SMHS Future Business Leaders of America make impressive showing

Back Row: Lizeth Guzman-Calderon, Lourdes Asuncion, Briana Nunez, Nashali Vicente, Jesus Orozco, Eduardo Santos-Santiago, Sahir Sanchez, Isaac Ochoa and Cindy Quaid, SMHS FBLA Adviser
Front Row: Esmeralda Morales, Jacqueline Mendoza, Berenice Lopez Vega, Eliot Baez, Eduardo Santos-Santiago, Alejandra Cabrera, Jaelia Basulto, Alexia Espejo, Rafael Gomez Ruvalcaba, Astrid Gonzalez and Andrea Gutierrez. Courtesy photo.

SANTA MARIA — Eighteen members of the Santa Maria High School Future Business Leaders of America recently made an impressive showing during various business competitive events at the Future Business Leaders of America Gold Coast Section Conference in South Pasadena.

The event allowed students to qualify for the California Future Business Leaders of America State Leadership Conference, according to Saint Business Teacher Cindy Quaid. It will take place April 25-28 in Sacramento.

Results of Santa Maria High School FBLA Members who placed in their competitive events:

  • Alejandra Cabrera (12th grade), Computer Applications – 6th place
  • Eduardo Santos-Santiago (11th grade), Computer Applications – 5th place
  • Esmeralda Morales (12th grade), Computer Applications – 4th place
  • Alexia Espejo (11th grade), Word Processing – 6th place
  • Berenice Lopez (12th grade), Word Processing – 5th place
  • Lizeth Guzman-Calderon (11th grade), Impromptu Speaking – 8th place
  • Eliot Baez (10th grade), Intro to Information Technology – 3rd place

Introduction to Public Speaking– 8th place


Team Events:

Isaac Ochoa (10th grade) &

Rafael Gomez (12th grade) – Entrepreneurship Team, 10th place

Lourdes Asuncion (12th grade)

Berenice Lopez (12th grade) &

Jackie Mendoza (12th grade) – Sports & Entertainment Management, 8th Place


“Confidence comes from preparation and the awards we brought home with us represent the time and effort we spent getting ready for the conference,’’ said Rafael Gomez Ruvalcaba, a 12thgrader.

Esmeralda Morales agreed, “I didn’t think there would be so many people who came to take tests. It was pretty amazing to see them all.”

Berenice Lopez Vega stated, “Bringing home these awards takes time and dedication, but we couldn’t have done it without our FBLA Chapter and the bond that we have created with one another.”

“My favorite memory from section was networking and participating in the workshops,’’ according to Lourdes Asuncion.

Alejandra Cabrera, SMHS FBLA Chapter President, summed it up.

“Section conference was a success and we bonded together as a chapter,’’ Cabrera said. “My last section conference will be remembered.’’