Letter to the Editor — Please protect our families and our water by voting Yes on A and B!

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes local guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805.

Dear Editor:

As a California registered Civil Engineer for the US Navy I was responsible for the execution of hundreds of Environmental Security projects.  Please join me in rejecting Big Oil’s attempt to overturn the bipartisan water protections that our Democrat and Republican Supervisors put in place. The Big Oil fliers that flood our mailboxes and ads that flood our TVs and even web sites are paid for by Chevron’s $6,000,000 campaign. The Oil campaign is funded by their price gouging which, thank God, is under US House Investigation. Chevron’s gouging got them $73 BILLION in profit in the year ending in March – a 92% increase year over year.

They could easily afford to keep our water safe.  But they would rather send out lies by their so-called national security and earth science “experts”.  Remember. Every “expert” in those ads is paid by Big Oil.  They just are saying exactly what Big Oil wants them to say. They have as much credibility as the Doctors who told us smoking was safe in the ads paid for by Big Tobacco.

As every independent source has told us, Measure A and B will allow oil companies to keep drilling and oil workers will keep their jobs.  All A and B will do is keep our water safe.

Please support the bipartisan effort to keep our water secure and safe for Ventura County and all of our families.  Please vote Yes on A and B.

— Joe Connett
