Sept. 14 — A Tribute to Lynne West: 30 Years of Service to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County

VENTURA COUNTY — At a recent fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County (BBSVC), CEO Lynne West was surprised when her staff took the mic and invited her to the stage with them for a very special announcement, “We’d like to take a moment to recognize someone who makes every single day at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County a reality.”

The surprise announcement in May 2017 recognized a very important milestone for both BBSVC and its CEO: the 30th anniversary of service by organization leader Lynne West. Starting in 1987, West has grown from the front lines as a mentoring program manager to a service-oriented CEO who is carrying the Ventura County agency into a big, bright future.

“The last 30 years have been incredibly rewarding as I have gotten to see so many of our littles grow up and become successful,” says West. “That is why I know that what we do makes such a difference in the lives of those we work with. Not only the Littles, but the Bigs as well. Getting up every morning and knowing how positive the work is that we do motivates me to keep going. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my career.”

In celebration of Lynne West’s service to the agency, the Board of Directors and staff at BBSVC are holding its first annual gala, which will recognize Lynne West: 30th Anniversary Gala in honor of her service. “Through her leadership of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County for 30 years, Lynne West has been completely dedicated to a positive future for the community,” says BBSVC Board President, Wilmer “Chip” Marvin. “As the organization has served thousands of children and adults through one-to-one mentoring, Lynne is truly ‘Big Sister’ to Ventura County.”

To be held on the evening of Thursday, September 14, at Las Posas Country Club, the gala will celebrate the personal achievements and professional leadership of West, the lives she has changed in Ventura County, and her even brighter future with BBSVC. The event will feature special guest speakers and appearances, surprises, and a unique auction experience to benefit a big future for the agency. The special gala requires cocktail attire and is a cost of $150 per plate, although group discounts and sponsorship opportunities are also available. Gala sponsors include McFadden Family Law & Mediation, Scott Hansen, The Fine Print Shop, Coffey Talk, Where2Print, Matt Grashaw Photography, and the Ventura County Star.

If you are interested in celebrating Lynne West and her 30 years of service to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County, or learning more about Lynne and BBSVC, please call Danica Selvaggio at 805.484.2282 or visit for more information.

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County: Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBSVC) has been helping youth in Ventura County and neighboring communities realize their potential for over 45 years. Facilitating more than 1,500 one-to-one mentoring relationships annually, BBSVC is committed to bringing this life-changing program to every child who needs it. BBSVC is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that depends on private donors for 75% of its funding. To donate, become a mentor, or learn more about BBSVC, please call 805-484-2282 or visit