Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation announces instrumental and vocal division winners

First prize winners of the Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation’s 2023 competition from left to right: Ellen Butler (Junior Instrumental Division), Sofia Malvinni (Adult Instrumental Division), and Sibo Msibi (Vocal Division). Photo by Zach Mendez. Courtesy photos.

SANTA BARBARA — The Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation has awarded eleven local youth and adult musicians with scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $6,000 each, following their selection at the organization’s annual competition.

Junior and young adult instrumentalists and vocalists competed for the scholarships during the foundation’s 2023 contest, held April 23 at Lehman Hall in the Marilyn Horne House at the Music Academy of the West. The event is central to the foundation’s mission to support students of the performing arts in the Santa Barbara community. Students are selected for awards by a professional panel of judges and are encouraged to use the funds to develop their musical careers, such as by paying for music lessons, music school tuition, summer music programs, or instrument improvement. 

Junior Instrumental Division

This year’s winners of the Junior Instrumental Division are Ellen Butler, piano (1st prize, $3,000); Joey Malvinni, guitar (2nd prize, $1,500); Holly Hadsall, piano; and Aidan Woodruff, cello, (Honorable Mention, $500 each). 

Butler, 15, is a student at San Marcos High School and has been studying piano for over 7 years. A student of Dr. Natasha Kislenko, Butler is also the 2023 winner of the Santa Barbara Youth Symphony Concerto Competition. Malvinni, 15, attends Dos Pueblos High School and has played in summer master classes all over the world, including in several European cities, Latin America, Boston, Rhode Island, and Los Angeles. His teacher is his father, Dr. David Malvinni, and he plans a career as a classical guitarist.

Also a student at San Marcos High School, Hadsall, 18, studies with teacher Dr. Pascal Solomon. She is already in demand as an expert accompanist and has experience playing for the Music Academy’s children’s chorus SING!Woodruff attends Santa Ynez High School and has been studying cello for 14 of his 18 years. His current teacher is Sarah Koo Freeman at Interlochen Arts Academy.


Adult Instrumental Division 

Second prize winners of the Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation’s 2023 competition from left to right: Ilana Shapiro (Adult Instrumental Division), Ariana Horner Sutherland (Vocal Division), Cam Audras (Adult Instrumental), Joey Malvinni (Junior Instrumental Division), and Lorenzo Johnson, Jr. (vocal division). Photo by Zach Mendez.

The 2023 Adult Instrumental Division winners are Sofia Malvinni, violin, (1st prize, $6,000); Cam Audras, viola, (2nd prize, $3,000), and Ilana Shapiro, flute, (2nd prize, $3,000).

Malvinni, 18, has performed around the globe and has been studying with Simon James at San Francisco Conservatory for the past two years. She has won numerous awards including 1st place in the PASF Junior Division in 2019, and has appeared as soloist in many concerts throughout California.

Audras, 25, is completing his graduate music performance studies at UCSB under the training of Jonathan Moerschel and plans to pursue a full-time career performing as a violist. He has already registered for multiple upcoming professional orchestra auditions. Shapiro, 25, has been studying flute for 12 years, currently with teacher Catherine Ransom Karoly. She is a student at Pomona College, performing in many recitals there.


Vocal Division

The 2023 Vocal Division winners are Sibo Msibi, tenor (1st prize, $6,000); Lorenzo Johnson, Jr., baritone, (2nd prize, $3,000); Ariana Horner Sutherland, soprano, (2nd prize, $3,000); and Nathan Carlin, baritone, (Honorable Mention, $1,000).

Msibi, 27, is a native of Swazi and is finishing his BA in Vocal Performance at Westmont College. He is from the studio of Nichole Dechaine and has appeared in several operas while at Westmont. Johnson, 26, is on track to complete his Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance at UCSB this June and comes from the studio of Benjamin Brecher. He earned his Bachelor of Music at Sam Houston State University, and his Master of Music at Florida State University.

Horner Sutherland, 27, is working on her Doctor of Musical Arts at UCSB. She is from the studio of Dr. Isabel Bayrakdarian. She earned her Bachelor of Music from University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and her Master of Music from Sam Houston State University. Carlin, 20, is a 3rd year Voice Performance and Composition major at Westmont College. He is from the studio of Bryan Lane and plans to be a vocal performer and grow his skills in composition and conducting ensembles.

Established in 1982, the Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation provides financial aid to deserving vocal and instrumental students in Santa Barbara County. The annual competition encourages young musicians to strive for excellence and supports them in their growth as performers. Scholarships are awarded primarily based on talent and skill, but financial need is also considered. Applicants range in age from 16 to 29.

— For more information about PASF, visit