United Way of Santa Barbara County and Community Partners Provide Gifts to 53 Local Children and Families During Holidays

Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA — United Way of Santa Barbara County (UWSBC) and community donors from United Way’s Young Leaders Society, The Zia Group, L3 Harris, and Northern Trust provided holiday wish list gifts to 53 local children and families this 2020 holiday season through their Adopt-A-Child gift drive.

UWSBC worked with local partners Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara and Harding Elementary School to identify recipient children, whose families needed extra help to provide holiday gifts during these difficult times. Each child submitted a special wish list of items to United Way to share with participating workplaces. Thanks to these generous donors, every child received their wish list items before the Christmas holiday.

“This year has been difficult for so many in our community who are struggling to make ends meet. We are so grateful for our community partners that have helped to bring smiles to our holiday gift drive recipient families and bring a small sense of normalcy during these uncertain times,” said Steve Ortiz, President and CEO of UWSBC.

Gifts were distributed to the children and families on Friday, December 18th. United Way of Santa Barbara County would like to thank its generous partners: The Young Leaders Society, Zia Group, L3 Harris, Northern Trust, Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara, and Harding Elementary School, who helped make this Adopt-A-Child gift drive possible this year.

To learn more, or make a donation to UWSBC, please visit: https://www.unitedwaysb.org/

About United Way of Santa Barbara County — United Way of Santa Barbara County (UWSBC) has the unique and positive vision that “in our community, everyone has a hopeful future.” Since 1923, UWSBC has served Santa Barbara County community through funding, volunteer development, and by utilizing its own unique initiatives that involve dozens of local nonprofit and public sector agencies. UWSBC’s local community driven Power of Partnership™ priorities help children, families and seniors with a focus on Education, Income and Health. To learn more, please visit unitedwaysb.org.