‘Social Justice Center Stage’ will be held May 6 in Thousand Oaks

“Social Justice Center Stage,” the Social Justice Fund for Ventura County’s third annual  community fundraiser/celebration, will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 6 at Larry Janns’ Four Friends Gallery, 1408 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks.

The program includes live theater with young actors from the Gold Coast Conservatory, silent and live auctions, the presentation of the winning entries of Ventura County teens who submitted creative expressions — in words, posters and videos — on the subject of social justice, wine and appetizers.

Tickets are $50. To RSVP, visit www.socialjusticefundvc.org

In 2011, the organization provided grants to The Abundant Table for the Rooted Futures project, One Step a la Vez, Cabrillo Economic Development Corpration, the Central Coast Alliance for a Sustainable Economy, the Coalition for Sustainable Transportation, the Multicultural Community Ventures Initiative, the Mixteco/Indígena Community Oranizing Project and the Organizacion en California de Líderes Campesinas.

Requests for Proposals for 2012 will be available for downloading on May 15, with applicant meetings on June 4 and 13. Final RFP proposals are due by July 18.

Call Tricia Keen at 805-766-2420 or send an email to socialjusticefundvc@gmail.com for more information.