Ventura County Supervisor Janice Parvin responds to CPUC’s proposed motion to discmiss AT&T targeted relief request of COLR

VENTURA COUTY — Supervisor Janice Parvin today responded to the recent proposed decision to dismiss pending before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding AT&T’s targeted relief from its Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligation in Ventura County. This proposed decision to dismiss will be heard at the Commission’s June 20th, 2024, Business Meeting.

The CPUC’s proposed dismissal comes at a crucial time when the telecommunications landscape in our region is rapidly evolving. AT&T’s request for targeted relief has significant implications for the community’s access to reliable and affordable communication services.

“The CPUC’s proposed decision to dismiss AT&T’s request underscores the importance of ensuring equitable access to essential services for all residents of Ventura County”, stated Supervisor Parvin. “As your County Supervisor, I remain committed to advocating for policies that prioritize Public Safety and the needs of our constituents, particularly those in underserved areas.”

I urge the CPUC to engage in further dialogue with stakeholders, including local government officials and community representatives. Together, we can work towards solutions that foster innovation, competition, and most importantly, ensure that no resident is left behind in the digital divide.

As we navigate these complex issues, I will continue to champion policies that promote fair and equitable access to telecommunications services for all residents of Ventura County.

For more information about Supervisor Janice Parvin’s initiatives and collaborations, please visit