Museum of Ventura County — Last chance as we move into 2022…

Dear Friend of the Museum,
If you have already made a contribution to the Museum of Ventura County –
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support!
If you haven’t, please consider that a gift can help us serve this community with:
  • Virtual and in-person school tours
  • Free events
  • Virtual and in-person discussions and interviews
  • Historical articles, lectures and videos
  • Exhibits
  • Support programs
  • Free admission to both sites
  • and much much more!
Boroughs Children's Garden
Your gift to the Museum is a gift to the community.
Now, more than ever, community connection is something to cherish. Every dollar you give to the Museum serves to bring people together, either in-person or virtually, with impactful programs that foster empathy, discovery, and dialogue.
We are thankful to you for your generous support of the Museum, and invite you to join us in creating an even stronger Museum in 2022 – and beyond.
Thank you.