Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center Saves ‘Bubbles,’ Who Undergoes Emergency Surgery After Eating Rocks and a Rubber Ball

SANTA PAULA — “Bubbles,” a three year-old male pitbull, was relinquished by his owners over the weekend, because he was slowly starving to death, over almost a month.  Suffering from malnutrition and severely dehydrated, he was surrendered to Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center, (SPARC.)

SPARC medical staff took X-rays and discovered that the dog had blockages in his throat and gastrointestinal tract and immediately transported Bubbles to an emergency veterinary clinic in Ventura, where he was placed in the intensive care unit (ICU) for lifesaving care.

Veterinarians advised that in his severely debilitated condition made him high risk for major surgery and administered IV fluids and meds in an attempt to boost his strength before risking surgery.  Bloodwork was initiated and an ultrasound determined that he had “free fluid” in his abdomen which indicated possible sepsis, so the only choice left was to risk immediate surgery, which Bubbles underwent on Sunday night.   Half of a rubber ball was found in his gut, preventing the several rocks he had swallowed, from passing through, causing a major blockage.

Post surgery, Bubbles’ healing and recovery will take several weeks and he will be confined to his kennel, taking very short, leash walks a few times per day.  He’s hoping to find a foster home to give him the TLC he will need.

SPARC Director, Nicky Gore-Jones, says, “SPARC is committed to giving every single animal their second chance at life and this big boy certainly needed our help.  Bubbles’ medical costs are currently, $7,007 and we urgently need the support of animal-lovers, to help cover Bubbles’ bills!”

Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center, (SPARC), is a strictly No Kill, non-profit, city shelter, where every animal arriving gets their second chance at life.

SPARC actively saves lives by rehabilitating and rehoming animals, while partnering with the community to provide resources such as low cost spay & neuter, vaccine clinics and education programs.