Nov. 15 — SBCC to host community input meeting

SANTA BARBARA — Santa Barbara City College invites members of the community to attend a community input meeting to discuss the SBCC Facilities Master Plan. SBCC staff will present a draft of the Plan and take comments and questions at the Main Campus on November 15.

The Facilities Master Plan, which is a comprehensive inventory of every building on all three campuses and a listing of their maintenance needs, has been several years in the making. The initial stage of the process was the development of the Program Location and Land Use Master Plan (PLLUMP), a planning initiative focused on evaluating how to locate and group educational programs and operational functions of the college. Community input meetings were held during that phase, and the information gathered was helpful in determining long-term goal setting. It will continue to be a reference document for future consideration.
Continuing toward the final stage of development of the Plan, SBCC Superintendent/ President Dr. Anthony E. Beebe emphasized, “At this time, we have no plans to expand or make significant changes to the size, location or types of any of our programs. Our student population has declined in recent years. We are comfortable with our current size and are not seeking to increase it.”The focus of the Facilities Master Plan is to document the existing state of the buildings and infrastructure at the Main, Schott, and Wake campuses. It also aims to prioritize deferred maintenance of certain facilities and identify funding sources for needed repairs.All interested members of the community are invited to attend a meeting that is most convenient:

Thursday, November 15, 2018, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
SBCC Main Campus Administration Building (A-211) 

721 Cliff Drive., Santa Barbara, CA
(This meeting will be livestreamed and recorded.)

The same information will be provided at each meeting.

In a letter that was recently mailed to 20,000 households in close proximity to each campus, Dr. Beebe expressed, “We truly wish to hear from you, our neighbors, in this important planning process.”

Our Mission: As a public community college dedicated to the success of each student…

Santa Barbara City College provides students a diverse learning environment that inspires curiosity and discovery, promotes global responsibility and fosters opportunity for all.
Our Vision: Santa Barbara City College strives to build a socially conscious community where knowledge and respect empower individuals to transform our world.