Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Potential PSPS Warning, June 15 Changes, & Boat Wreckage Cleanup!

Potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
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This week there will be a lot to watch for! There is a Red Flag Warning effective Monday, 6/14 at 6:00 pm until Wednesday, 6/16 at 6:00 am in the mountains and south coast due to forecast winds, low humidity, and very hot temperatures. There will be an Excessive Heat Watch in effect starting Wednesday, 6/16 morning to evening. Drink water and keep your family, including your pets, cool and hydrated. Monitor the forecast for updates, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.


In addition, Sothern California Edison (SCE) has released consideration for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) for the Montecito area, among other areas, beginning Tuesday, 6/15 @ 6 AM until Tuesday, 6/15 @ midnight. SCE is establishing a Community Resource Center at the Independent Living Resource Center (423 W. Victoria, Santa Barbara) AND the Residence Inn (6350 Hollister Ave, Goleta) for those impacted by the power shutoff. Here is a link to the PSPS potential impact map: You can enter your address into the map to see if your residence is impacted. Support is available from noon to 10 PM on June 14th and from 8 AM to 10 PM on June 15th. Contact SCE directly 800-655-4555.


This year has been extremely dry for Southern California, our county included. There is a good possibility that this PSPS event will be one of many more to come. It is extremely important that we as a community prepare and try to mitigate risks of wildfire. We all must prepare, be ready, and have a plan were a fire or PSPS event to breakout near our home. For resources on how to prepare visit: Be sure to sign up for alerts at

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June 15 Marks the START of Our Return to Normalcy
June 15, 2021, marks the State of California’s reopening, at which time the state will discontinue the use of the Blueprint colored tier structure that helped the state manage COVID-19 in our counties over the past year.

California is enjoying the lowest COVID-19 case rate of any US state, and in Santa Barbara we had 0 new cases for the first time today, but the virus can still infect persons without immunity and lead to severe illness.

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is encouraging all eligible residents to get vaccinated and to adhere to masking where it is still required. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a new masking guidance to go into effect on June 15 here.

The new guidelines align with recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating that fully vaccinated people do not have to wear face-coverings or distance in almost all situations.

Under the state’s updated guidelines, vaccinated residents can safely choose to shed their masks except in select circumstances which include public transportation, indoors at schools and child-care facilities, health care and long-term care facilities, correctional facilities and homeless shelters.

Those who are not yet vaccinated will need to continue wearing masks at indoor public settings, including retail stores, government offices, and movie theaters.

After June 15 in California:

  • No more physical distancing requirements for attendees, customers, and guests at almost all businesses and other institutions (except public transportation, health care settings, correctional institutions, and homeless and emergency shelters).
  • No more occupancy capacity limitations for indoor businesses.
  • Restrictions at restaurants, open bars, and buffets will go away.
  • Organizers of indoor events with more than 5,000 people, such as a basketball games etc., will be required to either verify that attendees are fully vaccinated or have tested negative within 72 hours of the event’s start time or they can choose to have everyone wear a mask.
  • Organizers of large outdoor events with more than 10,000 attendees should follow the new masking guidance.
  • The requirement/recommendation for testing and vaccine verification will remain in effect through Oct. 1, though state officials will assess conditions prior to that to determine how, or whether, to update or extend that guidance.
  • California’s travel advisory will be retired. We urge everyone to follow CDC travel advisories.

Boat Removal Success Story

Huge thanks to all involved in the removal of the boat that washed up onto the beach at Sandyland/Padaro a few weeks back. I am grateful to the resident who contacted my office when it first hit the beach, and for the incredibly quick and collaborative approach taken by the Sheriff’s Office, Santa Barbara County Parks Department, Heal The Ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard, Marborg Industries, Union Pacific Railroad, and more. Another big thank you to the California State Division of Boating and Waterways for providing the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office with the “SAVE-19” Grant, which covered a majority of the cost for this clean-up operation. The trouble with this particular wreck was that it was on the beach on the other side of the Union Pacific railroad tracks. Getting heavy equipment over the tracks was the key to getting at the wreckage. The team work and coordination was picture perfect and now we can all enjoy this beautiful weather knowing our coast was protected from this potential environmental catastrophe!