Rio Mesa’s Folklórico Club seeking donations

The Rio Mesa High School Folklórico Club is seeking donations to pay for costumes so the group can perform at the Rio Mesa Dance Show “Switch It Up,” on May 6, at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center.

The club has previously performed during the Oxnard Multicultural Festival and the Oxnard Christmas Parade.

“Our club is self-run and self-funded and there are no fees for the students involved in this club whatsoever,” Adrian Castellon, folklórico club member, stated in a media release. “We want to perform dances from other regions of Mexico. We would like to do a dance from Michoacán and each members costume will cost approximately $100.

“A donation will have a positive effect and will contribute to our goal,” he said. “From all of the students in the club we thank you and appreciate that you took the time from your busy day to read this.”

For more  information, call Mari Escamilla, club coach and adviser, at 805.443.6105 or send an e-mail to