Commentary: When stress eats holes in your brain

Mona AlvaradoFrazier

By Mona AlvaradoFrazier Guest contributor

It sounds like something out of science fiction, but this is no Sci-Fi novel where Zombies eat brains. A recently released Yale University study, says that stress causes the brain to shrink. Houston neuroscientist and author David Eagleman states, “Stress is underpinned by particular hormones that circulate through the body and the brain. Those stress hormones are very bad … They eat away at brain tissue.”

“What’s new to be stressed about is that stress is literally chewing miniature holes in your brain.”

These Zombie hormones aren’t doing this, negative continuous stress is. “…we evolved to have stress systems that are useful when you need a fast response,” says Eagleman. “What we did not evolve for is chronic stress, that 21st century stress that man and woman lives with.”

Instead of a burst of a stress hormone, most people have chronically elevated levels.

“The body is simply not built to have high levels of stress for long periods of time. That’s where the stuff eats away at your brain tissue.”

Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Although it’s a normal part of life, too much stress is not only harmful to your brain but to your heart, stomach, memory, and blood pressure.

Stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person becomes overworked and stress-related tension builds until it leads to a condition called distress. When we experience headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, memory loss or chest pain our body is telling us we are in distress.

“… you get neurons dying, shriveling up and losing connections. It’s all really bad news.”

This is bad news, but not all is lost. We can help ourselves deal successfully with these zombie hormones. Yes, it all goes back to taking charge of our nutrition and exercise.

A list of ‘Zombie Killers’:

  • Complex Carbs: They prompt the brain to make more serotonin. For a steady supply of this feel-good chemical, it’s best to eat complex carbs, which are digested more slowly. Good choices include whole-grain breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas, as well as old-fashioned oatmeal.
  • Oranges:  These contain a wealth of vitamin C. Studies suggest this vitamin can reduce levels of stress hormones while strengthening the immune system.
  • Spinach: One cup goes a long way toward replenishing magnesium stores. Not a spinach eater? Try some cooked soybeans or a filet of salmon, also high in magnesium. Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of this mineral. Too little magnesium may trigger headaches and fatigue, compounding the effects of stress.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids:  Salmon and tuna can prevent surges in stress hormones and protect against heart disease, mood disorders like depression, and premenstrual syndrome.
  • Black tea: Too much caffeine, like that in coffee can boost stress hormones and increase blood pressure. Instead of reaching for that third cup, replace it with a cup of black tea. It can help you recover from stressful events more quickly.
  • Nuts: A handful of pistachios, walnuts, or almonds every day may help lower your cholesterol, reduce inflammation in the arteries of the heart, lower the risk of diabetes, and protect you against stress.
  • Avocado: Half of an avocado has more potassium than a medium-sized banana. In addition, guacamole offers a nutritious alternative when stress has you craving a high-fat treat.
  • Carrots or Celery: Munching on hard raw vegetables release a clenched jaw and that can ward off tension.
  • Toast with a little jam: Carbs at bedtime can speed the release of serotonin and help you sleep better. Heavy meals before bed can trigger heartburn.
  • Calcium: Researchers found that calcium eases anxiety and mood swings. Dietitians recommend a cup of skim or low-fat milk. Almond milk has double the calcium and is low in calories.
  • Aerobic exercise: Aim for 30 minutes of exercise three to four times a week. This increases oxygen circulation and produces endorphins—chemicals that make you feel happy.
  • Yoga or meditation: It releases other hormones that are the anti-flight-or-flight hormones.
  • Stop ruminating: “You keep reliving the situation and get in a vicious cycle that breaks the brain down more,” says Sandi Bond Chapman, founder and chief director of the Center for BrainHealth. “Halt that pattern and change the way you see things.”
  • Support system: Talking to someone, not necessarily to offer solutions but who just listens.
  • Sleep: Eight hours helps restore mental processes so we can handle stress better.

Now that you’re fully armed, go out and slay some zombie hormones. Your health depends on it.

Sources: Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman, Laboratory for Perception and Action at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Yale University researchers report in a study published online January 2012 in the journal Biological Psychiatry, Latina Lista article and

— Mona AlvaradoFrazier is a writer and proprietor the BookNook in Downtown Sol, 328 W. Third St., Oxnard. To see more of her work, visit