneel together.
ECTV Wins Awards!

Once again, the talented media students of the El Camino Television won two awards at the National Community Media Hometown Awards. Creative Community 2.0 Series won for the Best of Entertainment & Arts Series and the ECTV episode featuring Ventura Deputy Mayor, Sofia Rubalcava

won for the best show in the Community Events category.
Congratulations to the students and instructor and mentor, Phil Taggart.
What Have We Been Doing?
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis the CAPS Media Center has been closed, however CAPS crews have continuously provided extensive communication services to the City and County to help inform the public.  CAPS produces updates by City officials and CAPS continues to direct the broadcast and streaming of City Council meetings and other committee meetings with remote participation by board members, committee members and city staff.  CAPS Crews record the live County COVID-19 updates at the County government center and then edit/format the updates with titles and subtitles in Spanish. In addition, CAPS crews continue to produce numerous videos for Ventura County Fire, Public Health and other agencies.

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis the CAPS Media Center continues to remain    closed to Members and the public until further notice. CAPS Member/Producers can submit programming via the online portal at for broadcast and streaming on

Upcoming Orientation, Camera, Editing, Studio and Radio classes will be posted on the website.
65 Day Road, Ventura, CA  93003
Telephone: (805) 658-0500 Fax: (805) 658-0505
CAPS Media, 65 Day Road, Ventura, CA 93003