Segue Career Mentors update for April 9

Click here for the entire e-newsletter


Student comment:
“The speakers motivated me to realize that I need to get good grades to get into good colleges and to then get into a good company.  Helped me think about what I wanted to be when I grow up.  I definitely learned about new career options.”
Dear Community Member,
If you’ve spoken before to local students in class, you know how satisfying it is, and how you can see the difference you make.
If speaking in class is new to you, we make it easy.  You pick the date, you are sent a short speakers guide, then the teachers and you are emailed reminder notices.
Multiple studies confirm that students are greatly supported when they see real options for their own future careers. Learning career options makes school more relevant and give students hope.
Studies about Segue, such as from Harvard University (link below) and CLU, have Segue and found important positive outcomes.
When you speak, you are on and off campus in 90 minutes.  You can reach about 100 students in three different classes.
There’s just three weeks left to sign up so please take a moment now if you can.
By clicking here, in two minutes, you can now choose a date that fits your calendar any time from now through May 30, 2018.
See a powerful 4-minute Segue video with respected local leaders by clicking here.
Please call me with any questions or ideas.
In appreciation,
Jerry Beckerman
Executive Director
“Inspiring and informing students today to
support their career successes tomorrow”