Santa Barbara First District Supervisor Das Williams — Making Progress

Although we have not reduced our cases enough to move from the purple tier to red tier according to the California Blueprint for a Safer Economy metrics, we are making significant progress. On August 31st, the county’s 7-day case rate was 9.0 per 100,000 population. Yesterday, the Santa Barbara County Department of Public Health released our first official report card number as 8.3 cases per 100,000 population. We need to lower our 7-day average positive case number to 7 per 100,000 population to move to the red tier. If we remain vigilant and maintain this positive momentum, we will likely be able to move to the red tier by the end of September. See more about which sectors can operate in each tier.
Virtual Public Workshop: Regional Housing Needs Allocation
SBCAG is hosting a virtual public workshop via Zoom Webinar on two major initiatives: The Regional Transportation Plan / Sustainable Communities Strategy (Connected 2050 RTP-SCS) and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). The virtual public workshop will take place on September 24, those interested can participate in one of two sessions being offered at Noon and 5:30 p.m. Public input will help influence the long-term growth and development of our region for the next 30 years, specifically the prioritization of local resources to address existing and future housing, transportation, and jobs. Spanish language interpretation services will be available during each session. Zoom Webinar information available via this link at
New Unemployment Benefits
On Monday, California’s unemployment department began sending $900 in federal benefits to millions of jobless workers. The payment covers three retroactive weekly installments of $300 to the week that ended August 1st. Workers will later receive a $600 payment for an additional two weeks of benefits. To be eligible for the federal benefits, workers must be receiving at least $100 weekly in state benefits and have certified their unemployment is related to COVID-19. For more information and to file a claim, click here.
Census 2020
21 Days left to make sure EVERYONE is counted!



The last day to complete the Census is now September 30. The County of Santa Barbara has a 69% response rate so far. That means we have 21 days to increase our response rate by 30% to make sure EVERYONE is counted. There has been unprecedented fear about completing the Census this year and it is critical that people are aware that there is no question regarding citizenship on the Census and that it is against the law for your responses to be used against you. Census data will inform the distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds across the United States to be used for schools, hospitals, roads, and other vital programs. We want to make sure we get our fair share. Please share info about the Census with everyone you know! Learn more.


Can’t find the Census materials dropped off or mailed to your home? Don’t have your 12-digit Census ID? Don’t want a Census Worker to visit your home? No problem!


It’s quick and easy to reply. Call 844-330-2020 or respond online now.


Fire Safety and Preparedness
With the recent red flag warning over the weekend and the fire that broke out in Miguelito Canyon near Lompoc, I’d like to remind everyone about the now year-round threat of wildfire. Please make sure that you are prepared and remember: Ready! Set! Go!

  • Ready! Prepare yourself, your family and your property.
  • Set! Monitor fire weather/activity and prepare to evacuate.
  • Go! Leave early when directed to by public safety officials.

In order to make sure that you receive emergency alerts, please register at

Take care,
