Social Justice Fund for Ventura County Monthly Update

Happy Juneteenth! We hope you are all enjoying getting back together with friends and loved ones. As the COVID restrictions continue to ease and the weather warms up, our social justice work continues.

Here are this month’s highlights from the Social Justice Fund for Ventura County (SJFVC):

  • Social Justice Fellow Elibet Valencia Munoz is finalizing the first step in her project documenting the traditional Mixteco and Afro-Caribbean dance, “La Danza de los Diablos.” Elibet will be presenting her exhibition at the Bells Art Factory this fall. This opportunity was made possible by the generous support from the Ventura Film Society and we send a Thank you! We will keep you updated when dates are finalized. Hopefully, we will see not only Elibet’s work, but we are also crossing our fingers for a live performance of the dance!
  • The Social Justice Fund of Ventura County will end its link to Amazon Smile. The Board of the SJFVC had decided to sever ties with the Amazon Smile program due to business and labor practices which are not in line with our mission, goals or values. We hope our donors will understand the SJFVC promotes fairness and equity, and we cannot remain associated with a company whose business model violates our moral standard. Please direct any donations via the button below.
  • The Social Justice Fellowships 2021 application process is open! The SJFVC is now accepting Letter of Interests (LOI) from candidates looking to be awarded a Fellowship in the fall. We are looking for emerging leaders who have a project impacting social justice in Ventura County. You may contact us or visit our website: to learn more about our fellowships and how to apply.

Your contributions make Social Justice Fellowships possible. Your generosity has made the first year of the Fellowship program a major success. Donations have helped emerging leaders make an impact on our county, and have enhanced our fellows’ leadership skills and confidence as they become new voices for justice. Please click on the donation link below to help support our 2021 Fellows!

With sincere gratitude,

Michael Teasdale,

Social Justice Fund for VC

Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair,
Social Justice Fund for VC

Martita Martinez-Bravo, PsyD

Executive Director,
Social Justice Fund for VC

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