By Dave Rodriguez / State President California LULAC

Council 3259 President Steve Orduno, Secretary Anna Caballero, Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin, State Director Dave Rodriguez take part in opening ceremonies for the new LULAC Council in Paso Robles
Last Thursday it was my pleasure to swear in our officers for the new council in Paso Robles. President Steve Orduno and his team organized opening ceremonies with a crowd of about 75 elected officials, community leaders, and members on hand. This was an ideal launch for a new council with the introductory film about LULAC shown to all.
Keynoting the event was Anna Caballero, Governor Brown’s Secretary for Business, Consumer Services, and Housing.
We are excited over the opening of another council in the central coast and look forward to assisting members in developing LULAC’s programs in the area. Members are well organized and committed to the mission. The relationships with policymakers are already in place so we will lend them whatever support is needed to become successful.

Council Secretary Ruth Enriquez Bague, Secretary Caballero and council leaders take part in opening ceremonies for the new LULAC Council in Paso Robles