Social Justice Fund for Ventura County Saticoy event update


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came to our Annual Fundraiser in Saticoy on October 16th. We are grateful for our speakers, who all brought an invaluable perspective and offered attendees a thorough look at the challenges and community efforts in Saticoy.

Supervisor Matt LaVere speaks with SJFVC Fellowship recipient Sierra Doehr (pictured in yellow dress) and community members

Ventura County Supervisor Matt LaVere illuminated the challenges Saticoy faces as a food desert, followed by Jaymee Jenkins, who highlighted the work of the Boys and Girls Club of Saticoy in addressing those challenges. Finally, SJFVC Fellow Sierra Doehr talked about her efforts in getting fresh food to the Saticoy community. One of the attendees, Matthew Weisman of Thousand Oaks, expressed that the “event in Saticoy was inspiring”; and that “;it highlighted a very dynamic community doing great things.”; Matthew also stated that he is looking forward to the Saticoy Farmers Market, the project created by Sierra Doehr.


Sierra, who was a 2021 SJFVC Fellowship recipient, was just awarded a second SJFVC Fellowship grant to continue her work to address the food insecurity and lack of fresh food in Saticoy. Considering that Saticoy does not have a supermarket and lacks efficient public transportation, the access to affordable food options is minimal and further creates a cycle of inaccessibility and poverty.

Pictured L to R: Jaymee Jenkins (Boys & Girls Club of Saticoy), Kathryn Kinberg (Founder of Saticoy Community Fridge), Sierra Doehr (Founder of Saticoy Farmers Market)


Dexter Nunnery (pictured in red hat) is SJFVC Fellow for PROJECT50

At the SJFVC, we are consistently looking to support leaders like Sierra, who see injustice and use their passion and leadership to support those impacted within their community.




We need your help in supporting the emerging leaders within our community. While this event in Saticoy kicked off our efforts to raise $90,000 by the end of the year, we still need $29,000 to reach our goal. In the three years since we have started this program, we have funded fourteen fellows who have created lasting impact in our community. Some have continued to move into leadership roles and have even been such prominent advocates that they have commanded structural changes in our community. Your contributions are creating sustainable changes and enabling leaders to become new voices for justice.

Contribute Today!




With sincere gratitude,


Michael Teasdale

Social Justice Fund for VC

Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair
Social Justice Fund for VC

Kathryn Kinberg

Program Manager
Social Justice Fund for VC


The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County funds and empowers future leaders promoting fairness, equity, human & environmental rights in our community.

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