Oct. 16 — Social Justice Fund for Ventura County presents Annual Fundraiser

Building Food Access in Saticoy



Learn about the food desert in Ventura County and our efforts to address its impact! Join us for our Annual Fundraiser as we learn about the unincorporated community of Saticoy.

Building Food Access in Saticoy
Saticoy is a federally-recognized food desert with inadequate access to fresh and healthy food.

Despite these obstacles, leaders such as Sierra Doehr have stepped up to create a farmers market with the goal of establishing access to economic opportunities and a variety of fresh and healthy food options.


Ventura County Supervisor Matt LaVere, whose advocacy and leadership for the Saticoy community is vital to the movement for food access.
Jaymee Jenkins, Boys & Girls Club leader who will speak on the intersection of food access and childhood in Saticoy.
Sierra Doehr, Executive Director of Saticoy Food Hub, SJFVC Fellowship recipient and founder of Saticoy Farmers Market

* Light food and refreshments will be served.



Michael Teasdale

Social Justice Fund for VC


Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair
Social Justice Fund for VC


Kathryn Kinberg

Program Manager
Social Justice Fund for VC



The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County funds and empowers future leaders
promoting fairness, equity, human & environmental rights in our community.


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