Santa Paula Art Museum — Important July Updates!

JULY 2022

Biodiversity #96 by Hiroko Yoshimoto, 2021, Oil on canvas, 16 x 16 inches, Available for purchase beginning July 16.
Hiroko Yoshimoto: New Works featuring Impending Storms by Blue Marble Art Collective

Saturday, July 16, 2022, from 4 PM to 6 PM

Free admission

Due to the rise in COVID levels locally, we will no longer be serving food or drink during this event. We encourage guests to wear face masks inside the event, and masks will be available at the door.

On Saturday, July 16, meet artists Hiroko Yoshimoto, Katherine Chang Liu, W. Scott Miles, and Tori Tasch at the Santa Paula Art Museum for the premiere of their new exhibition! Yoshimoto’s newest works represent the Ventura artist’s continued work on her long-running Biodiversity series, as well as her recent work in silverpoint medium. Works by Blue Marble Art Collective (Yoshimoto, Liu, Miles, and Tasch) are also featured, including the group’s large-scale installation, Impending Storms.

The premiere reception will include a special musical performance by Karen Pecht. Reservations are not required.

ArtWalk at the Ranch

Sunday, July 24, 2022, from 2 PM to 6 PM

Reservations are now closed

Due to the overwhelming response to ArtWalk at the Ranch, this event is now at capacity. Thank you to everyone who RSVP’d!

Disappearing Butterflies (detail) by Tori Tasch, 2021, Cyanotype, pencil and transfer prints, 40 x 28 inches, Available for purchase beginning July 16.

Free Family Day: Papermaking

Saturday, July 16, 2022, from 12 PM to 3 PM

Free for all ages

Artist Tori Tasch from Blue Marble Art Collective will lead a special Free Family Day event inside the Museum’s Cole Creativity Center. Tasch will teach kids and families how to make sustainable, handmade paper and plantable seed paper to take home. All are welcome and all materials are provided.

Museum & Gift Shop Hours
Wednesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed Monday and Tuesday
Cost of Admission
Adults $4.00
Seniors $3.00
Students and Members FREE
Free for everyone on the first Sunday of every month