SBCC Finalizes Superintendent/President Screening Committee

SANTA BARBARA — On May 23, 2019, the Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees finalized the 17-member screening committee for the hiring of the new Superintendent/President. Three of the 17 members represent the community or noncredit programs while the other 14 represent various constituent groups within the college. The role of the screening committee is to interview, evaluate and forward candidate finalists to the Board of Trustees for their final decision.

“The Board was very impressed with the public response to our request for community volunteers on the committee. We sincerely thank everyone who expressed interest,” said Robert K. Miller, SBCC Board President.

The Community members-at-large that were selected are: Meredith Murr, a Ph.D. scientist and science and proposal strategy consultant with extensive experience in higher education, and Norm Habermann, a longtime resident, member of the UCSB Foundation Board of Trustees, and member of the Santa Barbara Scholarship Foundation Board of Directors. The community member chosen to represent SBCC’s noncredit student population is Alfred Smith, a retired professional with experience in communication and strategic analysis.

The College constituent group representatives on the screening committee are: Jennifer Maupin, Ruth Morales and Patricia Stark (Faculty Academic Senate); Cornelia Alsheimer-Barthel (Faculty Association); Patricia Mautone (Noncredit Faculty); Luz Reyes-Martin (President’s Cabinet); Paloma Arnold, Michael Medel, and Priscilla Mora (Management); Liz Auchincloss, Sherie Higgins, and Tim Stone (Classified Staff); Sage Gaspar (Associated Student Government) and Geoff Green (Foundation for SBCC).

The Committee will work closely with the search consultant, the Association of Community College Trustees.  The committee expects to interview selected candidates in October 2019.  After interviews, site visits and a community forum, the Board is expected to announce its final candidate by the end of October. It is expected that the new Superintendent/President would begin in January 2020.