Sept. 9 — SBCC Celebrates 100 Years of Adult Education at Wake Campus Garden Party

SANTA BARBARA — Join the community for a garden party at the SBCC Wake Campus to celebrate 100 years of Adult Education in Santa Barbara, hosted by the SBCC School of Extended Learning and the SBCC Foundation. All are welcome!

On April 1, 1918, eighty-one students enrolled in a new “evening program” in Santa Barbara, taking English and citizenship classes. Today, the SBCC School of Extended Learning offers free and fee-based programs and classes that serve our diverse adult population, including English as a Second Language (ESL), Career Skills, Adult High School, Parenting, Health and Safety, Fee-Based Life Enhancement, and a diverse offering of classes for older adults.

Garden party guests will be able to mingle, enjoy refreshments and learn about adult education in Santa Barbara. A short program will include remarks from Dr. Anthony E. Beebe, SBCC Superintendent/President; Dr. Melissa V. Moreno, Interim Vice President of the School of Extended Learning; Geoff Green, CEO of the SBCC Foundation; Lee Luria, a supporter and student of adult education in Santa Barbara since 1957; Phil Mundy, nephew of Selmer Wake and trustee of the Wake Family Trust; and Lucio Garcia, a former SBCC student.

  • WHAT: School of Extended Learning garden party celebrating 100 years of Adult Education in Santa Barbara
  • WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 9 from 4-6 p.m.
  • WHERE: SBCC Wake Campus, 300 N. Turnpike Road.
  • PRICE: Free

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