Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara — Only 4 days remaining to see This Basic Asymmetry

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There are only four days remaining to view This Basic Asymmetry featuring work by artists Patricia Ayres, Simone Forti, Miguel Angel Payano Jr., Paul Mpagi Sepuya, and Gabriela Ruiz.

This Basic Asymmetry presents the work of five artists whose practices make available their personal processes of introspection, creating a space for the viewer to reflect on their own relationship to their bodies and how that informs one’s perception of others. Addressing the dissonance in our reckoning between self and other, the works exhibited here accommodate space for mutual exploration.

Admission is always FREE! Click here to read more >>>

While you’re at MCASB visiting This Basic Asymmetry make sure you stop by and see our team hard at work on Maria Arroyo’s Earth Day Mural. Maria’s concept was selected to appear on the Paseo Nuevo Arts Terrace Parking Deck adjacent to MCASB. Tune in to Paseo Nuevo’s Instagram Live to see the reveal of the finished mural Saturday, April 23, 2022, during the Community Environmental Council’s Earth Day Celebration at the Arlington Theater!
Thursday, April 14th
5:00 – 6:50 PM
UCSB Embarcadero Hall
35 Embarcadero del Norte, Isla Vista

Join us for an Artist Talk featuring Gabriela Ruiz. Ruiz, whose work can currently be seen in This Basic Asymmetry at MCASB, will discuss her artistic practice sharing insights into her sculptural and performance work. This event is a collaboration with the UCSB Department of Art Visiting Artist Colloquium. All lectures are FREE and open to the public.
MCASB members provide crucial support for our groundbreaking exhibitions and innovative community programming. Membership offers a variety of ways to engage with contemporary art, artists, and fellow culture seekers. Click here to learn more about membership benefits.
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