Ventura County Arts Council — Microbusiness Relief Grants: APPLY NOW!

Ventura County Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grants
Are you an artist, arts business or arts nonprofit operating in Ventura County who earned $50,000 or less (primary means of income) in 2019 and were significantly impacted by COVID-19? If so, you are encouraged to apply for a $2,500 business assistance grant. Grants will be awarded until the grant funding has been exhausted, so don’t delay!
The application window is open now and will remain open through Tuesday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m.
Need help determining if you are eligible, or with submitting your grant application? Help is available!
  • You can call the county’s grant phone line at (888) 405-1004.
  • The Ventura County Arts Council can also provide brief assistance over the phone or Zoom to local artists and arts orgs. Email us at to schedule a 15-20 minute appointment.