Friendship Center — June 2021 Friendly Finch

June 2021
Reopening Plan Is Approved
Facility Caregiver of Year
Rachel Graef, MSW
Take Care Totes Wrap Up
Friendship Center to Roll Out Hybrid Schedule
As the State of California inches toward a comprehensive reopening plan, Friendship Center members and caregivers will be heartened to know that our own reopening plan has been in the works for months. The new hybrid plan incorporates both onsite and Zoom activities as it transitions toward fully re-opening.
“We’re pleased to announce that our plan has been approved by the California State Licensing Board,” says Operations Director Ellen Willis-Conger, emphasizing that Friendship Center does not yet know the reopening date. “The California Department of Public Health, the state licensor and the County Public Health Department have all given guidance, and we will continue to follow their guidance as we determine the safest time for reopening.”
Member Safety Is Top Priority
Keeping loved ones healthy is FC’s first consideration in both creating the plan’s structure, which was the hard part, and now determining the best implementation date. “We have the plan’s structure in place and approved, but now we need to focus on the best timing,” says Ellen, adding that the timing is key to a safe roll out.
Before opening, all current and former participants will receive letters detailing specific reopening plans, dates, sanitation practices as well as information about how to register. In the meantime, we are able to give this overview of our plan to provide members the broad strokes, but also comfort knowing reopening is on the near horizon.
Alternate Weeks, Half Days
“We’re asking people back for an intermittent half-day program that will help us determine how safely we can open up,” explains Ellen. “The initial reopening will be smaller in scope than Friendship Center’s pre-pandemic program, with fewer members participating onsite than is our regular participant population.”
To reduce any risk of infection, the plan builds in time between onsite activities for Covid-19 testing. “We will further mitigate risk by alternating weeks,” says Ellen.
The Zoom program in some form will be available to members in their off-site weeks as well as to those who are not yet able to participate at the Friendship Center facility.
Fun with Purpose
In the beginning, all onsite activities will be located at Friendship Center Montecito.
As always, fun with a purpose is the goal. “Exercising the four pillars of healthy human existence —the social, physical, cognitive and emotional—will be incorporated into all activities whether they participate via Zoom or onsite,” says Program Manager Rachel Graef.
Contact Family Services Manager Kim Larsen at: or (805) 969-0859, ext. 2 for more information.
Judith Ewing, MFT, Receives Individual Caregiver of the Year Award
Friendship Center is proud to announce it was awarded “Caregiver of the Year” for a facility by the Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens Area Agency on Aging in honor of Older Americans Month. “Friendship Center has been very successful in providing live virtual classes five days a week,” writes Sue Larsen of Gulley and Larsen Insurance Services, who nominated FC for the award. “The center also provides technical support and advice to family caregivers as needed.”
Sue also credits FC’s monthly drive-in parking lot parties, pen pal letter campaign, weekly phone calls and virtual caregiver support groups for helping prevent caregiver burn-out during the pandemic quarantine.
“It’s an honor to receive this recognition from the Older Americans Month’s 2021 Celebration because Friendship Center has been working for 43 years to provide education, training, support and respite care to family caregivers,” says Executive Director Heidi Holly. “Our mission of caring for members with dementia and other health conditions in a supportive, creative and safe environment is very important to this community. This past year we have worked diligently to continue our mission through the use of live virtual classes, drive-in activities, home delivery of take care totes and weekly phone calls to ensure the health and safety of our members.”
Judith & Joe Ewing
Enjoy a Pre-Pandemic
Western Day at
Friendship Center
Judith Ewing, MFT, whose spouse is a Friendship Center member, was awarded individual “Caregiver of the Year.” In her nomination, FC Operations Director Ellen Willis-Conger writes, “While caring for a spouse with dementia, Ms. Ewing continues to support other caregivers and members of the dementia community with online engagement, encouragement, and partnership in activities.”
Notes FC Family Services Manager Kim Larsen, “Judith is an amazing woman. She goes out of her way to help other family caregivers in need, counselling them on best practices for dealing with dementia-related issues. She was a caregiver to her mother and mother-in-law, both of whom suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease and she’s been caring for her husband Joe who developed the disease about five years ago.”
Each May the United States celebrates Older Americans Month (OEM). That might come as a surprise to many, but in1963 when the month was designated, only roughly 9 percent of Americans had reached their 65th birthdays. In 2021, it’s closer to 17 percent, in a trend projected to spike upward to 20.6 percent by 2030, according to We could start hearing about it more, and that’s a good thing.
“Through their experiences, successes, and difficulties, they have built resilience that helps them to face new challenges,” Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens Area Agency on Aging writes in the awards ceremony program. “When communities tap into this, they become stronger too.”
Friendship Center
Program Manager
Rachel Graef, MSW
Rachel Graef, MSW, comes to Friendship Center with expertise in working with adults diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, atypical dementias, serious mental illness, developmental disabilities and Huntington’s to Friendship Center.
Rachel earned her Master’s in Social Work at San Diego State University, and she is certified in Geriatric Mental Health. A Southern California native from Riverside and San Diego counties, Rachel’s heart has always been in beautiful Santa Barbara, a love that grew while she earned her B.A. from UCSB in Communication with minors in Education and Applied Psychology.
Rachel developed a passion for working with older adults while spending time with her grandparents growing up. She began honing her skills and sensitivities when she was a young teen interacting with her beloved grandmother who suffered from an atypical dementia. “I still recall feeling very helpless in that situation,” she says. “At first I didn’t know how I could best help her, whether it was just to make her feel better, or the nitty gritty of the physical care.”
Rachel figured out that looking through her grandmother’s photo albums with her was one way to connect. “She’d written very detailed notes on the backs of each photo,” says Rachel. “I developed the patience to listen and react to stories I’d heard many times before by entering into her reality.”
As an undergraduate, Rachel began work as a Program Specialist at both Santa Barbara and Goleta Friendship Center sites. In graduate school, she interned with UCSD’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.
At Friendship Center, Rachel will oversee all program activities, ensuring the safety and meaningful participation of all Friendship Center members.
When not at Friendship Center, you’ll find Rachel in the yoga studio, at the beach, in the library, or perusing the aisles of Trader Joes. She jokes that she’ll talk your ears off about cats, Disney, musicals, and exercise.
Her favorite places in Santa Barbara are the Child’s Estate Zoo, the Mission, and State Street. Rachel also loves visiting wineries in Temecula with her family and cares deeply for the people that mean the most to her in life. She is known for her patience, sense of humor, and tender heart.
You may contact Rachel for information about programs and with specific questions about your loved ones at
Take Care Totes Program Is Lifeline
to Homebound Seniors
Pictured clockwise: Joe and Judith Ewing, Robert “Sir Robert” Antonini, Friendship Center Staff Ana Leon, Heidi Holly and Kim Larsen, Garden-themed goodies, Ruth Norris.
May 13 marked the 11th monthly delivery of Friendship Center’s signature comfort-food for the isolated soul Take Care Totes. Beginning just 10 days after mandatory shelter-in-place orders, Friendship Center’s Take Care Tote program represents a lifeline to homebound, isolated seniors.
“Ideally, Take Care Totes represent joy and love as they open the bags to see what activities, treats and practical items are available to them this month,” says Friendship Center Family Services Manager Kim Larsen. “I’ve had members tell me it’s like Christmas or Hanukkah and their birthday all rolled into one.”
Each round of deliveries is organized around a theme, with the latest “spring gardening” featuring terra cotta pots, seed packets and mulch courtesy of Home Improvement Center and Mission Villa. Straw Panama hats, funded by Donna Baird, along with lip balm and sunscreen sets round out the garden goodies that went out in May.
Also included each month are games to stimulate the brain, playdough packs, and this month shape springs for manual dexterity exercise.
This month 37 Totes—down from an all-time delivery high of 130—were delivered with the invaluable volunteer efforts of Easy Lift Transportation and the Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade. Kim personally delivered five and shipped another two to members living outside the area.
Notes Kim, “I hear back from the families and caregivers that our Take Care Totes really do make members feel the connection and compassion that Friendship Center is famous for when they receive these totes.”
It’s unclear at this point how much longer the Take Care Totes program will continue as our reopen plan is written and approved, but June’s TCTs are already in the planning.
Contact Family Services Manager Kim Larsen at: or (805) 969-0859, ext. 2 to volunteer or receive the Take Care Totes donations wish list.
Make Friendship Center Your Amazon Charity and Donate While You Shop! Amazon will donate .05% of your purchase to Friendship Center at no extra cost to you.
Virtual Programming Keeps Members Connected!
At Friendship Center, we foster strong partnerships with family caregivers at all times. During Covid-19 quarantine, this means showing caregivers how to help members stay connected via Zoom.
Keeping our members engaged with friends and activities ~ even while in the social distancing home stretch ~ is our continued goal. We are still here to make this possible.
For more information about enrolling, please contact Family Services Manager Kim Larsen at: or (805) 969-0859, ext. 2