Nov. 3 — The Perfect Firestorm – The Thomas Fire Story is screening at the Ojai Film Festival

OJAI — The Ojai Film Festival screenings will be held on Sunday November 3rd at 1pm and Friday November 8th at 1pm at the Sane Living Center at 316 E Matilija St in Ojai.

The documentary chronicles the extraordinary personal stories of survival and healing during and following the devastating Thomas Fire.

“The Perfect Firestorm is an amazing achievement that has had a tremendous impact on so many people in and around this community.  Being recognized by the Ojai Film Festival is well-deserved.  Thank you to CAPS Media for capturing this historic event in such a meaningful way.”

                                           David Endaya, Ventura City Fire Chief.


The film is based on dozens of captivating, inspiring and at times tragic first-person interviews with fire fighters, first responders, residents and others impacted by the tragedy.  The film was produced by CAPS MEDIA in collaboration with the Museum of Ventura County, KEYT, Ventura City Fire and Police, Ventura County Fire, Sheriff’s, Office of Emergency Services and other agencies.
The Perfect Firestorm is a tribute to our entire community of heroes who, in the face of an overwhelming crisis, responded with astonishing calm and then opened their hearts, hands and homes to rescue neighbors and strangers and together rebuild their lives.
Producing the film was a privilege for everyone at CAPS Media.
The festival runs from October 31st through November 10th.
Film festival details are at Ojai Film Festival.
We look forward to seeing you at the screenings.