Social Justice Fund for Ventura County (SJFVC) July Fellowship Update


As the 2022-2023 Social Justice Fellowship cycle comes to an end, there is much to reflect on and celebrate! We are proud to highlight that the SJFVC is a first funder, helping new leaders who have never received funding before. In the summary below, you will notice that a majority of our Fellows are now receiving more funding and support from foundations and other sources. This is a great sign that our training and coaching is helping to launch them as new voices for justice.

Brenda (Healthy Nyeland Acres), after many months of perseverance, was able to advocate successfully for the creation of John C. Zaragoza Community Center and Park in Nyeland Acres. She held her last SJFVC workshop on Tobacco Education (pictured below) which had about 45 attendees, thanks to the increased community center access. The Zumba classes will continue as the Ventura County Public Health Department has decided to adopt these classes, thanks to Brenda’s advocacy and leadership. Additionally, Brenda is beginning to make similar plans to begin yoga classes for Nyeland Acres residents. Finally, we want to congratulate Brenda for her acceptance into the Ventura County Leadership Academy! Congratulations Brenda on an amazing opportunity to build on your strong leadership skills.

Sierra (Saticoy Farmers Market) has completed all required steps for the Saticoy Farmers Market and is now fundraising to help get to the finish line. Sierra has an upcoming Paint and Sip fundraising event which will offer a beginner-friendly art lesson on creating highlights and shadows, with attendees painting various fruits and plants from Saticoy. You can register here! Additionally, Saticoy Food Hub now has a website. Check it out! Finally, we want to congratulate Sierra on receiving a grant from No Kid Hungry which will, in part, pay for equipment for the storage, processing, and preserving of food. Congratulations Sierra on your hard work!

Dexter (Project 50) has concluded his Fellowship but continues his advocacy work for the Black community of Ventura County. In recent months, Dexter has worked on creating partnerships with organizations and building resources and advocacy for youth in Ventura County. Recently, he took a group of students on a field trip to Pacifica Graduate Institute and partnered with the Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) to offer free computer classes to the Black community. Thank you Dexter for your compassionate and thoughtful leadership!

Fatima and Zuli (Oxnard Birthworkers) have concluded their workshops. However, they are amassing an incredible community of birthworkers, mental health specialists, social workers, and reproductive justice advocates. Their community events are a vital part of the reproductive justice movement in Ventura County and we want to congratulate them on their growing organization and their transformative advocacy work in Oxnard. Here is a list of upcoming events they have planned:

Dafne and Victoria (OxnardLGBTQ+) will conclude their project with their last workshop on July 21st. Additionally, they were able to fundraise enough money at Oxnard Pride that they were able to start a small scholarship program for LGBTQ+ youth titled the L. King and Lucy Hicks Scholarship, which will offer two $500 scholarships for LGBTQ+ students in Ventura County. Here is a link where you can learn more.Thank you OxnardLGBTQ+ for your incredible leadership and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

SJFVC is proud of what our Fellows have accomplished and continue to accomplish, and we could not do it without support from folks like you. Thank you and we look forward to sharing more about our upcoming 2023-2024 Social Justice Fellowship cycle!

With sincere gratitude,

Michael Teasdale

Social Justice Fund for VC

Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair
Social Justice Fund for VC

Kathryn Kinberg

Program Manager
Social Justice Fund for VC

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County funds and empowers future leaders
promoting fairness, equity, human & environmental rights in our community.