Supervisor Zaragoza inducted into Oxnard High School Hall of Fame

Fifth District Supervisor John Zaragoza

Ventura County Supervisor and Oxnard High School alumnus John C. Zaragoza was inducted into the Oxnard High School Hall of Fame on Thursday, Oct. 13.

“I am honored to receive this great award from Oxnard High School,” Zaragoza stated in a media release. “When I was growing up, as a young child attending Ramona School in the Colonia, I never envisioned that I would one day receive this kind of honor.”

Zaragoza joins a distinguished class of educators, government officials, sports stars and community leaders also named to the Hall of Fame. These include former State legislator and Oxnard Mayor Nao Takasugi, sports stars Clarence “Bud Houser, Ken McMullen and Nick Curtis, former School Board and City councilmember Bedford Pinkard, former Oxnard High School Principal Daisy Tatum and Oxnard Assistant Police Chief Scott Whitney.

“These are great people who have made great contributions to our community. I am honored to be compared to these great community leaders,” Zaragoza said.

Former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, who was the first inductee into the Oxnard High Hall of Fame, was the keynote speaker. Four current Oxnard High students also gave speeches, and they noted the importance of great teachers in inspiring young people toward a successful life.

“I was very fortunate to have a great third grade teacher, Mrs. Carnavolov,” Zaragoza said. “One day I got into trouble, and she made me stay after school and write 100 times on the blackboard — ‘The key to success is an education.’ But she also told me that I was very smart and a natural leader and she gave me the feeling that I was special and that I could do great things with my life. I am really indebted to Mrs. Carnavolov for her faith and encouragement.”

One of the Oxnard High student speakers discussed the importance of great role models.

“I was fortunate to have a great role model at work – Mr. Dave Lowman, City of Oxnard Transit Supervisor,” Zaragoza said. “Mr. Lowman gave me the opportunity to work as his Assistant Transit Superintendent. I received no extra pay or benefits, but I did get some great experience and understanding on how to manage people and programs. Mr. Lowman also encouraged me to continue my college education and to work hard and strive to do my best. Inspired by Mr. Lowman, I completed my bachelors degree in business administration a few years later.”

Zaragoza said he would would like to commend Oxnard High School for its on-going efforts to educate and inspire future young leaders.

Oxnard High School has an outstanding Academic Decathlon Program, a successful Mock Trial program, and numerous other programs to support academic and career success. He would also like to thank Principal Riegert, school administrators, teachers, staff, students and others at Oxnard High school for his wonderful award.

Supervisor Zaragoza says that receiving this award reminds him of the quote by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who said “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.”