Social Justice Fund for Ventura County Monthly Update


Greetings from the Social Justice Fund for Ventura County (SJFVC). This update is the last of 2020, a very tough year for all with the pandemic and a toxic political atmosphere. Despite all this difficulty, I take heart that there are many people, young people, struggling for fairness and equity, and trying to bend the arc of history towards justice. SJFVC, thanks to our donors and supporters, has been able to support this effort. Here is the latest update:

  • The SJFVC made 5 Social Justice Fellowship grants. The grants are of two types. The first type are full Social Justice Fellowships: Elibet Valencia Munoz, Marisa Rodriguez and Sara Guillen have full grants that involve a project, training, coaching and leadership development. All have gone through some project management training and started their projects. For example, Sara Guillen organized a team to conduct 100 interviews with families for her project to identify needs for healthy food last Tuesday – the results are already helping Westminster Free Clinic.
  • The second type of Social Justice Fellowship grants are capacity building grants. These are smaller grants to help emerging leaders start a new organization: paying for a web site, a subscription to Zoom or helping get nonprofit status. RISEand Justice in the Classroom are our capacity building grantees. They have both begun working with lawyers to get a 501c3 status with the mentoring of our Vice Chair, Rabiah Rahman. Both are making efforts in their communities to push back against racism and bigotry.
  • Remember Jan 17 at 7 PM! The Chalice in Newbury Park is holding a zoom Community Forum featuring 3 of our Fellows. You will be able to hear them speak about their projects and answer questions. We will be sending our more information after the New Year. Please plan to join us to hear these emerging leaders who are each very inspiring.
  • Lastly, I want to thank all our supporters and donors again. Our initial year granting Social Justice Fellowships to emerging leaders was very productive thanks to you. With your continued support we will be able to help more emerging leaders next year. We will develop new voices for justice while they impact their community with their projects. Help us to start the new year by donating below.

Wishing you a happy and safe holiday.

All the Best,

Michael Teasdale, Chair of the Board, Social Justice Fund for Ventura County

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