Opening on December 4th, the Thomas Fire: Our Storiesexhibit and events will commemorate the 2nd largest wildfire in California history and its impact on local residents and businesses. The exhibit will feature images, video, oral histories, inspired artwork and artifacts collected from affected residents. As we did during the Thomas Fire, the Museum of Ventura County hopes to offer community refuge, healing and support through captured footage and community interchange as we continue to work through this period of rebuilding and recovery.
The Museum is seeking individual and corporate sponsors to support this exhibit.
Sponsorships range from $500 to $5,000. Your support will help us recount this important moment in time as well as to help ensure the Museum can continue to record and conserve stories, artwork and artifacts of future historical events. We cannot do this important work without you. To become a sponsor today, contact Advancement Director Deya Terrafranca at 805-653-0323 ext 305 or click
here to become a sponsor now and note Our Stories Sponsor in the “This gift is in memory/honor of…” section.