Segue now at Ventura College

By Jerry Beckerman • Executive Director Segue Career Path Mentors Program

We are thrilled to announce that Segue is now serving students at Ventura College and, for the first time, at a wonderful high school in Oxnard, Pacifica High.

Please consider bringing your magic to the students at these new Segue schools. What you share becomes proof to them of why school is relevant for their future.

Hope can’t wait!  When students learn that they too can have a future, and maybe a career just like you, it can give them hope and good reason to put in the effort.  This idea changes everything!

People often tell me that they wish they had a “Segue” program at their school when they were young.  If only we knew then what we know now, right?

You can be a part of the inspiration that can change the life of a young person!

Segue is organized so you can pick a date to come and speak that fits your calendar. You can do it by clicking here. The sign-up takes just 2 minutes online.

If you have any questions, please call me (805-643-3444).

Thank you for supporting our students,


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