Tickets still available for MICOP’S Aug. 3 ‘Night in Oaxaca’ fundraiser

Tickets are still available for “Night in Oaxaca,” said Donna Foster, operations manager for the Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project in Oxnard.

 “If you haven’t bought tickets and you’d still like to, we still have some tickets left so please contact us if you’d like us to reserve seats,” Foster said. “We are also looking for a few volunteers who can help out from 5:30 to 9:30 that evening. If you would like to help with set up, clean up and food service please contact me for more details. Volunteers will receive a chicken mole meal at the event. We’re looking forward to a fabulous evening.”

“Night in Oaxaca” will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 at the Oxnard Elks Lodge, 806 So. A St.

The event includes a traditional Oaxacan mean and Oaxacan dance, and will also feature local weaver Porfirio Gutierrez who will be demonstrating his work with a live auction of his weaving. His work can be seen at

A print of the event’s signature painting by Fernando Olivera of Oaxaca City will be raffled at the event. Raffle tickets are $5.

For more information, call Foster at 805-483-1166.