New board chair, radio program top area news staff report

It was a history-making week in the 805 region with the selection of the first Latino chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors in more than a century.

Meanwhile, the community’s voice will extend beyond the 805 region when a local broadcaster launches his afternoon radio program on Jan. 16.

Fifth District Supervisor John C. Zaragoza

In Ventura County, Fifth District Supervisor John C. Zaragoza was elected as chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors in a meeting held Tuesday, Jan. 10 at the Ventura County Goverment Center in Ventura.

Zaragoza, who is running for re-election, was prevously vice chair of the board.

“I’ve received many calls and emails of support and congratulations and I appreciate them all,” he said in an interview with “Normally the vice chair is appointed to the chair and because I have such a good relationship with the rest of the board of supervisors, they had the confidence to support me to be chair of the board. One of the things I’m proud of is that the last Latino board chair was Adolfo Camarillo, a very prominent person.”

Camarillo served as chair in 1906.

“He was the first Latino to be on the board of supervisors and it’s my honor that after 100-plus years I am the second Latino to be chair,” Zaragoza said. “I’ve had many milestones in my life and in the public arena, but this is one of my biggest milestones.”

While Zaragoza will have a busy year ahead being the chair of the board and also running for re-election, he has confidence he will be able to meet all his obligations.

“One of the important things is that I have a good staff, an excellent staff,” he said. “There is a lot of work that we still have to do and I hope I get re-elected again. We are doing great things, not only for the Fifth District, but for all of Ventura County.”

A number of Latino community leaders spoke in support of Zaragoza, including former Oxnard mayor and current Oxnard Harbor District Commissioner Manuel Lopez and his wife, Rebozo Festival co-founder Irma Lopez; and Ray Tejada of the League of United Latin American Citizens District 17.

David Cruz

Also speaking in support of Zaragoza was David Cruz, former KNBC newsman who currently produces the bilingual radio program “David Cruz — La Voz Poderosa” on KOXR-910 AM on Radio Lazer. Starting Monday, Jan. 16, Cruz will also be heard elsewhere in Southern California when the “David Cruz Show” begins airing weekdays from 3 to 6 p.m. on KTLK—1150AM.

“This is a fresh new look at Southern California through the eyes of a well-known, veteran network television and radio journalist very familiar with communities across the nation’s second-largest market,” Greg Ashlock, president of Clear Channel Radio – Los Angeles, stated in a media release. “His experience and unique storytelling ability are invaluable in bringing the diverse history, viewpoints, culture and issues of the people and places from throughout the region.”

Simultaneous with the launch of the program, Clear Channel is renewing its commitment to work with leading Latino community-based organizations to expand the company’s coverage and participation in significant local initiatives and projects focusing on education, economic development, employment opportunities, Latino procurement, Latino philanthropy and working toward the participation of Latinos in Clear Channel’s corporate board of directors.

“We welcome the opportunity to form a mutually beneficial relationship with the nation’s largest radio network,” said Ruben Jauregui, president and CEO of the Latino Institute for Corporate Inclusion (LICI).

“We see the premier of the ‘David Cruz Show’ as the first step in a series of positive actions we are taking together with Clear Channel and (we) hope to soon announce other achievements,” he added.

LICI is one of the founding members of the newly formed Latino Media Alliance, which also includes, among others, The Latin Business Association (LBA), The Latino Coalition, the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and the American GI Forum – California.

“We congratulate Clear Channel for creating a space on-air that allows Latinos and other communities to be heard,” said Ruben Guerra, chair of the LBA.

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