SMHS Alpine Club and Las Flores Ranch

Courtesy photos.

SANTA MARIA — Seventeen SMHS students who enjoy the outdoors recently added to its access for others during a community service project at Los Flores Ranch, a recreational space in the Solomon Hills, south of Santa Maria and Orcutt.

The Saint Alpine Club helped build a large portion of a new trail for recreational use by the public. The outreach marks the third time they have performed volunteer work at Los Flores, but only the second time building trails. Last time, a group planted a few hundred oak trees.

“This was really rewarding,’’ said junior Adolfo Pena, as he looked back at a huge section of the trail just built with a smile on his face. “We have done a lot of work and it is nice to see how good the trail looks now.”

Club Advisor Amy Hennings said she is proud of her students, adding “they worked hard in the heat and it was difficult labor.”

The public area has about 18 miles of trails for hiking, mountain bike riding and equestrian use and is owned by the City of Santa Maria.