Sept. 16 — Ventura County Freight Corridors Study Workshop

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We welcome you to participate in the third and final Ventura County Freight Corridors Study workshop on Thursday, September 16 at 4:30 p.m. in English and at 6:30 p.m. en Español. We will recap the process to develop the draft Freight Corridors Study and recommended areas of focus for the future of freight movement in the County. This presentation will introduce the draft study, which will be available on the project website (we will send you an email when it becomes available). After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions/comments by attendees.

Can’t make the workshops? Not a problem! Recordings of all the virtual workshops will be available on the project website.  If you have comments or questions about the draft study at any point you can submit it through the project website or by phone or email.

Our schedule to complete the Freight Corridors Study is:

  • October 1- Presentation at the VCTC Board Meeting (Public Meeting)
  • October 15 – Deadline to Submit Comments
  • November 5 – Consideration of Approval by VCTC Board (Public Meeting)


We welcome your feedback at any time. Thank you for being an important stakeholder in guiding the future of transportation infrastructure in the County, and we hope to talk to you on September 16!



Contact Info 
Caitlin Brooks, Project Manager
Ventura County Transportation Commission
805-642-1591 x119 []


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